Author Topic: Democrats Use Regs To ‘Nudge’ You Into Their Utopian Fantasyland  (Read 157 times)

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 Written by Tammy Bruce on May 19, 2021. 
Democrats Use Regs To ‘Nudge’ You Into Their Utopian Fantasyland

biden f-150 etruckNo, it’s not your imagination. The Democratic Party, and in particular the people who run the federal government, are constantly trying to push you into a certain way of life and into particular behaviors.

There is an actual method to this madness, it’s a theory that former Obama adviser Cass Sunstein and economist Richard Thaler introduced to some acclaim in their 2008 book “Nudge.”

Essentially, this is the theory that government should use environments that exist, or even create situations socially, that “nudge” the citizen into particular behaviors.

It’s a confession of those who imagine you being a mouse in a maze, and their new plan to get you to their preferred end is to place cheese along the way. Expecting you not to notice or care, of course, because you’re just a mouse.