State Chapters > California

Water crisis 'couldn't be worse' on Oregon-California border

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--- Quote from: Smokin Joe on May 24, 2021, 05:02:15 pm ---As so often happens, people with advanced degrees use their credentials to beat people who know the land and the system into submission.
Unfortunately, an advanced degree is just a beginning of an education, not the whole picture, and those who do not recognize the value of 20, 30, 60 years of observations made living on the land and seeing what happens there (because agricultural success demands that or you fail), will consistently make decisions based on theory, not necessarily on observed and comprehensive data.

You can't get a feel for an ecosystem on weekend field trips unless you are there every weekend for years, and especially not if your focus is on one small aspect of that ecosystem and proving a thesis rather than truly studying what makes it tick.

So those academics are frequently working with a self-imposed failure to take all the data into account, an unfortunate part of the system of higher education that summarily discards 'layman' observations and denigrates common sense.

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Yes, hands-on experience is often worth a lot more than academics, and a smart academic will listen and not dismiss something because it's not coming from another PhD.


--- Quote from: mrpotatohead on May 24, 2021, 09:25:36 pm ---I guess my local buddies will be heading back to the Central Valley from Texas again to drill water wells for the farmers.  They've made a fortune doing it....

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The central valley is literally lower in elevation by 30 feet in some locations due to pumping of ground water.

Smokin Joe:

--- Quote from: BassWrangler on May 25, 2021, 12:21:59 am ---Yes, hands-on experience is often worth a lot more than academics, and a smart academic will listen and not dismiss something because it's not coming from another PhD.

--- End quote ---
Keep in mind that the smartest academics commonly gravitated toward industry rather than a Government job in a lot of fields.
The old saw remains:
Those who can, do.
Those who can't, teach.
Those who can't teach...

PeteS in CA:

--- Quote from: Smokin Joe on May 25, 2021, 09:26:42 am ---Keep in mind that the smartest academics commonly gravitated toward industry rather than a Government job in a lot of fields.
The old saw remains:
Those who can, do.
Those who can't, teach.
Those who can't teach...

--- End quote ---

... become bureaucrats. yogi555

Katy Grimes has more bad (but predictable) news about CA water lords' incompetence:

--- Quote ---Following the Globe article Friday about the state draining reservoirs even with the dry year California is facing, we noted that California’s largest reservoirs less than two years ago were absolutely teeming with water from 107% to 145% of average. Water expert Kristi Diener said California’s reservoirs held enough water in 2019 for everyone who relies on them for their water supply, for 7 years.

A longtime friend of the Globe, Graig Gottwals, an attorney and professional bass fisherman, reported another infuriating aspect of the draining of California reservoirs – specifically Folsom Lake in the Sacramento region.

“I’ve lived near and bass fished Folsom for 17 years now,” Gottwals said. “Beginning roughly 10 to 12 years ago, the state decided that whenever the lake dropped under 400 feet in elevation, boaters had to abide by a 5 mph speed limit.  This was for purported safety reasons – more of the bubble wrapping of America.”
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