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Mitt Romney: U.S. Capitol Riot Was ‘an Insurrection Against the Constitution’

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How easy it is for the democrats pathological liars to accuse Trump of lieing. How the liars lie and then accuse their opponents of lieing, more often than not false accusations.    They are political whores and beasts in human form and their actions make that clear enough.  As to how they rule when they take over, proud, haut y, arrogant, vicious, intolerant after demanding tolerance for themselves.  Evil, wicked beasts without consciences. How they rule speaks volumes, the worst of the worst, kings of old.

Slide Rule:
No Mitt, none of us know why your mother didn't love you. But we have an idea.

Look at the pattern. McLoser, Liz, and you looking for love in the wrong place.

Saying something pleasant about dims and Marxists won't buy it either.

Its a lack of character issue.


--- Quote from: skeeter on May 20, 2021, 01:40:21 pm ---Yes, @goatprairie please post a few. There must be dozens so it ought to be easy.

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He lied about losing the Iowa primary to Cruz in 2016, and he's been lying about losing the 2020 election for the past six months. He can't stop lying. He even lied about the size of his inauguration crowd and the rain. He exaggerates everything. Maybe in his mind he's telling the truth, but he's a liar. Stop believing his lies.


--- Quote from: goatprairie on May 21, 2021, 02:20:18 pm ---He lied about losing the Iowa primary to Cruz in 2016, and he's been lying about losing the 2020 election for the past six months. He can't stop lying. He even lied about the size of his inauguration crowd and the rain. He exaggerates everything. Maybe in his mind he's telling the truth, but he's a liar. Stop believing his lies.

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Thats what I thought. The left considers opinions & perspectives different from their own ‘lies’ as well. But that doesn’t make them lies.

 I wish I could say 'nice try'.

When the worst of the democrats let manure spill out of their mouths, Romney eats it up and regurgitates it to the public at large.  That's why he so often pushes their talking points.

A liberal NeverTrumper wallowing in and delving in lies, preaches at others not to lie!  Really?  They own patented exclusive rights to lie now ???
 :silly: :silly: :silly: :rolling: ****slapping :rolling: :silly: :silly: :silly:


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