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Mitt Romney: U.S. Capitol Riot Was ‘an Insurrection Against the Constitution’

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--- Quote from: mountaineer on May 15, 2021, 06:43:38 pm ---Words are difficult for Mitt.

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It would be best if he'd just not say anything at all.

Romney took over the reins of serving the democrats, by replacing Monica.  Apparently Mormons and the people of Utah are not concerned as to what an image they get with Romney.


--- Quote from: Killer Clouds on May 15, 2021, 06:50:31 pm ---Romney is a demonrat.

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Mitt Romney Has An 84% Approval Rating With Utah Democrats

@Cyber Liberty

“I was there,” Romney said. “What happened was a violent effort to interfere with and prevent the constitutional order of installing a new president.”

"...prevent the constitutional order of installing a new president.”
That is what happened - Trump sent them there to stop the count of installing the new president.  Plus, Trump during that rally blamed Vice President Pence for not stopping the count, so the mob wanted to find and hang Pence.

Trump is good at one thing: mass hypnosis - just like Captain Ahab (Moby Dick) used mass hypnosis on his ship's crew to keep going after white whale Moby Dick until all but one crew member died.


--- Quote from: christian on May 16, 2021, 06:41:23 am ---Romney took over the reins of serving the democrats, by replacing Monica.  Apparently Mormons and the people of Utah are not concerned as to what an image they get with Romney.

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Some years ago, I read about the Romney family living in Utah and being Mormons.  They were highly regarded in the church and had leader roles.  Mitt also had a church role.  For these reasons, I think he will keep the votes of Utah to stay US Senator. 


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