Author Topic: Biden EPA Updates Its ‘Climate Change Indicators’ Disinformation Website  (Read 205 times)

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 Written by Francis Menton on May 14, 2021. Posted in Latest news
Biden EPA Updates Its ‘Climate Change Indicators’ Disinformation Website

epa headquarters buildingIt appears that sometime last month the EPA provided a major update of what it calls its “climate change indicators.”

The EPA’s web page for this is headed “Climate Change Indicators in the United States,” with the subheading “Climate Change Is Happening Now.”

The update is an initiative of the Biden administration, now eager to invest a few trillion dollars of your money in new “green” infrastructure, after several years in which the Trump EPA paid no attention in keeping this data up to date.

The New York Times reports on the big update on today’s front page, under the headline “Climate Change Is getting Worse, E.P.A. Says. Just Look Around.”