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Re: World Communists coordinated bioweapons release on humanity/usa
« Reply #25 on: May 14, 2021, 12:54:36 am »
Visciously attacking Trump and giving Biden a pass is equal treatment?

I give Biden no quarter.I give no democrat any quarter. Your problem is in that I see Tumpy in the same light as those democrats.

Fauci was working with bio-terrorism China and trying to side track away from that is not working as we are right back at it.  Co-vid was a merciless inhumane attack on the world populace and especially America to try and manipulate a dictator rule in America, and sadly they got away with a lot of it, that is now clearly known.  Many Constitutional rights were suspended, like the right to freely assemble, freedom of speech, right to arm and self-defense, right to freedom of movement, and so many more..

You ain't making any points. It was Tumpy standing up there right next to Fauci.

Offline Sled Dog

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Re: World Communists coordinated bioweapons release on humanity/usa
« Reply #26 on: May 14, 2021, 03:33:59 am »
Yes it is.

Senseless defense of princes.

Hmm...."prince" - the son of a ruler.  Failed boring musician of the 80's and 90's.

The only two "princes" in US presidential history would be John Quincy Adams and Bush Boy W.  I don't know of any that attempted to succeed in a music career before entering politics.   

The other leaders, except for Biden, who was never and never will be a leader, and Obama, who is a Kenyan national, are US presidents.

That's probably why you can't tell which ones are conservative.

And you make the common liberal mistake of pretending not only that only the perfect will suit you, but that nobody else sees through your deceptions.

A guide to what a real American sees as an effective policy:   Hiroshima and Nagasaki ended the war, then there was a small mess to clean up.   Americans want the war with you Rodents to end, and quickly, then we can get to work cleaning up your mess.

The choice to reject Tumpy is the same as any other Republican of late. When one votes according to principle and gauges according to principle, Your prince means nothing.

There has never been a president you believe was "conservative".   Since there never will be, the Americans can draw only one conclusion from your pointless rants.   That they aren't pointless and their goal is clear.

As proven by the result. No Conservatism advanced. AGAIN. you gained nothing at all - or so little as to be inconsequential in the battle. No different than any other. Big talk, no result.

According to you, conservatism has never advanced in your lifetime.   I'm pretty sure you believe Abraham Lincoln was a mistake, too.

It has nothing at all to do with choosing to accept the Democrat. NEITHER is worthy. And in fact, to accept grievous damage to Conservatism from the right in fear of the left is exactly par for the Republican course.

True enough.   "Choosing" is an active verb.  The proper verb to describe the disgusting Never Trumpers is "chosen", as in "the disgusting Never Trumpers had chosen long long ago to wage war on Constitutional conservative America by pretending no conservative elected to office was ever conservative enough".   This type of destruction-by-infiltration is common in proto-Marxist trolls.   

And how exactly is one to oppose Tumpy and his policies, when according to you, I must sit down and shut up or be accused of aiding the enemy? Bullcrap.

One wasn't supposed to oppose PRESIDENT TRUMP'S policies until after the Rodents were turned into a vast pile of unmoving rotting flesh the dog would rather starve than sniff at.

That's how.

It's called "war".  You should play the game.  It's fun and exciting and the people standing in the middle of the battlefield are opportunities for both sides to improve their shooting skills, at no expense to anyone important.

No one here that I am aware of supported the left in any way. Not supporting Tumpy is not the same as suporting the left, any more than not supporting Romulus or McAint was. And funny how their acolytes claimed the very same.

The disgusting Never Trumping anti-America pro-Biden terrorists actively act as subversive trolls who are so stupid they still insist the election of 2020 wasn't stolen by the party they support.

Did you get all of that?

The falsity in that statement is that of Tumpy being the 'good' ... And GREW by leaps and bounds under Tumpy, even more than during past Republican administrations. No difference. The very same temporary conservatism by EO, with permanent liberalism by law. Identical.

When presented with two choices, and one choice is immediate death, the alternative choice is usually the good choice, unless suicide by fascism is some kind of strange personal preference.  I'm not going to judge, because people of the same sort that deem themselves disgusting Never Trumpers have told me that saying Jews were stupid and culpable for meekly walking into the gas chambers is rude and culturally insensitive.   You really should hear them scream when I say the twenty-two college spawn murdered by the Virginia Tech shooter were mostly gutless stupid morons who placed no value on their own lives and thus deserved to die since they stood in line peacefully waiting to be shot in the back of the head rather than risking some kind of messy struggle.   

Disgusting Never Trumpers are not only the morons standing in line waiting to be shot, they eagerly volunteer to help the shooter reload.

Do you have ANY CLUE how real Americans feel about the pathetic losers and traitors who are part of the Never Trump religious suicide cult?   Keep reading.

Conservatives wait for proof and do not rely on wagging tongues.

Conservatives don't "wait".

Conservatives FIGHT.

Now, back to the freakin' TOPIC.

There are two logical possibilities.

China is a disgusting filthy place rife with animal abuse and their disgusting wet markets permitted the accidental breeding of a close cousin of the Chinese SARS virus.

China then had the option (options are CHOICES).   
It could either inform the world, immediately, that a significantly dangerous and particularly contagious corona virus had been discovered, and that the nations of the world should take pre-emptive measures to minimize the global spread of the disease.

Or it could cover up the existence of the disease, shutdown internal travel to prevent the spread of the Wuhan Flu through China and continue to allow potentially infected persons to carry the contagion to the rest of the world, thereby protecting it's people and it's market standing.

Since China decided to play the coverup game on the Wuhan Flu just as it did with the China SARS, China is guilty of the worst global conspiracy and death cult since China joined up with Karl Marx.

Consequence:  China should pay reparations (the full cost every other nation had to pay for China's malfeasance) and the nations of Earth should recapture their manufactring bases from China.  (They should do that last anyway.)

The China Virus was not birthed by nature in a disgusting Chinese animal abusing wet market, it was birthed by deliberate engineering in a Wuhan lab.

This breaks down into two subcases.

The lab techs were incompetent and the virus study was innocent of malign intent.

People stupid enough to be disgusting Never Trumpers might fall for this.  I don't know why any normally intelligent person would.   China long lost the right of presumption of innocence.   They're socialists, and for socialists the rule is to assume harmful intent since the obvious stupidity can be such a nice cover.

Regardless, if birthed in a lab by ignorant bungling Chinese virologists with no idea about proper lab safety precautions, then they are responsible for releasing the virus, and their subsequent behavior does nothing to relieve that, so they should pay full reparations.

The China Virus was deliberately engineered with plans for deliberate release at some time.   Looking at how low the mortality rate is, its obviously a piss poor bioweapon and then they even had to wait for some real capitalist companies to crank out the vaccine, so the evidence is that the weapon's release was extremely premature and accidental, like a Never Trumper on his wedding night.

BUT...since in this case it's a WEAPON of mass destruction, China is still FULLY CULPABLE and should pay not only the full restitution of the monetary damages their weapon caused to all the other nations, but should be forced to pay punitive reparations, to the tune of double the damages.

Only fair.   Allegedly the China Virus has killed more people than Mao See Dung on a couple of bad farming years.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2021, 04:29:15 am by Sled Dog »
The GOP is not the party leadership.  The GOP is the party MEMBERSHIP.   The members need to kick the leaders out if they leaders are going the wrong way.  No coddling allowed.

Online roamer_1

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Re: World Communists coordinated bioweapons release on humanity/usa
« Reply #27 on: May 14, 2021, 04:23:10 am »
Hmm...."prince" - the son of a ruler.  Failed boring musician of the 80's and 90's.

The only two "princes" in US presidential history would be John Quincy Adams and Bush Boy W.  I don't know of any that attempted to succeed in a music career before entering politics.   

The other leaders, except for Biden, who was never and never will be a leader, and Obama, who is a Kenyan national, are US presidents.

That's probably why you can't tell which ones are conservative.

'Princes' used figuratively for following after persons. Fanboi-ism.  It never works, because a single man can do nothing. As proven in Tumpy. And any other you might love and desire enough to throw your panties on the stage.

An utter waste of time. Again, as proven.

What it takes is an organization acting upon a  single cause, not a single prince. And y'all compound your error even yet, making your litmus test whether a candidate has bowed and kissed the ring of your prince, rather than if the candidate abides in Conservatism according to his record.

The point in fact is Conservatism, not Tumpy.

And you make the common liberal mistake of pretending not only that only the perfect will suit you, but that nobody else sees through your deceptions.

[...]There has never been a president you believe was "conservative".   Since there never will be, the Americans can draw only one conclusion from your pointless rants.   That they aren't pointless and their goal is clear

A point confounded by the bare fact that I was willing to vote for Cruz. I am not looking for perfection. I am looking for performance. Performance sadly lacking in your prince.

According to you, conservatism has never advanced in your lifetime.   I'm pretty sure you believe Abraham Lincoln was a mistake, too.

It has not. There is not a single conservative thing that has been advanced in my life. None of it. Across the board, we have less liberty than we had. As counterpoint, liberals have won, over and over again on many fronts. They own the schools, they own the colleges, they own many of the federal bureaucracies. They have advanced their agenda boldly and that whether a Republican sits in the white house and controls both houses of congress or not.

That can only be a matter of collusion or utter ineptitude on the part of the Republican party. Take your pick. And it begins in following princes, and compromising principles - And that begins in voting for the lesser evil.

True enough.   "Choosing" is an active verb.  The proper verb to describe the disgusting Never Trumpers is "chosen", as in "the disgusting Never Trumpers had chosen long long ago to wage war on Constitutional conservative America by pretending no conservative elected to office was ever conservative enough".   This type of destruction-by-infiltration is common in proto-Marxist trolls. 

Your error is in presuming there are only two choices and that the choice between is always clear. A falsity. Hailing Romulous as and instance, as the 'most conservative evah' prince, worthy to ascend, is nothing but a damn lie. and no damn different than electing a liberal. Because that is what he IS.

No, there are always three choices. and one of those is to abstain. And when neither choice provides service to Conservatism, that is certainly what I will do. The only way this gets better is with Conservatives in power in the Republican party, and that don't happen with Tumpy holding hands with Mitch McConnell... SOSDD.

One wasn't supposed to oppose PRESIDENT TRUMP'S policies until after the Rodents were turned into a vast pile of unmoving rotting flesh the dog would rather starve than sniff at.

That's how.

So since he didn't get that done, I would not have been able to oppose at all - And the things you say should have been opposed see no light of day. Typical of acolytes. Here's a clue: He works for ME, not the other way around. And with that in mind, I will bitch all I want to. And rightly so.

It's called "war".  You should play the game.  It's fun and exciting and the people standing in the middle of the battlefield are opportunities for both sides to improve their shooting skills, at no expense to anyone important.

HAHAHAHAHA! You ain't at war. you ain't doing sh*t. You got NOTHING. You won NOTHING. And it cost twenty trillion friggin dollars. A typical waste of time, just like every movement willing to compormise and busy chasing after princes.

Look at the wreckage in your wake and wake the hell up.

When presented with two choices, and one choice is immediate death, the alternative choice is usually the good choice,

BOTH choices were immediate death to this country - It didn't matter. on both sides of the fence, spending us into oblivion. And here it comes. And quite a bit of it by your (y'all) hand

Conservatives don't "wait".

Conservatives FIGHT.

No, Conservatives wait. Rule of law had better mean something to one side or the other, or we are all lost anyway. Prove it. That's how it works.

Offline Sled Dog

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Re: World Communists coordinated bioweapons release on humanity/usa
« Reply #28 on: May 14, 2021, 04:50:32 am »
A point confounded by the bare fact that I was willing to vote for Cruz. I am not looking for perfection. I am looking for performance. Performance sadly lacking in your prince.

In which state was Ted Cruz on the ballot in either November election?

You were willing to vote for someone who wasn't on the ballot.

Isn't that just so sweet of you?   Nobody could possibly miss what you're saying here.   That you didn't vote for Trump and thus helped your pals on the Left.

It has not. There is not a single conservative thing that has been advanced in my life. None of it. Across the board, we have less liberty than we had.

Yes, this is what happens when proto-Never Trumpers repeatedly support the enemy by refusing to help the enemy's opposition.

The ONLY time I didn't vote against the Rodent was when Bush Boy II declared hisself, one of your fellow Texans - you from Texas, aintcha?...was a "compassionate conservative", which made him no less conservative than each and every Never Trumper preening their backsides today.

Bush Boy II was clearly not a real American, and my vote for the Libertarian caused no harm in any case because California is reliably treasonous in all it's national elections since the erection of Bill Clinton to the Oral Office.

Your error is in presuming there are only two choices and that the choice between is always clear. A falsity. Hailing Romulous as and instance, as the 'most conservative evah' prince, worthy to ascend, is nothing but a damn lie. and no damn different than electing a liberal. Because that is what he IS.

In 2016 there were only two choices.


Not Hillary.

You chose Hillary be being not Not Hillary.

In 2020 there was only one choice.

Trump.   Biden was a nothing and nothing isn't a choice.

People who did nothing are nothing.

No, there are always three choices. and one of those is to abstain.

Abdication is not a choice, it's a form of surrender.   A particularly vile form of surrender when the stated preferred alternative is Never Trumpers pooping their pants in excitement.

HAHAHAHAHA! You ain't at war.

Ah, the Whine of the Dreamers.

That's a reference I'm sure escapes you, but don't let it bother you.   

Look at the wreckage in your wake and wake the hell up.

I'm looking at the wreckage of the future.   The future is what we affect.   Looking at that past successes of the Never Trumpers' previous efforts at Cruise Ship Riding have never been pretty.  Glad you agree about that.   Since you persist in doing the same as you have, helping the Rodents and obstructing the Americans, you are certainly happy about what you plan on doing again. 

BOTH choices were immediate death to this country

And the Dreamers liked Flavor-Aid, too, it seems, laced with LSD AND psilocybin.

Of COURSE it mattered.  In the one case, PRESIDENT Trump was attempting to put the brakes on, hold the helm to the Right, and otherwise avoid the giant ice turd the Rodents were steering for.   Now that the election has been stolen (because America DID make a choice, and without any help from the disgusting Never Trumpers) the Rodents have called up all ahead flank, set fire to the life boats and are steering straight toward their beloved Marxist Ice Turd.   The greatest nation in the history of the universe is going to die because, in large part, the disgusting Never Trumpers want it to die. 

Don't say you don't want America to die, actions speak loudest.

No, Conservatives wait. Rule of law had better mean something to one side or the other, or we are all lost anyway. Prove it. That's how it works.

The rule of law says when that disgusting Never Trumping Antifa terrorist stands a little to the left of your vehicle with a rifle and someother disgusting Never Trumping (b)LM goon steps in front of your truck to make you stop, you floor the accelerator and destroy the disgusting Never Trumping Antifa terrorist goon with the rifle.

Also, the Constitution not only not a suicide pact, the Courts aren't the final arbiters of it's intent.   Or perhaps you need to figure out what the first three words mean.

Are you aware the thread's topic is China's culpability in their weapon of mass disease destruction?

You might want to address what I said in the bottom half of that post about China.  You're clearly wasting your time promoting your disgusting Never Trumping nonsense.  You're not going to convince an real American veterans about the wonders of being a Surrender Monkey, with or without cheese.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2021, 05:01:23 am by Sled Dog »
The GOP is not the party leadership.  The GOP is the party MEMBERSHIP.   The members need to kick the leaders out if they leaders are going the wrong way.  No coddling allowed.

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Re: World Communists coordinated bioweapons release on humanity/usa
« Reply #29 on: May 14, 2021, 06:43:30 am »
In which state was Ted Cruz on the ballot in either November election?

Incidental to the charge. Point in FACT, the accusation that no one is perfect enough for me is false. Had Cruz won the primary, he would have had my vote.

That you didn't vote for Trump and thus helped your pals on the Left.

Nope. the 'lesser evil' theory is exactly the problem. the only way out of that is to quit voting for the lesser evil and demand excellence. Voting *against* is nonsense. Your vote can only be an endorsement. Otherwise, we continue down the same old road where Conservatism is perpetually set aside in the cause of pragmatism. There is no point at which Conservatism regains anything in that condition, as the last thirty years plainly proves.

So in fact, my endorsement (which is all a vote can be) will never again go to the lesser evil. My vote will endorse Conservatism, and nothing else.

Yes, this is what happens when proto-Never Trumpers repeatedly support the enemy by refusing to help the enemy's opposition.

Quite the other way around. I pulled the lever for the big Rhinestone 'R' most my life, and worked in the trenches, bringing in money through my business contacts. I did all that for exactly NOTHING. No gains. Not a one. There is no profit in serving the Republicans. They do not fight for anything.

Why would I continue to support what does not perform? What has not performed *AT All*?

The ONLY time I didn't vote against the Rodent was when Bush Boy II declared hisself, one of your fellow Texans - you from Texas, aintcha?...was a "compassionate conservative", which made him no less conservative than each and every Never Trumper preening their backsides today.

Bush Boy II was clearly not a real American, and my vote for the Libertarian caused no harm in any case because California is reliably treasonous in all it's national elections since the erection of Bill Clinton to the Oral Office.

I don't remember if I voted for Boosh in the first administration. I was for Keyes in that one. But if Boosh was on the top of the ticket, that is where my vote went. Because at the time I still pulled for the Big Rhinestone 'R'. It was Boosh's second term that soured me. I voted for him, largely because of the war, and by the time he was done in that second term, I was completely done with Republicans. I officially left the party over Duncan Hunter Sr getting pushed out of the primaries exactly as he hit the South where he would surely shine. That was it, I was done.

Moderate RINOs in the RNC colluded with the press to shut him up, and ever since my eyes have been opened to the threat of the Moderate Republican wing - That is where the true enemy lies.

In 2016 there were only two choices.


Not Hillary.

You chose Hillary be being not Not Hillary.

In 2020 there was only one choice.

In neither case would Conservatism be served, so in fact, for me, there was no choice. I voted Castle in '16, and I could not vote at all this time around, my ballot having been unfairly disqualified. Not that I would have voted for Tumpy if I could - My vote would have been write-in for the CP had I been able to exercise it, or I would have left the top of the ticket blank. And I would not have voted for my Republican senator or governor either - Albeit that I have come to regret that thought with the governor, who is performing very well. If he keeps it up he will have my vote next time around.

But there is no way in hell I would reward twenty friggin trillion dollars with my endorsement.

Trump.   Biden was a nothing and nothing isn't a choice.
People who did nothing are nothing.

Nope. Twenty Friggin TRILLION dollars. Next.

Abdication is not a choice, it's a form of surrender.   

Abstaining is not abdication. Were I to vote against Conservatism - THAT would be abdication. THAT is surrender. After Tumpy and Boosh, there is no way that Republicans will reign in spending naturally. That issue must be forced, and the ony force I have outside of continued TEA Party activity, is to withhold my vote and stand with my fiscally conservative brethren and my civil libertarian brethren, both of whom were thrown directly under Tumpy's bus.

No sale.

I'm looking at the wreckage of the future.   The future is what we affect.   

GOOD. Then the fiscal damage Tumpy has done should piss you all the way off. When the wheels come off, know that Republicans, and Tumpy himself helped loosen the lug nuts.

Of COURSE it mattered.  In the one case, PRESIDENT Trump was attempting to put the brakes on, hold the helm to the Right

LOL! No he didn't. Right leaning EOs that are now all gone, and left leaning law, with his signature on it, that is here today. The ball moved LEFT under Tump. WAY left. and the debt went UP. WAY up.

How the hell is that 'putting the brakes on'?
The greatest nation in the history of the universe is going to die because, in large part, the disgusting Never Trumpers want it to die. 

Don't say you don't want America to die, actions speak loudest.

Yeah - it's dying alright... Because of Republicans wanting every bit as much as the Democrats.
It is dying from overspending, and a feckless Republican party that has provided no opposition at all.

Liberalism is not winning on its merit - it has no merit.
It is winning because it has no opposition.

Just like it did right through Tumpy's administration. SOSDD. Just like it did during Dubya and his old man.

The rule of law says when that disgusting Never Trumping Antifa terrorist stands a little to the left of your vehicle with a rifle and someother disgusting Never Trumping (b)LM goon steps in front of your truck to make you stop, you floor the accelerator and destroy the disgusting Never Trumping Antifa terrorist goon with the rifle.

Also, the Constitution not only not a suicide pact, the Courts aren't the final arbiters of it's intent.   Or perhaps you need to figure out what the first three words mean.

The reason gossip is not allowed in the court is because it is unreliable. Basing your accusations out of what you have been fed by the press is no different than the Democrats do. Conservatives wait to see the actual proof. And I say that being on the record here believing there was fraud. But belief and proof are two different things. And without proof you've got nothing.

Are you aware the thread's topic is China's culpability in their weapon of mass disease destruction?

You might want to address what I said in the bottom half of that post about China. 

Again... Largely waggin tongues. Let me know when you have proof.

Offline Sled Dog

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Re: World Communists coordinated bioweapons release on humanity/usa
« Reply #30 on: May 14, 2021, 03:40:33 pm »

Again... Largely waggin tongues. Let me know when you have proof.

You don't KNOW that the China Virus came from ....China?

How many times a day do people have to prove to you that water is wet?

How many times a day do people have to prove to you that the 2020 election was fraudulent?

How many times a day do people have to prove to you that the sky is blue?

You'll notice I didn't waste any time reading the rest of your reply.   How about if  you get on topic?
The GOP is not the party leadership.  The GOP is the party MEMBERSHIP.   The members need to kick the leaders out if they leaders are going the wrong way.  No coddling allowed.

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Re: World Communists coordinated bioweapons release on humanity/usa
« Reply #31 on: May 14, 2021, 03:44:23 pm »

You don't KNOW that the China Virus came from ....China?

How many times a day do people have to prove to you that water is wet?

How many times a day do people have to prove to you that the 2020 election was fraudulent?

How many times a day do people have to prove to you that the sky is blue?

You'll notice I didn't waste any time reading the rest of your reply.   How about if  you get on topic?

It doesn't matter what you believe. What matters is what you can prove. End of story.

And so far, legitimate proof is left wanting.  :shrug:

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Re: World Communists coordinated bioweapons release on humanity/usa
« Reply #32 on: May 14, 2021, 04:56:03 pm »
The NeverTrumpers Trumpers play the hitleries; Its all about the seriousness of the charge/accusations, not the reality of the situation, so they just keep accusing one side and letting ther other side get a pass.  That's the pretense of equal treatment, at least to the dumb and clueless.  As the Communist/socialist say; Useful fools.

The bart Simpson, i GOT AWAY WITH IT, You didn't see me do it, you can't prove a thing defense.  REALLY ?

I give Biden no quarter.I give no democrat any quarter. Your problem is in that I see Tumpy in the same light as those democrats.

The outrageous lie, equal treatment.  When has Biden been given the vicious nasty NeverT treatment roam has given Trump ?  Not that i have seen, Biden gets ignored or a vague oh yeah him too, that's a pass.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2021, 05:00:50 pm by christian »
Card carrying member of the national F-Joe Biden movement, and his minions

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Re: World Communists coordinated bioweapons release on humanity/usa
« Reply #33 on: May 14, 2021, 05:11:13 pm »
I give Biden no quarter.I give no democrat any quarter. Your problem is in that I see Tumpy in the same light as those democrats.

The outrageous lie, equal treatment.  When has Biden been given the vicious nasty NeverT treatment roam has given Trump ?  Not that i have seen, Biden gets ignored or a vague oh yeah him too, that's a pass.

Well obviously not 'equal' treatment... Tumpy has been on the scene for five years and more, and Biteme has barely shown up.

Still, Biteme is not pretending to be conservative. Biteme is over there on the other side where liberals belong. I care far more about liberalism on the right because the right is supposed to oppose it. So yeah, Tumpy's liberalism irks me far worse.

Because if the right will not oppose (which they already don't) then who will? It is betrayal, and I will not treat that kindly.

Offline Sled Dog

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Re: World Communists coordinated bioweapons release on humanity/usa
« Reply #34 on: May 14, 2021, 05:17:23 pm »
It doesn't matter what you believe. What matters is what you can prove. End of story.

And so far, legitimate proof is left wanting.  :shrug:

Too bad that I believe I've already proven that China is the source of the China Virus.

There's a big hint to it's origin in its official name.  C-H-I-N-A Virus.   

 Do you believe the China Virus came from Unicorn Poop and happy rainbows?
The GOP is not the party leadership.  The GOP is the party MEMBERSHIP.   The members need to kick the leaders out if they leaders are going the wrong way.  No coddling allowed.

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Re: World Communists coordinated bioweapons release on humanity/usa
« Reply #35 on: May 14, 2021, 05:20:35 pm »
Too bad that I believe I've already proven that China is the source of the China Virus.

There's a big hint to it's origin in its official name.  C-H-I-N-A Virus.   

 Do you believe the China Virus came from Unicorn Poop and happy rainbows?

No you have not. Is it National China, or the consortium that owned the lab? Or is it a third player that left the other two holding the bag? All it needs to be is a disgruntled employee that released it into the wild...You have proven nothing, and likely never will.

Offline Sled Dog

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Re: World Communists coordinated bioweapons release on humanity/usa
« Reply #36 on: May 14, 2021, 05:20:44 pm »
The NeverTrumpers Trumpers play the hitleries; Its all about the seriousness of the charge/accusations, not the reality of the situation, so they just keep accusing one side and letting ther other side get a pass.  That's the pretense of equal treatment, at least to the dumb and clueless.  As the Communist/socialist say; Useful fools.

The bart Simpson, i GOT AWAY WITH IT, You didn't see me do it, you can't prove a thing defense.  REALLY ?

I give Biden no quarter.I give no democrat any quarter. Your problem is in that I see Tumpy in the same light as those democrats.

The outrageous lie, equal treatment.  When has Biden been given the vicious nasty NeverT treatment roam has given Trump ?  Not that i have seen, Biden gets ignored or a vague oh yeah him too, that's a pass.

The evidence is in.

The evidence has been in since the Vietnam War.   

People who vote Rodent are traitors.

People who now don't vote for Trump are supporting fascism.   People who support fascism are traitors.

The fence has narrowed to a razor's edge, and as far as the Americans are concerned, if they find pieces of fence-sitters in the American side of the fence, they throw the garbage over to the Rodents where it belongs.
The GOP is not the party leadership.  The GOP is the party MEMBERSHIP.   The members need to kick the leaders out if they leaders are going the wrong way.  No coddling allowed.

Offline Sled Dog

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Re: World Communists coordinated bioweapons release on humanity/usa
« Reply #37 on: May 14, 2021, 05:21:40 pm »
No you have not. Is it National China, or the consortium that owned the lab? Or is it a third player that left the other two holding the bag? All it needs to be is a disgruntled employee that released it into the wild...You have proven nothing, and likely never will.



That place in Asia that isn't not-China.

It's not hard.

I have to go get one or two hairs cut.   Haven't had it done since July.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2021, 05:22:49 pm by Sled Dog »
The GOP is not the party leadership.  The GOP is the party MEMBERSHIP.   The members need to kick the leaders out if they leaders are going the wrong way.  No coddling allowed.

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Re: World Communists coordinated bioweapons release on humanity/usa
« Reply #38 on: May 14, 2021, 05:28:03 pm »


That place in Asia that isn't not-China.

It's not hard.

SO Gates and Fauci - two powerful people who are eugenicists... One of which is accused of using vaccines to control population in India and Africa, and who happen to have a direct interest in the lab if rumors are true... Nothing to do with it, eh? National China is the culprit.

But oddly enough, Gates and Fauci remain heavily invested in the topic and also heavily invested in the vaccine companies, selling their wares on a rough average for 1500 bucks a whack with the US gov picking up the tab... Nothing to do with it. Saint Fauci and Saint Gates.

It's just got to be China.

You got nothing. That's why you need proof.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2021, 05:28:49 pm by roamer_1 »

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Re: World Communists coordinated bioweapons release on humanity/usa
« Reply #39 on: May 14, 2021, 06:07:45 pm »
What or who is worst threat?  Indifference & ignorance of 80% or so of Americans.
Truth is against the stream of common thought, deep, subtle, difficult, delicate, unseen by passion’s slaves cloaked in the murk of ignorance. Vipassī Buddha

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Re: World Communists coordinated bioweapons release on humanity/usa
« Reply #40 on: May 15, 2021, 05:37:19 am »
All it needs to be is a disgruntled employee that released it into the wild...You have proven nothing, and likely never will.

So china gets benefit of the doubt much like democrats, but Trump gets none.  Again the extreme false inequality posturing that favors the left and the lefts allies.  Who'd a thought, the obvious again!  and so consistently!
 :yowsa: 22222frying pan :yowsa:
« Last Edit: May 15, 2021, 05:45:48 am by christian »
Card carrying member of the national F-Joe Biden movement, and his minions

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Re: World Communists coordinated bioweapons release on humanity/usa
« Reply #41 on: May 15, 2021, 06:05:02 am »
All it needs to be is a disgruntled employee that released it into the wild...You have proven nothing, and likely never will.

So china gets benefit of the doubt much like democrats, but Trump gets none.  Again the extreme false inequality posturing that favors the left and the lefts allies.  Who'd a thought, the obvious again!  and so consistently!
 :yowsa: 22222frying pan :yowsa:

Because there is PROOF of Tump.

To make claims without proof is foolish.

Very legitimately, it could be that the virus simply escaped.
Very legitimately, a disgruntled employee may have let it out.
Very legitimately, it could be a nefarious plot by eugenicists and big pharma players who are also implicated.
Very legitimately it could be National China in rebuttal to Tumpy's sanctions
and also legitimately, it could be all of the above, or none of the above, and the deed was done by another player and the above were left holding the bag.

The 'evidence' allows all of the above scenarios. Which means, you got nothing but a bunch of waggin tongues and gossiping old ladies. If you want legal action or war, you have to first identify the guilty party precisely. That there are multiple possible scenarios MEANS there is reasonable doubt.

But leave it to Tumpists to refuse the rule of law and go off half-cocked.

And by the way, I was AGAINST both Tumpy impeachments for exactly the same reason - lack of proof. So your accusation against me, as always, is made null.

Offline Smokin Joe

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Re: World Communists coordinated bioweapons release on humanity/usa
« Reply #42 on: May 15, 2021, 06:51:10 am »
The evidence is in.

The evidence has been in since the Vietnam War.   

People who vote Rodent are traitors.

People who now don't vote for Trump are supporting fascism.   People who support fascism are traitors.

The fence has narrowed to a razor's edge, and as far as the Americans are concerned, if they find pieces of fence-sitters in the American side of the fence, they throw the garbage over to the Rodents where it belongs.
WHy don't you pull your head out of your ass and quit spamming this forum with your self righteous shit?

It is tedious, offensive to true Conservatives, and tiresome, repetitive fanboi BS.

We are where we are.

Time to light a fire under the GOP and get elections cleaned up, honest, and in compliance with the Constitution, which
in many States, THEY WERE NOT.

That will not be overturned, but it can be prevented in the future--only if the GOP will get off its ass and fight--at every level. Nothing less will do.

I ain't holding my breath.

And as far as President Trump goes, he won't be elected again, ever, without that.

China virus, may have gotten out of the lab there, but the research was done in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, under a NIAID grant, making pathogens with "enhanced ability". It was shut down there in 2014, considered too dangerous, and the research moved to China (with a couple of the researchers on the North Carolina team going home with it, to Wuhan. NIAID (yes, Fauci's NIAID) continued the funding even in China in a lab that for sure had supervision from the People's Liberation Army and the CCP. Yep, we helped pay for the bug.

Don'tcha love what they do with our tax money?

HOW it got out, we don't know. The timing is suspect, the release is suspect, but there are numerous complaints of incompetence in re pathogen control, and for all we know, someone was selling the corpses of the used lab animals for meat.

We can blame China and the WHO for the ensuing cover-up, bad advice, piss poor policy and generally trying to cover their collective asses while the virus was spreading worldwide, commonly through Chinese vectors traveling all over the planet. But our Policy response was 'guided' by experts of our own, the locally adopted measures to combat the virus are on the people who adopted them (Cuomo, anyone?) and there is no shortage of those totalitarian wannabes over here on our shores. There's Gates, there is Fauci, there is the WHO, the CDC, and then the Tech giants who censored and made it viable to stifle debate about (cheap, available) early onset treatment, now proven effective, which owuld have ended the panic, and even made moot the outcry for policies for people to vote from home and allow the rampant fraud of the last election.

I have given Trump the benefit of the doubt on that, because he isn't a doctor, not a scientist, not a biochemist, and followed the advice of people who were, even  if much of what they said and did was wrong. I think he was doing well with the economy, reasonably with national security, peace in the middle east had advanced more than in a long time, but COVID was used to undo that work, and that's a problem, because the virus will be a dim memory long before the tab is paid off.

In the meantime, we are where we are, what we need isn't someone harping over how someone may of may not have voted or will vote (or not) in the future, what we need are elections where that vote will count and a reason to vote for anyone. Keep in mind that past performance is no guarantee of future returns, and clean up the electoral process or not one damned vote will matter again.
How God must weep at humans' folly! Stand fast! God knows what he is doing!
Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

C S Lewis

Offline Sled Dog

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Re: World Communists coordinated bioweapons release on humanity/usa
« Reply #43 on: May 15, 2021, 12:52:46 pm »
WHy don't you pull your head out of your ass and quit spamming this forum with your self righteous shit?

It is tedious, offensive to true Conservatives, and tiresome, repetitive fanboi BS.

We are where we are.

I am what I am.   Have no idea what you might be.

The Never Trumpers believe themselves to be the True Conservatives(tm).

I'm just a real American.   Since the word "conservative" lacks definition, I'll leave it to people like you to be "true".   

Yup, the GOP needs to be fixed.    Probably needs a bigger dose of True Conservatism(tm), right?

I guess you people haven't noticed that the room in the middle where the "moderates" like to hide tends to get thin when the war approaches?    Time for the faithless True Conservatives(tm) to pick a side.   I picked my side a lifetime ago when I took that oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign AND domestic.

What part of the fact that CHINA grew the virus in CHINA is escaping all the True Conservatives(tm)?   We really can't move on to addressing the importance of our domestic enemies until we accept the fact that CHINA is the biggest and most lethal existential threat to our nation since Reagan forced the collapse of the Democrats' Motherland in Russia.   

I'm really not going to waste time bandying words with a jackass Never Trumper about some of his ideological friends who may or may not have financed some work in Wuhan until said jackass concedes the fact that it's been PROVEN that CHINA is the origin of the CHINA Virus.  I've already seen what that jackass had to say about his refusal to accept the proven fact that the Rodents, with the help of his buddies the Never Trumper True Conservatives, stole the election in 2020.

Could research into SARS have occurred in the US?  Sure.  Why not?  Especially during the Obama Regime when he eagerly imported ebola into the United States.    But, as you yourself said, the research was halted in 2014.


You said it was halted in 2014.   "Halted" means "stopped", doesn't it?

Yes it does.   So the US stopped its research into SARS in 2014.

Know what the US does not now have and what the US has not had since 1969?  Any meaningful bioweapons research facilities aimed towards creating biological WMD.

Know who has biological weapons research facilities?  CHINA.

Funny how that works.

If Fauci et al (Rodents and Never Trumping True Conservatives(tm)) financed WEAPONS research using US tax dollars, they did so illegally.

How does that remove CHINA'S culpability for developing and releasing an engineering bioweapon agent upon the US and the rest of the world?

Why should we allow the Never Trumping jackasses of the world to avoid laying blame on the real enemy without and going directly towards scapegoating some of their minor tentacles in the US before burying the issue under yet another layer of "but Trump"?   They want to discuss how one of their own illegally financed a secret bioweapons program for CHINA?  Okay.

Let's start with how CHINA developed the weapon and released it, then work backwards from there, but only after the full guilt of China's releasing a bioweapon is uncovered and acknowledged.

Know what the permitted response is to a biological weapons attack on the US?

A bioweapon is classified as a weapon of mass destruction.

Know what is permitted to one nation under attack by a WMD?

That nation can use WMD in response.

The US has been attacked, by China, with a WMD.

The US can thus use some form of WMD to retaliate against China.

Which sorts of WMD does the US have in it's arsenal?   Only one sort.  It's kind of a fungal thing.  Sort of.   The mushrooms only last for an hour or so.   

But, hey, they can be seen from space, so that's cool.

Now, if the Never Trumping jackasses can agree that China is totally guilty of attacking the US with a WMD, we might be able to turn the discussion to the matter of treason via WMD by persons in the US, by both the Rodents and the Never Trumping jackasses.

But why should the discussion move away from China until that point is first confirmed?
The GOP is not the party leadership.  The GOP is the party MEMBERSHIP.   The members need to kick the leaders out if they leaders are going the wrong way.  No coddling allowed.

Offline Smokin Joe

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Re: World Communists coordinated bioweapons release on humanity/usa
« Reply #44 on: May 15, 2021, 08:45:30 pm »
@Sled Dog

China virus, may have gotten out of the lab there, but the research was done in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, under a NIAID grant, making pathogens with "enhanced ability". It was shut down there in 2014, considered too dangerous, and the research moved to China (with a couple of the researchers on the North Carolina team going home with it, to Wuhan. NIAID (yes, Fauci's NIAID) continued the funding even in China in a lab that for sure had supervision from the People's Liberation Army and the CCP. Yep, we helped pay for the bug.

Don'tcha love what they do with our tax money?

HOW it got out, we don't know. The timing is suspect, the release is suspect, but there are numerous complaints of incompetence in re pathogen control, and for all we know, someone was selling the corpses of the used lab animals for meat.

We can blame China and the WHO for the ensuing cover-up, bad advice, piss poor policy and generally trying to cover their collective asses while the virus was spreading worldwide, commonly through Chinese vectors traveling all over the planet. But our Policy response was 'guided' by experts of our own, the locally adopted measures to combat the virus are on the people who adopted them (Cuomo, anyone?) and there is no shortage of those totalitarian wannabes over here on our shores. There's Gates, there is Fauci, there is the WHO, the CDC, and then the Tech giants who censored and made it viable to stifle debate about (cheap, available) early onset treatment, now proven effective, which owuld have ended the panic, and even made moot the outcry for policies for people to vote from home and allow the rampant fraud of the last election.

Short of massive thermonuclear strikes, we can't "fix" China. Not 'quickly' anyway.

But there is ample traitorous activity right here at home we CAN do something about. God Bless him, Trump brought these worms out of the woodwork. That's why I voted for him last time, along with what he had done for the industry I work in.

What do you propose we all do, at this point?

We may believe it was an attack, but it may have been a serendipitious accident that the Chinese and their fellow travelers here capitalized on. I have little doubt that the inadequate and incorrect information spread early on by the Chinese was at least CYA that had much the same effect as a bioweapon release on the world, but I cannot prove (nor can you) that the release was done with malice and forethought.

Keep in mind that millions of innocent Chinese would be killed in a first strike.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2021, 08:49:04 pm by Smokin Joe »
How God must weep at humans' folly! Stand fast! God knows what he is doing!
Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

C S Lewis

Offline Sled Dog

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Re: World Communists coordinated bioweapons release on humanity/usa
« Reply #45 on: May 16, 2021, 10:23:05 am »
@Sled Dog

Short of massive thermonuclear strikes, we can't "fix" China. Not 'quickly' anyway.

But there is ample traitorous activity right here at home we CAN do something about. God Bless him, Trump brought these worms out of the woodwork. That's why I voted for him last time, along with what he had done for the industry I work in.

What do you propose we all do, at this point?

We may believe it was an attack, but it may have been a serendipitious accident that the Chinese and their fellow travelers here capitalized on. I have little doubt that the inadequate and incorrect information spread early on by the Chinese was at least CYA that had much the same effect as a bioweapon release on the world, but I cannot prove (nor can you) that the release was done with malice and forethought.

Keep in mind that millions of innocent Chinese would be killed in a first strike.

Declare that China has engaged in an act of war against the United States, claim reparations to the tune of the 10 trillion dollars in damages done to the US economy, and reset our debt with China to recognize ten trillion dollars paid.
The GOP is not the party leadership.  The GOP is the party MEMBERSHIP.   The members need to kick the leaders out if they leaders are going the wrong way.  No coddling allowed.

Offline Slide Rule

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Re: World Communists coordinated bioweapons release on humanity/usa
« Reply #46 on: May 16, 2021, 12:40:04 pm »
I am what I am.   Have no idea what you might be.

The Never Trumpers believe themselves to be the True Conservatives(tm).

I'm just a real American.   Since the word "conservative" lacks definition, I'll leave it to people like you to be "true".   

Yup, the GOP needs to be fixed.    Probably needs a bigger dose of True Conservatism(tm), right?

I guess you people haven't noticed that the room in the middle where the "moderates" like to hide tends to get thin when the war approaches?    Time for the faithless True Conservatives(tm) to pick a side.   I picked my side a lifetime ago when I took that oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign AND domestic.

What part of the fact that CHINA grew the virus in CHINA is escaping all the True Conservatives(tm)?   We really can't move on to addressing the importance of our domestic enemies until we accept the fact that CHINA is the biggest and most lethal existential threat to our nation since Reagan forced the collapse of the Democrats' Motherland in Russia.   

I'm really not going to waste time bandying words with a jackass Never Trumper about some of his ideological friends who may or may not have financed some work in Wuhan until said jackass concedes the fact that it's been PROVEN that CHINA is the origin of the CHINA Virus.  I've already seen what that jackass had to say about his refusal to accept the proven fact that the Rodents, with the help of his buddies the Never Trumper True Conservatives, stole the election in 2020.

Could research into SARS have occurred in the US?  Sure.  Why not?  Especially during the Obama Regime when he eagerly imported ebola into the United States.    But, as you yourself said, the research was halted in 2014.


You said it was halted in 2014.   "Halted" means "stopped", doesn't it?

Yes it does.   So the US stopped its research into SARS in 2014.

Know what the US does not now have and what the US has not had since 1969?  Any meaningful bioweapons research facilities aimed towards creating biological WMD.

Know who has biological weapons research facilities?  CHINA.

Funny how that works.

If Fauci et al (Rodents and Never Trumping True Conservatives(tm)) financed WEAPONS research using US tax dollars, they did so illegally.

How does that remove CHINA'S culpability for developing and releasing an engineering bioweapon agent upon the US and the rest of the world?

Why should we allow the Never Trumping jackasses of the world to avoid laying blame on the real enemy without and going directly towards scapegoating some of their minor tentacles in the US before burying the issue under yet another layer of "but Trump"?   They want to discuss how one of their own illegally financed a secret bioweapons program for CHINA?  Okay.

Let's start with how CHINA developed the weapon and released it, then work backwards from there, but only after the full guilt of China's releasing a bioweapon is uncovered and acknowledged.

Know what the permitted response is to a biological weapons attack on the US?

A bioweapon is classified as a weapon of mass destruction.

Know what is permitted to one nation under attack by a WMD?

That nation can use WMD in response.

The US has been attacked, by China, with a WMD.

The US can thus use some form of WMD to retaliate against China.

Which sorts of WMD does the US have in it's arsenal?   Only one sort.  It's kind of a fungal thing.  Sort of.   The mushrooms only last for an hour or so.   

But, hey, they can be seen from space, so that's cool.

Now, if the Never Trumping jackasses can agree that China is totally guilty of attacking the US with a WMD, we might be able to turn the discussion to the matter of treason via WMD by persons in the US, by both the Rodents and the Never Trumping jackasses.

But why should the discussion move away from China until that point is first confirmed?

I could not say it better.

The red pill hurts.

« Last Edit: May 16, 2021, 12:45:25 pm by Slide Rule »
White, American, MAGA, 3% Neanderthal, and 97% Extreme Right Wing Conservative.


J Boswell, The Life of Samuel Johnson
E Burke, Reflections on the Revolution in France
N Davies, Europe: A History
R Feynman, The Feynman Lectures on Physics
R Penrose, The Road To Reality & The Emperor's New Mind
K Popper, An Open Society and Its Enemies & The Logic of Scientific Discovery
A Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago, & Everything he wrote

Offline Smokin Joe

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Re: World Communists coordinated bioweapons release on humanity/usa
« Reply #47 on: May 16, 2021, 09:14:08 pm »
Declare that China has engaged in an act of war against the United States, claim reparations to the tune of the 10 trillion dollars in damages done to the US economy, and reset our debt with China to recognize ten trillion dollars paid.
I think the tab is closer to twenty trillion. Not counting individual losses like wages, businesses, homes, marriages, lives...
How God must weep at humans' folly! Stand fast! God knows what he is doing!
Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

C S Lewis

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Re: World Communists coordinated bioweapons release on humanity/usa
« Reply #48 on: May 17, 2021, 05:11:54 am »
The Chinese loosed the Chinese virus on us and the world, in concert with democrats giving the Chines immense powers over decades with the MOST FAVORED NATION STATUS and favors that went along with it.  Some how the perps are not to blame, but in everything Trump is.  Now does this come from stooges in sheep's clothing on the left, or well paid Chinese stooges nd their foreign money ?  NeverTrumpers abhor stepping out into broad daylight like that, it takes a lot of yen to get them to be that bold..
Card carrying member of the national F-Joe Biden movement, and his minions

Offline Sled Dog

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Re: World Communists coordinated bioweapons release on humanity/usa
« Reply #49 on: May 17, 2021, 10:09:17 pm »
The Chinese loosed the Chinese virus on us and the world, in concert with democrats giving the Chines immense powers over decades with the MOST FAVORED NATION STATUS and favors that went along with it.  Some how the perps are not to blame, but in everything Trump is.  Now does this come from stooges in sheep's clothing on the left, or well paid Chinese stooges nd their foreign money ?  NeverTrumpers abhor stepping out into broad daylight like that, it takes a lot of yen to get them to be that bold..

The Rodents, aka stooges on the left, have never turned away chinese money or chinese hookers.
The GOP is not the party leadership.  The GOP is the party MEMBERSHIP.   The members need to kick the leaders out if they leaders are going the wrong way.  No coddling allowed.