Author Topic: There's More on the Florida Principal Who Paddled The Six-Year-Old Girl  (Read 5476 times)

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There's More on the Florida Principal Who Paddled The Six-Year-Old Girl
By Shipwreckedcrew | May 08, 2021 9:30 AM ET

Last week, I published this story about a Florida elementary school principal who was captured on a cell phone video giving a few forceful “swats” with a paddle across the backside of a six-year-old little girl, while the girl’s mother watched. The video was posted on YouTube, and it was quite disturbing to watch.

I published it under the non-descript headline “$50 or I Beat Your Child”.

I did not mince words with respect to my view on what the videotape showed, and suggested that the principal would be well-advised to retain a criminal defense lawyer.

Well, as Paul Harvey was famous for saying, now it’s time “For The Rest of the Story.”

The prosecuting attorney for Hendry County announced on Friday that the principal will not face any criminal charges for her conduct. Corporal punishment is permissible under the law in Florida, although it is prohibited by the school district where the principal worked.

But the reason the swats across the backside are considered by the prosecutor as having been corporal punishment and not “child abuse” is…  because the girl’s mother asked the principal to discipline the child on the mother’s behalf.

Apparently, the girl had broken a computer screen at school, and the principal called the mother to discuss having the mother pay something towards the cost of repair.

The mother told the principal that the little girl had been breaking things at home as well, but when the mother threatened to punish the girl for her actions, the six-year-old would threaten to “DCF” her — a reference to the Florida Department of Children and Families. The mother told the Principal she had not been able to discipline the girl for her misbehavior out of fear she would be turned in to the police, so she asked if the Principal would discipline the girl on her behalf.

The Principal agreed to do so, but only if the mother was present for the event.

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And WHO is it that teaches a six year old child about DCF?

The corrupt schools.
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Should have swatted the mom on the backside.
You don’t become cooler with age but you do care progressively less about being cool, which is the only true way to actually be cool.

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If you have a 6-year-old who is already threatening to "DCF you", then that kid is probably already too far gone to be redeemable, short of some time in "reform school"...  ;)

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If you have a 6-year-old who is already threatening to "DCF you", then that kid is probably already too far gone to be redeemable, short of some time in "reform school"...  ;)
They started teaching this to kids well over two decades ago, 'my parents beat me', 'my father touches me in my private places', ' my _______ did _______ to me, etc. I knew someone whose kid threatened that many years ago and the father told him go ahead, I hope you enjoy your new family if you are even lucky enough to be placed in a foster home let alone a decent one. Made the kid sit up and rethink his threat.

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The mother told the principal that the little girl had been breaking things at home as well, but when the mother threatened to punish the girl for her actions, the six-year-old would threaten to “DCF” her — a reference to the Florida Department of Children and Families. The mother told the Principal she had not been able to discipline the girl for her misbehavior out of fear she would be turned in to the police, so she asked if the Principal would discipline the girl on her behalf.

The Principal agreed to do so, but only if the mother was present for the event.

If that little girl routinely purposely breaks things,it should be clear to everyone smarter than the typical rock that she is emotionally disturbed,and paddling her is counterproductive. She needs psychological help and counseling,NOT Corporal Punishment.

On top of that it seems clear to ME the mother AND the principal are more disturbed than she is or they wouldn't have done what they did.

The little girl needs counseling. The adults need to have their asses locked up.
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

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They started teaching this to kids well over two decades ago, 'my parents beat me', 'my father touches me in my private places', ' my _______ did _______ to me, etc. I knew someone whose kid threatened that many years ago and the father told him go ahead, I hope you enjoy your new family if you are even lucky enough to be placed in a foster home let alone a decent one. Made the kid sit up and rethink his threat.


I live in a rural area that was even more rural 15-20 years ago when the story I am telling happened.

A local farmer and his wife took off to have a "night on the town" in the nearest city,leaving their 16 year old son and his 15 year old sister at home to watch over the place.

They took the wife's Lincoln and told the 16 year old boy,who had recently gotten his drivers license to NOT use his fathers diesel 4x4 pu,but to stay at home with his sister.

Well,the boy took the  new PU,and put it in a ditch,resulting in the highway patrol calling his father and mother home to come to the county jail and get him. The "boy" was probably about 6 foot tall and 180 lbs at the time,and feeling froggy,started running his mouth at his father when they got home,and the father punched his ass out.

He damn near went to jail for that,and the judge DID threaten him with jail,if not prison,time if he ever did it again.

Which of course gave the 16 year old the "keys to the kingdom". He did anything he wanted to do after that and anytime either of his parents tried to correct him,he threatened to drop a dime on them to the DA.

I understand the girl started giving them trouble,too. Staying out all night and telling them "You are not the boss of me!" when they tried to lay down the law to her.

It did end up costing that idiot kid more than he had planned,though. His father told him to hit the road when he turned 18. No college funds,no job on the farm,no nothing,but "get the hell off of MY farm!"

Not sure what happened with the girl. I knew who they all were,but didn't really "know them".

I have no doubt the boy ended up hating his father to this very day for "ruining my life".

THIS is the kind of unintentional crap that can happen when the courts "put the children in charge of the parents".
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

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If that little girl routinely purposely breaks things,it should be clear to everyone smarter than the typical rock that she is emotionally disturbed,and paddling her is counterproductive. She needs psychological help and counseling,NOT Corporal Punishment.

On top of that it seems clear to ME the mother AND the principal are more disturbed than she is or they wouldn't have done what they did.

The little girl needs counseling. The adults need to have their asses locked up.

I dunno @sneakypete

I think corporal punishment to be very useful - It creates a very bright line at where 'Oh Hell No' is.
Nothing makes you think about how you are treating your mother like the words, "You wait till your father gets home..." And the reason that has teeth is because you KNOW what the old man is GOING to do to your sorry ass. That is the only thing that really kept me in line. And in order for that to work the threat has to be real.

But it can be abused, for sure. I always used my hand, and never raised a bruise, not even once.
I stayed away from the belt and the switch because I was witness to that getting carried away among my friends.

But the Old Man has got to be the Old Man, or all is lost, and that child will go wild.

When I received corporal punishment at school, it was nearly always followed by corporal punishment when I got home. But that was meted with justice. I will never forget the times I cried bullcrap to my father - AND HE BELIEVED ME - and went to bat against the principal. Nothing warmed my heart and taught me justice like the old man exercising his power draggin that principal across his desk and poking his finger in his chest. And he made sure I was there to see it happen.

So yeah - I got it hard, and mostly deserved it when it happened. But it also was mostly just. And that is what is being laid down.

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I dunno @sneakypete

I think corporal punishment to be very useful - It creates a very bright line at where 'Oh Hell No' is.

The line between corrective discipline and abuse is usually so wide Ray Charles could see it.

I also see it as something that should only be applied by the parents.
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

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The line between corrective discipline and abuse is usually so wide Ray Charles could see it.

I also see it as something that should only be applied by the parents.

I don't think that's right @sneakypete
Respect always starts in fear.

Consider how cops were respected when they walked a beat and had the ability to tune you up with a nightstick. I mean, I have a fairly regular stance with relation to cops where rednecks are concerned... But I respect them and will come to their aid if they need it (and have before).

I can tell you what - It would take but a few of those hardass Irish beat cops to turn things around, and I don't care which city...

The same goes with the 'Board of education' . Institutions need teeth to be effective. And kids need to learn early on where the lines are. If they did it would save them a helluva lot of trouble down the road.


On the whole, I probably agree with you more than it sounds.

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I have old man's privilege as I am older than dirt.

My daughter needed a spanking sometime during grade school.
So she got it. It wasn't anywhere near the degree that my dad gave me.

My son came along 10 years later and he needed it. It took about three
times to make a point. But he did mention before the third one that he
could report me to the school. I said, fine. But you are going to get
your ass spanked now. Tell them that tomorrow if you think that will
be in your long term interest.

The lesson must have taken as I received no calls from the school,
the police nor from some family services type group.

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If that little girl routinely purposely breaks things,it should be clear to everyone smarter than the typical rock that she is emotionally disturbed,and paddling her is counterproductive. She needs psychological help and counseling,NOT Corporal Punishment.

In all the reporting and discussion I have heard about this case,
I have yet to hear anyone make ANY mention of any father.

Does this child have anyone who is functioning as a father for her?
Does anyone even know who this child's father is?

Just the absence of any father, by itself, is plenty enough
to cause all kinds of emotional disturbances.

That's why the left has been waging a war on fathers for several decades.
Their objective is to CAUSE as many children as possible to have emotional disturbances,
which will create more need for the government to offer "help".

The left has been so successful in its propaganda against fatherhood
it never occurs to anyone to even ask the question!
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I dunno @sneakypete

I think corporal punishment to be very useful - It creates a very bright line at where 'Oh Hell No' is.
Nothing makes you think about how you are treating your mother like the words, "You wait till your father gets home..." And the reason that has teeth is because you KNOW what the old man is GOING to do to your sorry ass. That is the only thing that really kept me in line. And in order for that to work the threat has to be real.

But it can be abused, for sure. I always used my hand, and never raised a bruise, not even once.
I stayed away from the belt and the switch because I was witness to that getting carried away among my friends.

But the Old Man has got to be the Old Man, or all is lost, and that child will go wild.

When I received corporal punishment at school, it was nearly always followed by corporal punishment when I got home. But that was meted with justice. I will never forget the times I cried bullcrap to my father - AND HE BELIEVED ME - and went to bat against the principal. Nothing warmed my heart and taught me justice like the old man exercising his power draggin that principal across his desk and poking his finger in his chest. And he made sure I was there to see it happen.

So yeah - I got it hard, and mostly deserved it when it happened. But it also was mostly just. And that is what is being laid down.
:beer:  Yeah, and the times I got it were not as many as the times I deserved it. But the line was there, and I still pushed right up to it (and occasionally a little over). Still, boundaries are important, and there was the thin gray line you might get away with (where usually, the act incorporated it's own punishment), and then the  'Oh, Hell No zone' to be avoided. My grandfather nearly defoliated the farm plucking switches (or worse, having us pick our own to be 'switched' with), but we learned, and his hand was stayed by a good sense of what was punishment and what would be excess (he never got carried away, something for which I will ever respect him, because the punishment was often well deserved).  And yes, the kids (and even grandkids) knew I'd go to bat for them If they were right and make no bones about it, but I'd better get the whole unvarnished story first. Honesty, even in the face of being wrong, is something I get from them to this day.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2021, 08:25:33 pm by Smokin Joe »
How God must weep at humans' folly! Stand fast! God knows what he is doing!
Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

C S Lewis

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In all the reporting and discussion I have heard about this case,
I have yet to hear anyone make ANY mention of any father.

Does this child have anyone who is functioning as a father for her?
Does anyone even know who this child's father is?

Just the absence of any father, by itself, is plenty enough
to cause all kinds of emotional disturbances.

That's why the left has been waging a war on fathers for several decades.
Their objective is to CAUSE as many children as possible to have emotional disturbances,
which will create more need for the government to offer "help".

The left has been so successful in its propaganda against fatherhood
it never occurs to anyone to even ask the question!
How God must weep at humans' folly! Stand fast! God knows what he is doing!
Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

C S Lewis

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...or worse, having us pick our own to be 'switched' with...

That was the absolute worst.  I'd spend twenty minutes practice switching in the air trying reach the minimum point of expected pain but not drop below the dreaded, OH NO, I WILL GET A REAL SWITCH! point.

I would spend so much time thinking about what was coming.  It was way, WAY worse than actually getting hit.  And sometime, he would lay it down and ask me to come back in 30 minutes.
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Offline Smokin Joe

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That was the absolute worst.  I'd spend twenty minutes practice switching in the air trying reach the minimum point of expected pain but not drop below the dreaded, OH NO, I WILL GET A REAL SWITCH! point.

I would spend so much time thinking about what was coming.  It was way, WAY worse than actually getting hit.  And sometime, he would lay it down and ask me to come back in 30 minutes.
The killer was that if I picked something too limber to have effect, my grandfather would give me a lesson on the right grade of switch and pick one himself...  Bless him, and I mean that sincerely, for his patience (and determination), because I had my moments of being a vexing child.
How God must weep at humans' folly! Stand fast! God knows what he is doing!
Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

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The killer was that if I picked something too limber to have effect, my grandfather would give me a lesson on the right grade of switch and pick one himself...  Bless him, and I mean that sincerely, for his patience (and determination), because I had my moments of being a vexing child.

Dad had me pick the switch. It was a family tradition.

It was about the 8th grade before I understood that these rules were absolute.
Yep, some are slow learners.

I did get one from Mom but Dad gave me at least 50.  I have three younger brothers
who also picked out the switch.

It is a hard and persistent job to turn a boy into a man. It's in the top three responsibilities.
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J Boswell, The Life of Samuel Johnson
E Burke, Reflections on the Revolution in France
N Davies, Europe: A History
R Feynman, The Feynman Lectures on Physics
R Penrose, The Road To Reality & The Emperor's New Mind
K Popper, An Open Society and Its Enemies & The Logic of Scientific Discovery
A Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago, & Everything he wrote

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So, y'all are cool with the government usurping parental authority and beating the shit out of those who won't obey?

I mean, I'm seeing a lot of posts by people lauding their incompetent parents for beating the crap out of them because the parents failed to teach the child properly.   I never had to beat my children and they're just fine.   One graduated with two degrees from UCLA, with a near 4.0 GPA in each, and the other scored 98 out of 99 on the ASVAB prior to enlisting in the Navy.

What did I do wrong, not beating the crap out of my kids?
« Last Edit: May 12, 2021, 01:04:13 pm by Sled Dog »
The GOP is not the party leadership.  The GOP is the party MEMBERSHIP.   The members need to kick the leaders out if they leaders are going the wrong way.  No coddling allowed.

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So, y'all are cool with the government usurping parental authority and beating the shit out of those who won't obey?

I mean, I'm seeing a lot of posts by people lauding their incompetent parents for beating the crap out of them because the parents failed to teach the child properly.   I never had to beat my children and they're just fine.   One graduated with two degrees from UCLA, with a near 4.0 GPA in each, and the other scored 98 out of 99 on the ASVAB prior to enlisting in the Navy.

What did I do wrong, not beating the crap out of my kids?

Well ain't you just special...

Offline Sled Dog

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Well ain't you just special...


Just a real American.

Real Americans don't have to beat their children.

They voted for Trump, too.
The GOP is not the party leadership.  The GOP is the party MEMBERSHIP.   The members need to kick the leaders out if they leaders are going the wrong way.  No coddling allowed.

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Real Americans don't have to beat their children.

My liberal sister says the same dang thing.
Go figger.

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So, y'all are cool with the government usurping parental authority and beating the shit out of those who won't obey?

I mean, I'm seeing a lot of posts by people lauding their incompetent parents for beating the crap out of them because the parents failed to teach the child properly.   I never had to beat my children and they're just fine.   One graduated with two degrees from UCLA, with a near 4.0 GPA in each, and the other scored 98 out of 99 on the ASVAB prior to enlisting in the Navy.

What did I do wrong, not beating the crap out of my kids?

All children are unique.  Some of them are wild animals, and will only respond to threat of injury.  My 3rd grade teacher kept a paddle on his office wall, branded "Ass Buster."  He never had to use it, but I saw other teachers smack their students in front of God and everybody.  It worked.

Offline Sled Dog

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My liberal sister says the same dang thing.
Go figger.

She's a liar.

That's what being a liberal is all about.

I'm an American.    I voted for Trump.

People who did not vote for Trump are not Americans.
The GOP is not the party leadership.  The GOP is the party MEMBERSHIP.   The members need to kick the leaders out if they leaders are going the wrong way.  No coddling allowed.

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So, y'all are cool with the government usurping parental authority and beating the shit out of those who won't obey?

In this case, the mother first gave permission to spank the child.

I mean, I'm seeing a lot of posts by people lauding their incompetent parents for beating the crap out of them because the parents failed to teach the child properly.   I never had to beat my children and they're just fine.   One graduated with two degrees from UCLA, with a near 4.0 GPA in each, and the other scored 98 out of 99 on the ASVAB prior to enlisting in the Navy.

What did I do wrong, not beating the crap out of my kids?

Your problem appears to be failure to understand the difference between corporal punishment and a beating.

I never hit my kids in anger.  Corporal punishment was just one of the many tools in the tool box and not the most commonly or first used.
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Real Americans don't have to beat their children.

My liberal sister says the same dang thing.

She's a liar.

Beautiful, just beautiful
Life is fragile, handle with prayer