Author Topic: Maryland Public School System Receives Scores of Unaccompanied Minors  (Read 182 times)

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Maryland Public School System Receives Scores of Unaccompanied Minors

By Help Save Maryland, May 5, 2021

Members of the Montgomery County Council, the county executive, Montgomery County Public Schools, and the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) are now looking at ways to use taxpayer resources to help illegal alien “students.” County Council member Gabe Albornoz says they may be “fleeing violence and coming to our community seeking assistance.” At least seventy border jumping young adults are here already, with hundreds more in the pipeline.

Gabe, maybe they are not fleeing violence, but are instead part of a larger scam, by coyotes, drug cartels, human traffickers, local elected officials, teachers’ unions, ethnic and religious organizations, (with the Biden feds funding them all directly or indirectly) of having illegal alien young adults sent to Maryland. Once rooted, these young people and their handlers will exert pressure to have their families sent up here from El Salvador, Honduras, etc., as well. “Reuniting families” is what you call that stunt. And we, the taxpayer, will foot the bill for it all.