Author Topic: Blue State Blues: Joe Biden Can’t Even Unite the Country in Prayer  (Read 87 times)

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Blue State Blues: Joe Biden Can’t Even Unite the Country in Prayer

Joel B. Pollak 7 May 2021

President Joe Biden took an odd approach Thursday to the National Day of Prayer. He issued a proclamation in which he mentioned “racial injustice” and “climate change,” but neglected to mention “God.”

This is the same Biden who ran on a promise to fight for the “soul of our nation,” and whom the sycophantic media call “very Catholic.”

The National Day of Prayer offers a rare opportunity for Americans to unite. But Biden couldn’t manage it, placing politics above prayer.

More Americans believe that the country has become “more divided” (28%) than “more united” (23%), according to a new poll released this week. (The difference is outside the poll’s 4.7% margin of error.) And that is entirely due to the way that Biden has governed. Daniel Henninger of the Wall Street Journal observed this week that while Biden ran as the moderate alternative to socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), in practice Biden’s policies have been even more radical than Bernie’s.

Yet Biden still urges the country to “unite with purpose and resolve,” as he said in his (literally) Godless proclamation. By that, he means unity behind the Democrats’ radical policies.

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