State Chapters > Arizona

Trump: Results of Election Audit “Will be Very Interesting”

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--- Quote from: roamer_1 on October 10, 2021, 03:40:16 am ---You want to get rid of propaganda, the sh*t that counts is the indoctrination of the yoots...


Dry up the money and the power vanishes.

--- End quote ---

Word.  It will be amazing to see how good things get just by cutting government spending down to 18% of GDP (which is still too high).


--- Quote from: Cyber Liberty on October 10, 2021, 03:56:27 am ---And I say you cannot ignore the propaganda machine called the Press.

We'll just have to agree to disagree.

--- End quote ---

I'll give the blame 90/10 to the MSM.  Polticians will be politicans...its always been that way.

Overall lying and misrepresenting the news to this magnitude is a relatively new phenomenom. Like I said earlier....  they need to be the first strung up


--- Quote from: Hoodat on October 10, 2021, 04:34:19 am ---Word.  It will be amazing to see how good things get just by cutting government spending down to 18% of GDP (which is still too high).

--- End quote ---

With laser focus. All else is chasing after shadows.

Smokin Joe:

--- Quote from: Cyber Liberty on October 10, 2021, 03:56:27 am ---And I say you cannot ignore the propaganda machine called the Press.

We'll just have to agree to disagree.

--- End quote ---
The press, from the Weekly Reader on up the food chain is the drum which beats lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie...

It is quoted by every teacher, even believed by them, it makes mountains of molehills, distorts reality, twists words, invents its own facts, and gets the LIE around the world multiple times before the truth even knows it has been schtupped.

It takes more than a few jerks with snazzy outfits and brightly colored armbands to get people on cattle cars and in the ovens--it takes a press that will condition the populace to believe that this is a good thing, even though deep down they know its wrong.
It takes the press to gin up the broad based hatred that makes people spit on children, beat the elderly to death in the streets, justify stealing the honestly acquired fruits of decades of labor.

Because without that constant drumbeat, without the lies, pervasive and persistent, in public, in private, woven into "entertainment", plastered on every blank wall, the LIE could not stand.

And once enough people believe the LIE, government need do nothing.
Just stand back and let hatred take its course.

Without the LIE, without the media to propagate it, to promote it, to perpetuate it, Government would be nothing.
Without that mental artillery bombardment, many more people would just say NO, and put it back in its cage.


--- Quote from: Smokin Joe on October 10, 2021, 11:11:27 am ---Without the LIE, without the media to propagate it, to promote it, to perpetuate it, Government would be nothing.
Without that mental artillery bombardment, many more people would just say NO, and put it back in its cage.

--- End quote ---

To what end, Smoke? The media is a many headed hydra with government protection. What are you going to do to them outside of whining and crying and throwing dirt in the air? Really, all that you CAN do is offer refutation through alternative sources - Which WAS happening not very long ago.

But government... You CAN do against government. And the ENTIRE focus should be toward cutting the beast off at the knees. You do that with serious Conservatives getting elected in red states, ground up, grassroots... And if you build that kind of momentum, next thing you know you have MANY orthodox Conservatives that can rise to defund and stop spending. Where would we be right now with 40 or so rock-ribbed Conservatives in the senate and a hundred or more in the house?

I am deadly serious. Absolutely anything else is distraction.


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