State Chapters > Arizona

Trump: Results of Election Audit “Will be Very Interesting”

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Cyber Liberty:

--- Quote from: skeeter on May 02, 2021, 07:37:59 pm ---Isn't that saying the same thing? Recount vs audit?

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What's wrong is that the canvas did not reflect the actual votes.  If it did, as you alluded, there would not be an audit going on right now.

Cyber Liberty:

--- Quote from: HikerGuy83 on May 02, 2021, 07:42:43 pm ---The way this is being explained is that the GOP is conducting this "in secret".  I don't know how that could be.

And the real question I have is....just what is the outcome. 

Just looking at the way it was set can't have any legal impact on the election. 

Is that true ?

--- End quote ---

It won't change the election, but that was never the point.  And yes, the leftist papers and TeeVee in Maricopa County insists it's a "Republican" audit, which is an effort to undermine the audit.

Stop getting your news from the Arizona Republic, the Tribunes or New Times.  They lie.

As for the outcome, ask me around June 1st.

Cyber... how long until the outcome of the hand recount is announced...?


--- Quote from: Cyber Liberty on May 02, 2021, 07:48:20 pm ---What's wrong is that the canvas did not reflect the actual votes.  If it did, as you alluded, there would not be an audit going on right now.

--- End quote ---
semantics. But I understand and agree that the audit is meant to determine actual legitimate votes.

Cyber Liberty:

--- Quote from: skeeter on May 02, 2021, 08:18:25 pm ---semantics. But I understand and agree that the audit is meant to determine actual legitimate votes.

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I was responding to this:

--- Quote ---I believe previous recounts accurately reflected the original vote count. But a recount is different from an audit.
--- End quote ---

My disagreement isn't about semantics, I was pointing out the "recounts" did NOT accurately reflect the original count.  They manifestly did not, but efforts to follow the law and refuse to certify the results were ignored by the Governor, the AG and the SoS.


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