State Chapters > Arizona

Manchin And Sinema Deserve Our Support On the Filibuster

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--- Quote from: roamer_1 on June 26, 2021, 08:24:27 pm ---Then your preference would be the filibuster removed, and a small majority Democrat lead running roughshod through the senate like they had 2/3rds...

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This has already been the case 95% of the time for the last half century.

If we can't get Republicans to block a reconciliation bill (which takes only 1 Senator to do), when how do we expect 41 of them to unite to block a regular bill?


--- Quote from: Hoodat on June 26, 2021, 09:11:30 pm ---This has already been the case 95% of the time for the last half century.

If we can't get Republicans to block a reconciliation bill (which takes only 1 Senator to do), when how do we expect 41 of them to unite to block a regular bill?

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That's right enough, and why I know I am right in stating that liberalism is not winning on merit, but is winning because it has no opposition. If the Republican electorate will not demand enforcement of their principle things by their representatives, there is nothing more that can be done.


--- Quote from: Cyber Liberty on June 26, 2021, 07:25:39 pm ---What would be the point in it?  He votes with Chuck consistently.

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Apparently not on the fillibuster issue.

I could be wrong.....though.

If I am, please let me know.


--- Quote from: roamer_1 on June 26, 2021, 07:51:20 pm ---Other than retaining the filibuster and stuff like that, fairly important to the party out of power. I don't have to agree with them on ANYTHING else, but if they stand in that defense against terrible pressure, credit is due.

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I didn't think I'd see that here.

Thank you.


--- Quote from: Cyber Liberty on June 26, 2021, 07:53:57 pm ---Oh, I agree with that, but that hasn't happened yet, so let's see.  Let's give Manchen the same benefit of the doubt you gave Donald Trump, until he shanks the ball into the infield.

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Donald Trump recieved the benefit of the doubt from 71,000,000 people (of which I was one).

Pretty impressive given the headwinds he faced.


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