Indeed; yet such wisdom can be found in many times & climes, for example:Laws of Manu
Agreed, because Man embraced his Spiritual Sensibilities from Eden till the French Enlightenment.
Then, in my judgement, a fateful turn occurred from which Mankind has never recovered.
Secular revolutionaries, such as Rousseau, St. Just, Voltaire, among dozens, promoted the
nostrum that Man's 'material betterment in this life' was an equally noble calling and purpose,
worthy of his efforts and focus.
The impact of this pernicious idea gave Man pause, turning his head while sewing the seeds
for the Material Rot that has engulfed the World during the past 300 years.
Two realities reinforce my conclusion:
* Materialism has been the spawn of the deadliest isms ever inflicted on Mankind.
* What we moderns label "Art" in any form, is an abject embarrassment when compared
to that which preceded it.