Author Topic: Petraeus Trashes Biden Decision to Quit Afghanistan  (Read 173 times)

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Petraeus Trashes Biden Decision to Quit Afghanistan
« on: April 18, 2021, 10:03:11 am »
 Petraeus Trashes Biden Decision to Quit Afghanistan

Pulling out now is an “unforced error,” the former commander of U.S. troops in Afghanistan said. Other former war leaders say the threat can be managed.
By Kevin Baron
Executive Editor
April 14, 2021

David Petraeus sharply criticized President Joe Biden’s decision to remove U.S. troops there, saying he worries that the “endless war” will only worsen.

“I'm really afraid that we're going to look back two years from now and regret the decision,” said Petraeus, former commanding general of U.S. and NATO troops in Afghanistan and former CIA director.

He spoke on a conference video call originally intended to promote a new book from retired admiral William McRaven, who oversaw the 2011 mission to find Osama bin Laden.