Author Topic: Around the World of Woke in 80 Days  (Read 103 times)

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Around the World of Woke in 80 Days
« on: April 11, 2021, 12:31:27 pm »
The Post & Email by Jeff Crouere 4/10/2021

The first 80 days of the Biden administration have been a nightmare for Americans who love our constitution and appreciate limited government. On Thursday, President Joe Biden announced another batch of executive orders, in this case, dealing with expanding gun control. It follows a blizzard of executive orders he has issued since his inauguration.

Biden is proving his “woke” credentials by pursuing a full-fledged progressive agenda. Although all leftist dreams have not been realized, dramatic action on their agenda has occurred in the first 80 days of the Biden administration.

This has happened despite a disputed election in which Biden did not achieve anything close to a mandate. Even accepting the official election results show that Biden lost 25 states and his party barely maintained control of the U.S. House of Representatives, while achieving 50 seats in the U.S. Senate. With Vice President Kamala Harris voting, Democrats can control both houses of Congress; however, it is the slimmest of margins.

Instead of showing moderation and trying to work with Republicans, President Biden is dealing with Democrats only and acting as if he achieved a 50-state landslide. In the process, he is working overtime to overthrow as many actions of President Donald Trump as possible.

The overwhelming flood of illegal immigrants at our southern border is the biggest crisis facing the country. Prior to Biden’s invitation for illegal immigrants to surge into the country, President Trump had the border under control. Unfortunately, Biden stopped construction of the border wall, reinstituted the failed “catch and release” program and wanted to enact a 100-day moratorium on all deportations, until his actions were challenged in court by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton.

To say Biden has been a disaster is an understatement and an insult to disasters. In actuality, he has been a total catastrophe. His major legislative achievement, the so-called “COVID Relief bill” was a $1.9 trillion giveaway to failed Democrat Mayors and Governors. Despite his call for unity and bipartisanship, the bill passed with no support from GOP members of Congress.
