Author Topic: 2 police officers threatened and assaulted Army officer during an illegal stop, lawsuit claims: Vide  (Read 9257 times)

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Offline txradioguy

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If people just follow simple civics...then situations like this deescalate on their own fairly quickly.
The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

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Republicans Don't Need A Back Bench...They Need a BACKBONE!

Online Elderberry

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@Elderberry Because we are living in a "Woke" society and his commanding officer doesn't have any balls. Did you watch the video I provided the link to?

I saw videos before your link. I did not see how the officer could have possibly been "In fear of his life" to warrant pulling a weapon on the driver.

Offline Sled Dog

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First you call them pigs that exceeded their authority, and then you conclude by saying "Those orders were lawful and routine for a traffic stop." Which one do you believe, because I am seeing a serious contradiction here?

What part of "turn off the engine" and "stick your hands out the windows" is unlawful in a typical traffic stop?

I'm not denying the cops had the authority to stop and investigate.

Then they immediately went into Testosterone Mode and pulled their out, without reason.

That is when the situation went pear shaped.    There was no need to display weapons at that point.

And what the hell, do those er.."cops" have any brains at all?  If the vehicle WAS being driven by gangstas...would they prefer to stop on a dark highway and play shoot-em-up, or would they go to a well-lit service station, with cameras and witnesses, to do the deed?

if the "cop" had any normal level of testosterone, he would have walked up to the vehicle and done the procedure properly. 

He did not.  He failed to control the situation and thus the onus is on him.

And, no, it's not "obstructing" the law to refuse to exit a vehicle until the "cops" present adequate probable cause.   

"Get out of the car."

"No.  Why should I?"

"I'm a Low T cop and want to boost my ego."

"Not good enough.  That's not recognized probable cause."

"How about 'Get out or I shoot you'?"

"Then any search of my vehicle is unlawful under the Fourth Amendment."

The cops resorted to force and threats because their widdle egos were hurt and they knew they didn't have authority to go as far as they did.

The GOP is not the party leadership.  The GOP is the party MEMBERSHIP.   The members need to kick the leaders out if they leaders are going the wrong way.  No coddling allowed.

Offline Sled Dog

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If people just follow simple civics...then situations like this deescalate on their own fairly quickly.

Not "people".

The cops.
The GOP is not the party leadership.  The GOP is the party MEMBERSHIP.   The members need to kick the leaders out if they leaders are going the wrong way.  No coddling allowed.

Offline txradioguy

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What part of "turn off the engine" and "stick your hands out the windows" is unlawful in a typical traffic stop?

I'm not denying the cops had the authority to stop and investigate.

Then they immediately went into Testosterone Mode and pulled their out, without reason.

That is when the situation went pear shaped.    There was no need to display weapons at that point.

And what the hell, do those er.."cops" have any brains at all?  If the vehicle WAS being driven by gangstas...would they prefer to stop on a dark highway and play shoot-em-up, or would they go to a well-lit service station, with cameras and witnesses, to do the deed?

if the "cop" had any normal level of testosterone, he would have walked up to the vehicle and done the procedure properly. 

He did not.  He failed to control the situation and thus the onus is on him.

And, no, it's not "obstructing" the law to refuse to exit a vehicle until the "cops" present adequate probable cause.   

"Get out of the car."

"No.  Why should I?"

"I'm a Low T cop and want to boost my ego."

"Not good enough.  That's not recognized probable cause."

"How about 'Get out or I shoot you'?"

"Then any search of my vehicle is unlawful under the Fourth Amendment."

The cops resorted to force and threats because their widdle egos were hurt and they knew they didn't have authority to go as far as they did.

You sound no different than the Liberal defund the police crowd with childish crap like this.
The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

Here lies in honored glory an American soldier, known but to God


Republicans Don't Need A Back Bench...They Need a BACKBONE!

Offline Sled Dog

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Obviously you did not watch the video. THE WINDOWS WERE TINTED AND IT WAS AT NIGHT. THEY COULD NTO SEE THE DRIVER. So explain to me how they were stereotyping since the driver was half Hispanic and half African American, and the officer was also Hispanic? And stop calling them pigs. They are officers doing a job and you are sounding like one of the BLM D!CKS.

I drove a cargo van for over a decade.

My windows weren't tinted.  They were steel sheets, no windows.

The cop was required to address the citizen respectfully and explain his reason for stopping the citizen, not scream at him  in an estrogen haze.

The rear windows of those SUVs are tinted for thermal reasons, among others.   It was a factory tint.   The cop was a gutless little girl who caused a minor issue to become a major viral video.

He needs to learn to code.

Let me answer the question - the "cop" was stereotyping in that he assumed the driver of a black late-model SUV with temporary tags...oops...he was too stupid to see those....was a gangster with a gun endangering his life.   

And yeah, that's why I said "stereotyping" since I reserve the word "racist" to the Rodents and because I meant to use the word "stereotyping" because I know what words mean.  I'm really special that way.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2021, 05:07:12 pm by Sled Dog »
The GOP is not the party leadership.  The GOP is the party MEMBERSHIP.   The members need to kick the leaders out if they leaders are going the wrong way.  No coddling allowed.

Offline txradioguy

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I drove a cargo van for over a decade.

My windows weren't tinted.  They were steel sheets, no windows.

The cop was required to address the citizen respectfully and explain his reason for stopping the citizen, not scream at him  in an estrogen haze.

The rear windows of those SUVs are tinted for thermal reasons, among others.   It was a factory tint.   The cop was a gutless little girl who caused a minor issue to become a major viral video.

He needs to learn to code.

The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

Here lies in honored glory an American soldier, known but to God


Republicans Don't Need A Back Bench...They Need a BACKBONE!

Offline Sled Dog

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You sound no different than the Liberal defund the police crowd with childish crap like this.

I sound like a conservative libertarian who understands the purpose of the police in civil society and the limits the Constitution places one THEIR actions, not ours.

You need to form and express arguments supporting your position.

Before that, you should probably express a coherent position so we can discuss the issue.

There are limits on police behavior.  When those limits are exceeded, the officers in violation deserve neither respect nor sympathy.

Those limits were exceeded by these clowns in the video.

Here's a HINT for you:  NOBODY has a "right" to be able to see inside someone's vehicle, not even the po-leese.   The front windshield and front door windows can't be tinted for reasons of driver field-of-view.   Vehicles aren't even required to have windows aft of the driver.   Ergo, it can't be reasonable to ban tinting on windows.  But whatever, the vehicle was brand-new and had factory standard tinting.

Too bad for the cops, but they shouldn't be pulling guns on citizens without explicit probable cause.  Tiny balls aren't justification.

The GOP is not the party leadership.  The GOP is the party MEMBERSHIP.   The members need to kick the leaders out if they leaders are going the wrong way.  No coddling allowed.

Offline Sled Dog

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So you believe I should have cut holes in the sides of my van so the po-leese could peer in when they wanted to?

Explain the difference between a panel-truck and a car with tinted windows from a safety perspective?
The GOP is not the party leadership.  The GOP is the party MEMBERSHIP.   The members need to kick the leaders out if they leaders are going the wrong way.  No coddling allowed.

Offline txradioguy

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Again...the driver refused to comply with simple commands from the officer.  You would think a commissioned officer in the military...especially a lowly 2LT would understand complying with commands you're being given.

Had he simply done what the officer said the first time he asked...we wouldn't know who this weekend warrior was...nor would we care.

And it's really kinda sad to see people on here who consider themselves Conservative continue disparage the officers and the rule of law.  You're letting your own personal bad experience with law enforcement cloud your common sense and judgement.

Are there bad cops?  Of course...but it's not these two.  And given the ay police are under attack from every corner these days you can' blame them for being tense in this situation...especially given how the driver refused to stop and then refused to comply with the officers.  That right there ramps up the tension.

And IMHO you can't get mad at the cops for enforcing the laws passed by the city/county/state.  They merely enforce them.  Don't like the people in that will change the laws...or get elected to a city council yourself and be the change.

And I can tell you for a fact...that had that idiot 2LT behaved in the same manner on ANY military installation...the Military Police officers that pulled him over wouldn't have acted any differently.
The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

Here lies in honored glory an American soldier, known but to God


Republicans Don't Need A Back Bench...They Need a BACKBONE!

Offline txradioguy

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So you believe I should have cut holes in the sides of my van so the po-leese could peer in when they wanted to?

Explain the difference between a panel-truck and a car with tinted windows from a safety perspective?

Was your car tag hiding behind one of the metal panels? No?  Didn't think so.

It had nothing to do with safety.

The reason they wanted to pull the truck over int he first place is because they couldn't see a car tag displayed anywhere on the vehicle.  It was not visible behind the tinted glass of the tailgate.

What could have been a 2 minute stop with a warning or just a verbal reminder to "put your tag where it can be seen so this doesn't happen again" had turned into what it is now.

The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

Here lies in honored glory an American soldier, known but to God


Republicans Don't Need A Back Bench...They Need a BACKBONE!

Offline txradioguy

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I sound like a conservative libertarian who understands the purpose of the police in civil society and the limits the Constitution places one THEIR actions, not ours.

You need to form and express arguments supporting your position.

Before that, you should probably express a coherent position so we can discuss the issue.

There are limits on police behavior.  When those limits are exceeded, the officers in violation deserve neither respect nor sympathy.

Those limits were exceeded by these clowns in the video.

Here's a HINT for you:  NOBODY has a "right" to be able to see inside someone's vehicle, not even the po-leese.   The front windshield and front door windows can't be tinted for reasons of driver field-of-view.   Vehicles aren't even required to have windows aft of the driver.   Ergo, it can't be reasonable to ban tinting on windows.  But whatever, the vehicle was brand-new and had factory standard tinting.

Too bad for the cops, but they shouldn't be pulling guns on citizens without explicit probable cause.  Tiny balls aren't justification.

No you don't.  The way you're disparaging the cops the derogatory terms you've and Hillary Clinton are like minded people.  She feels about the cops the same way that you do.

So congratulations.
The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

Here lies in honored glory an American soldier, known but to God


Republicans Don't Need A Back Bench...They Need a BACKBONE!

Offline sneakypete

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What part of "turn off the engine" and "stick your hands out the windows" is unlawful in a typical traffic stop?

I'm not denying the cops had the authority to stop and investigate.

Then they immediately went into Testosterone Mode and pulled their out, without reason.

That is when the situation went pear shaped.    There was no need to display weapons at that point.

And what the hell, do those er.."cops" have any brains at all?  If the vehicle WAS being driven by gangstas...would they prefer to stop on a dark highway and play shoot-em-up, or would they go to a well-lit service station, with cameras and witnesses, to do the deed?

if the "cop" had any normal level of testosterone, he would have walked up to the vehicle and done the procedure properly. 

He did not.  He failed to control the situation and thus the onus is on him.

And, no, it's not "obstructing" the law to refuse to exit a vehicle until the "cops" present adequate probable cause.   

"Get out of the car."

"No.  Why should I?"

"I'm a Low T cop and want to boost my ego."

"Not good enough.  That's not recognized probable cause."

"How about 'Get out or I shoot you'?"

"Then any search of my vehicle is unlawful under the Fourth Amendment."

The cops resorted to force and threats because their widdle egos were hurt and they knew they didn't have authority to go as far as they did.

@Sled Dog

Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

Offline sneakypete

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You sound no different than the Liberal defund the police crowd with childish crap like this.

@Sled Dog  @txradioguy

So.....,you would be fine with being treated like that if it were you,and you KNEW you had committed no crimes or done anything else to deserve this kind of abuse by the police?
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

Offline txradioguy

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@Sled Dog



Maybe if the idiot 2LT (repetitive I know) hadn't continually slapped their hands away after he refused to comply with their lawful orders to exit the vehicle...none of this would have happened.

But hey why let facts get in the way of getting our hate hard on for cops right?
The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

Here lies in honored glory an American soldier, known but to God


Republicans Don't Need A Back Bench...They Need a BACKBONE!

Offline Sled Dog

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Again...the driver refused to comply with simple commands from the officer.  You would think a commissioned officer in the military...especially a lowly 2LT would understand complying with commands you're being given.

I recognize that it took the fool quite a while to comply.

And even second loouies are smart enough to know that some civilian cop is not in his chain of command.

This excuses the instant display of lethal force in what way?

Had he simply done what the officer said the first time he asked...we wouldn't know who this weekend warrior was...nor would we care.

Blaming the victim is a tired old American pastime, isn't it?

And it's really kinda sad to see people on here who consider themselves Conservative continue disparage the officers and the rule of law.  You're letting your own personal bad experience with law enforcement cloud your common sense and judgement.

And it's REALLY said to see conservatives defend the abuse of citizens under the color of authority.

The citizen's rights were violated.   Bigly.

Try to understand this.   

Are there bad cops?  Of course...but it's not these two.  And given the ay police are under attack from every corner these days you can' blame them for being tense in this situation...especially given how the driver refused to stop and then refused to comply with the officers.  That right there ramps up the tension.

Yes, those two.   

The vehicle stopped in a well lighted area and the next proper step was for the officer to get his butt out of the car and approach the vehicle to both inform the driver of the reason for the stop and to promote the investigation.   He did neither because he is a fool.   The other cop was worse and did everything possible to make the situation worse, probably deliberately given his refusal to recognize the military rank of the suspect and the cop's alleged veteran status.

And IMHO you can't get mad at the cops for enforcing the laws passed by the city/county/state.  They merely enforce them.  Don't like the people in that will change the laws...or get elected to a city council yourself and be the change.

Of course I can.  This is supposed to be a free country and I can certainly be outraged over the abuses those two jerks performed, presuming to hide behind the authority I granted them as a citizen of the United States.

There was nothing wrong with the laws.

The fat cop got himself fired, didn't he?  That was a good outcome.  He clearly had attitude issues that needed rectifying before he killed someone.

And I can tell you for a fact...that had that idiot 2LT behaved in the same manner on ANY military installation...the Military Police officers that pulled him over wouldn't have acted any differently.

Depends on how well trained the MPs were.   I know the SPs I met were just as retarded as any other average cop.  I had a REAL job in the Navy.  I wasn't a cop with a different uniform.
The GOP is not the party leadership.  The GOP is the party MEMBERSHIP.   The members need to kick the leaders out if they leaders are going the wrong way.  No coddling allowed.

Offline txradioguy

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@Sled Dog  @txradioguy

So.....,you would be fine with being treated like that if it were you,and you KNEW you had committed no crimes or done anything else to deserve this kind of abuse by the police?

I won't get treated like that because I won't act like Nazario did.  If I've committed no crime they I have no reason to not comply with their orders.

And I already know cops are going to be tense when they initially stop me because when they run my plates they'll see on their computer I have a valid concealed carry license.
The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

Here lies in honored glory an American soldier, known but to God


Republicans Don't Need A Back Bench...They Need a BACKBONE!

Offline Sled Dog

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@Sled Dog


Once things start to go squirrelly and they realize they're getting into legal trouble, cops often escalate to provoke a response from the citizen so they can then sweep their instigating behavior under the rug by charging the victim with assault and etc.   

That's routine and that was DEFINITELY what was going on here.

The GOP is not the party leadership.  The GOP is the party MEMBERSHIP.   The members need to kick the leaders out if they leaders are going the wrong way.  No coddling allowed.

Offline sneakypete

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Maybe if the idiot 2LT (repetitive I know) hadn't continually slapped their hands away after he refused to comply with their lawful orders to exit the vehicle...none of this would have happened.

But hey why let facts get in the way of getting our hate hard on for cops right?


Or MAYBE,the idiot cop shouldn't have been trying to grab  an innocent citizen that was not guilty of ANY actual crime?

At WORSE,he was guilty of an unintended traffic violation because his temporary license wasn't visable.

ALL the escalation here was due to the actions of the cops. Mainly the fat,bald one. Of course,the other cop is going to do down with him because he didn't stop him. He was kinda in a lose-lose situation. If he backed his partner he was guilty of abetting abuse and if he didn't,chances are he would end up losing his job.

Do YOU think this sort of thing justifies physical force and violence by the police? Would it be ok with you if it were YOUR son or daughter they had stopped,and not this Lt?
« Last Edit: April 13, 2021, 05:26:00 pm by sneakypete »
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

Offline skeeter

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I still don't get the 'guns out' posture of the cops - a license plate violation followed by a mile drive & pullover to a well lit area.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2021, 05:27:25 pm by skeeter »

Offline Sled Dog

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I won't get treated like that because I won't act like Nazario did.  If I've committed no crime they I have no reason to not comply with their orders.

And I already know cops are going to be tense when they initially stop me because when they run my plates they'll see on their computer I have a valid concealed carry license.

Won't be too long in this country before your crime will be Driving While White (assuming you are...I've no idea, of course), and then what?

The place to resist illegal police action is when illegal police action happens, ESPECIALLY when you know you've committed no crime.

Stop the vehicle?  Fine.

Stick the hands out the window?  Fine.

Get out of the car?   No effin' way, not until they present probable cause for the stop and, more, probable cause for requiring me to exit the vehicle.   Getting the victim out of the car is the first step towards an illegal search.

If you DON'T stand for your rights every time you interact with the law stooges, don't expect to keep them.    Defend that man's rights, because you're defending your own.
The GOP is not the party leadership.  The GOP is the party MEMBERSHIP.   The members need to kick the leaders out if they leaders are going the wrong way.  No coddling allowed.

Offline Sled Dog

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I still don't get the 'guns out' posture of the cops - a license plate violation pullover followed by a mile drive to a well lit area.

Too much caffiene?
The GOP is not the party leadership.  The GOP is the party MEMBERSHIP.   The members need to kick the leaders out if they leaders are going the wrong way.  No coddling allowed.

Offline Sled Dog

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Or MAYBE,the idiot cop shouldn't have been trying to grab  an innocent citizen that was not guilty of ANY actual crime?

At WORSE,he was guilty of an unintended traffic violation because his temporary license wasn't visable.

ALL the escalation here was due to the actions of the cops. Mainly the fat,bald one. Of course,the other cop is going to do down with him because he didn't stop him. He was kinda in a lose-lose situation. If he backed his partner he was guilty of abetting abuse and if he didn't,chances are he would end up losing his job.

Do YOU think this sort of thing justifies physical force and violence by the police? Would it be ok with you if it were YOUR son or daughter they had stopped,and not this Lt?

If he didn't back the other cop, he would have never been able to trust any cop in a situation where that trust was needed.     I understand that.   But the moron shouldn't have escalated that stop to the level of weapons out in the first place.   

The GOP is not the party leadership.  The GOP is the party MEMBERSHIP.   The members need to kick the leaders out if they leaders are going the wrong way.  No coddling allowed.

Offline sneakypete

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Won't be too long in this country before your crime will be Driving While White (assuming you are...I've no idea, of course), and then what?

The place to resist illegal police action is when illegal police action happens, ESPECIALLY when you know you've committed no crime.

Stop the vehicle?  Fine.

Stick the hands out the window?  Fine.

Get out of the car?   No effin' way, not until they present probable cause for the stop and, more, probable cause for requiring me to exit the vehicle.   Getting the victim out of the car is the first step towards an illegal search.

If you DON'T stand for your rights every time you interact with the law stooges, don't expect to keep them.    Defend that man's rights, because you're defending your own.

@Sled Dog

In bold because  it bears repeating over and over until EVERYBODY "gets it".

We are either all free citizens,or none of us are free citizens.
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

Offline txradioguy

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I recognize that it took the fool quite a while to comply.

So automatically he escalated the situation.

And even second loouies are smart enough to know that some civilian cop is not in his chain of command.

Never said they were...but we as soldiers also know that we have to obey lawful orders from civilian police officers if we are stopped for any violation.  We show up on civilian police blotters just like anyone else when we run afoul of the law.  And any resistance to civilian law enforcement can result in military repercussions on our career.

This excuses the instant display of lethal force in what way?

Driver fails to comply...won't stop...refuses commands...what are they supposed to do...ask pretty please?  Wait til the driver runs them over to draw their weapoin?

Blaming the victim is a tired old American pastime, isn't it?

If the "victim" is complicit in what ends up happening to them then they really aren't that much of a victim now are they?

And it's REALLY said to see conservatives defend the abuse of citizens under the color of authority

Rule of law is a cornerstone of conservatism.  Sorry you don't comprehend that.

The citizen's rights were violated.   Bigly.

So was the law of that area.  By the citizen.  Bigly.

Try to understand this.   

Take your own advice.

Yes, those two.

No not those two.

The vehicle stopped in a well lighted area and the next proper step was for the officer to get his butt out of the car and approach the vehicle to both inform the driver of the reason for the stop and to promote the investigation.   He did neither because he is a fool.   The other cop was worse and did everything possible to make the situation worse, probably deliberately given his refusal to recognize the military rank of the suspect and the cop's alleged veteran status.

The driver continued for a mile after the lights were turned on.  There was no tag visible.    The officer had no idea what was going on.  My first thought would be stolen vehicle.  Watch enough shows like LivePD and you understand why.

The idiot 2LT (again repetitive I know) Kept trying to use his rank *chuckle* and his status as a member of the military to not comply.  That ls complete and utter bullshit on the 2LT's part.  He doesn't get special privilege to ignore local law enforcement simply because he's wearing a uniform.  And you can clearly hear the officer tell him "I'm a veteran too".

Of course I can.  This is supposed to be a free country and I can certainly be outraged over the abuses those two jerks performed, presuming to hide behind the authority I granted them as a citizen of the United States.

Again you're letting your personal bias from whatever bad run ins you've had with the cops completely kill any kind of common sense you should be applying to this situation.  ANd it's really sad.

There was nothing wrong with the laws.

Then don't trash the cops for enforcing them.

The fat cop got himself fired, didn't he?  That was a good outcome.  He clearly had attitude issues that needed rectifying before he killed someone.

So if the one cop got himself fired for doing his job?  What should happen to the 2LT for his actions during that stop that escalated it to the point it got to?

Depends on how well trained the MPs were.   I know the SPs I met were just as retarded as any other average cop.  I had a REAL job in the Navy.  I wasn't a cop with a different uniform.

And there we have it.  Your myopic view of law enforcement boiled down to it's purest form.  It's not just this traffic stop you just hate law enforcement period.

You're one of those that would just rather give a middle finger to any police officer you see and chuckle;e to yourself about how cool you are for doing it.

The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

Here lies in honored glory an American soldier, known but to God


Republicans Don't Need A Back Bench...They Need a BACKBONE!