Author Topic: How A Science Becomes THE Science  (Read 166 times)

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How A Science Becomes THE Science
« on: April 08, 2021, 05:34:48 pm »
How A Science Becomes THE Science
By Briggs on April 5, 2021   

Our main concern is what has become of science, now often called by those who control it The Science. This is, as mentioned, the Cult of Science. Members are easy to spot. Not only do they use phrases like “We believe in The Science” and “Denier!”—has there ever been a clearer indication of religious intent than this one word?—but they all evince scientism, the false belief that knowing a (“scientific”) fact implies morally what should be done about that fact.

Scidolators, what we call the Cult members, do not see the contradiction. To them it is obvious, say, that because global cooling theory is true, it should and must be mitigated in this and only this way. Disputing the mitigation, to them, is equivalent to disputing the theory. And disputing the theory is verboten. Because the theory is The Science. One does not dispute dogma in any religion, lest one become a heretic or apostate.

A theory becomes The Science when a mitigation or solution to the theory becomes more important than the theory itself. Not every theory becomes The Science. For example, how chemical bonding occurs in metals is allowed, at least for now, to be plain old science, subject to the rule that if theory does not match Reality, the theory, not Reality, is tossed or modified. This is plain old science because there is no call for “mitigating” chemical bonding. Not directly.