Author Topic: Biden’s Precious ILLEGALS Being Given INSTRUCTIONS FOR INVASION!  (Read 207 times)

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Sunshine Sunshine April 2, 2021   

Now that the left is back in the office they can continue their onslaught of liberal policies to destroy America once and for all. That has been evident in the last couple of months, where the Biden administration has essentially overturned all of former President Trump’s policies that were in place to protect us in favor of helping illegals and foreign countries that hate us.

Between that and the Biden administration’s “welcome to all so come on in” sign at our border for illegals to flood over it makes you wonder how much more we can take. Of course, the mainstream media is attempting to make it appear that these are just poor refugees coming into the country needing sanctuary, but we all know that is not the case.

While left-wing advocates like to portray the flooding of migrants at the border as if it is a spontaneous phenomenon, there are actually countless special interest groups and NGOs that are pushing this invasion as part of a globalist political agenda.