Author Topic: Toomey: There Is ‘Common Ground’ on Requiring Background Checks  (Read 420 times)

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Toomey: There Is ‘Common Ground’ on Requiring Background Checks

Pam Key 28 Mar 2021

Senator Pat Toomey (R-PA) said Sunday on NBC’s “Meet The Press” that there was “common ground” between Democrats and Republicans on moving forward on legislation requiring background checks in the commercial sale of guns.

Toomey said, “What we need to do is try to find a place where we can land, a place where there’s some common ground. I have long believed, as I’ve told you many times, the place where we ought to be able to get that done is requiring background checks on commercial sales. That’s where I know Senator Manchin is. And there are Republican senators who are interested, not because it’s some bank shot to prevent the Democrats from abusing their power with respect to the filibuster, but because there is some substantive support.”

Anchor Chuck Todd said, “Is your issue with the House bill, and I know Senators Manchin and Tester, do you have — do you share their same concerns on this issue of private sales? Or do you think there is a way to include some form of a background check in that, too?

Toomey said, “You know, there are, there are different mechanisms, there’s new technology that makes these various mechanisms possible that weren’t possible before. You’re not going to get to 60 votes with legislation that requires a — when a father wants to sell his gun to his son to have to get a background check. So, I still think the best way to do this is focus on commercial sales. You know, between the sales that already occur at licensed firearm dealers, all of which require a background check, and what we consider commercial sales, advertised sales, gun shows and on the internet, that covers the vast, vast majority of all transactions. And it would be progress if we had background checks for those categories.”
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Offline Killer Clouds

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What an idiot! You already have to have background checks on commercial sales.

Offline Cyber Liberty

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This is Toomey's fundamental misconception:  There is no common ground to be had with the Rats, they are domestic enemies.
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Offline skeeter

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What an idiot! You already have to have background checks on commercial sales.
True, but they do not yet check political affiliation.

Offline txradioguy

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What a pathetic politician he's turned out to be.
The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

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Online libertybele

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What a pathetic politician he's turned out to be.

The majority of our politicians, DOJ, and SCOTUS have turned out to be a pathetic bunch.  No integrity, no respect for the rule of law and most of them don't give a damn!
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Offline sneakypete

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Senator Pat Toomey (R-PA) said Sunday on NBC’s “Meet The Press” that there was “common ground” between Democrats and Republicans on moving forward on legislation requiring background checks in the commercial sale of guns.

Which is why so many people are leaving the alleged Republican Party.
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

Offline sneakypete

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This is Toomey's fundamental misconception:  There is no common ground to be had with the Rats, they are domestic enemies.

@Cyber Liberty

They are not enemies to RINO's like Toomey. They are co-conspirators,seeking to steal and graft as much money as possible from the government they are supposed to be representing.
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

Offline Cyber Liberty

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@Cyber Liberty

They are not enemies to RINO's like Toomey. They are co-conspirators,seeking to steal and graft as much money as possible from the government they are supposed to be representing.

That just goes to show that many Republicans are on the wrong side of, "If you are not for me, you are against me."
For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death — if you’re unvaccinated — for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm. Sloe Joe Biteme 12/16
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