Author Topic: No Defense News, Climate Change Can’t Be Threatening Military Operations if Weather Isn’t Getting W  (Read 235 times)

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No Defense News, Climate Change Can’t Be Threatening Military Operations if Weather Isn’t Getting Worse
H. Sterling Burnett -
March 25, 2021 0
Among its top search results today for “climate change,” Google News is highlighting an article from Defense News titled, “Battling climate change starts with military action.” The article falsely claims climate change is threatening U.S. military operations and preparedness by enhancing sea level rise and extreme weather events. Both claims are untrue. Data from the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and from the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) consistently show the number and intensity of extreme weather events, from hurricanes to wildfires are about the same, or even slightly less frequent and severe, than they have been historically.

Cmdr. Benjamin Simon writes:

“The effects of climate change are all around. They can be seen by the Gulf Coast bracing for seven named storms in 2020; wildfires in California interrupting electricity for hundreds of thousands ….

As a 16-year naval aviator, I have seen how serious climate instability is: From the flooding of our naval bases, due to the rising sea level, to increased storms at a higher intensity, the climate emergency is affecting our military’s capability to operate. During my service, I had to cancel missions due to hurricanes, typhoons and other severe weather.”