Author Topic: National Security AI Commission Recommends Ramping Up a Military Tech Race with China  (Read 205 times)

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National Security AI Commission Recommends Ramping Up a Military Tech Race with China
“In the future, warfare will pit algorithm against algorithm,” the report asserts.
By Michael T. KlareTwitter
Yesterday 10:00 am

The national media paid scant attention to the release, on March 1, of the final report of the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence (NSCAI). In high government circles, however, it is receiving close and admiring attention. That’s because the report bolsters a widely held perception among senior policy-makers—Democrats and Republicans alike—that the United States is engaged in a protracted struggle with China for global supremacy and risks losing out to its more tech-savvy adversary. “For the first time since World War II, America’s technological predominance—the backbone of its economic and military power—is under threat,” the report asserts. “China possesses the might, talent, and ambition to surpass the United States as the world’s leader in AI in the next decade if current trends do not change.” If this country is to avert such a calamity, “the US government must embrace the AI competition and organize to win it.”

For many on Capitol Hill, this is a galvanizing message. Concern over China’s rise is already widespread among members of both parties, as is a sense that the United States is not doing enough to compete with China in the technological realm. And while some might question the need for more ships and planes to confront the Chinese, few debate the need for increased investment in advanced technologies. “We believe we have powerful bipartisan consensus to win the technology competition with our strategic competitors,” said commission vice-chair Robert Work, a former deputy secretary of defense, when submitting the final report. “The next necessary step is to organize to compete and win that competition.”