Author Topic: Why So Many Climate Crisis Claims Are Based On Manipulated Science  (Read 210 times)

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 Written by H. Sterling Burnett on Mar 24, 2021. Posted in Latest news
Why So Many Climate Crisis Claims Are Based On Manipulated Science

earth fire disasterWe are constantly being warned by activists, politicians, and some climate scientists that we face a climate crisis; that if humanity collectively doesn’t alter its lifestyle and consumption patterns now, the world will end in 10 years, 12 years, 50 years—pick your number.

This is a lie, and I suspect most of the people making these apocalyptic prophesies know it. For them, it’s the modern-day equivalent of Plato’s noble lie—lying to people to get them to act in ways they don’t realize are in their own best interest.

Not coincidentally, those telling the lie profit from it in terms of influence, money, and/or power.