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AT what age did you leave your Parents House?

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--- Quote from: Wingnut on March 23, 2021, 06:16:10 pm ---One time I went back to live with them and tried to open the back door but it was locked.  I pulled out my key and found the locks had been changed.  So I goes to the front door and start banging on it when this guy I have never seen before sticks a gun in my face and asks me WTF I was doing.  I ask him what he is doing in My parents house?

Seems they sold it a few months before and moved out of state and neglected to inform me.


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I had a friend in basic I met up with again at Bragg tell me the same thing happened to him.

It was slightly different for me. When I got home after basic training,it was like I had never existed. Every magazine and book I had collected had been thrown away,and every piece of civilian clothing I had left in my closet had been given to Good Will. It was like I had never existed.  They didn't even keep any of my school photos or year books. Tossed it all.


--- Quote from: sneakypete on April 12, 2021, 07:23:45 pm ---@Wingnut

I had a friend in basic I met up with again at Bragg tell me the same thing happened to him.

It was slightly different for me. When I got home after basic training,it was like I had never existed. Every magazine and book I had collected had been thrown away,and every piece of civilian clothing I had left in my closet had been given to Good Will. It was like I had never existed.  They didn't even keep any of my school photos or year books. Tossed it all.

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That sucks.   

Between 17 and 18.  When I got home after basic training everything of value that I had owned had been hocked by my drug-soaked younger brother and sister.

And that was just the beginning.


--- Quote from: sneakypete on April 12, 2021, 07:23:45 pm ---@Wingnut

I had a friend in basic I met up with again at Bragg tell me the same thing happened to him.

It was slightly different for me. When I got home after basic training,it was like I had never existed. Every magazine and book I had collected had been thrown away,and every piece of civilian clothing I had left in my closet had been given to Good Will. It was like I had never existed.  They didn't even keep any of my school photos or year books. Tossed it all.

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Jeez thats a real confidence booster.


--- Quote from: skeeter on April 12, 2021, 08:35:05 pm ---Jeez thats a real confidence booster.

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Well,it was my fault for not expecting it. They started telling me I had better do good in school around the time I was in the 3rd grade because when I turned 18 I would need to find a place to live because I wouldn't be allowed to stay with them.

It ain't like I wasn't warned.

They weren't my birth parents,anyhow. They were just a couple that liked children,and I had already taught myself to read and write by the time I started elementary school,so I wasn't very child-like to them. They both loved and doted on little children,but by the time you started to mature,they lost interest and wanted another baby to raise.

Especially my father,who had to quit school in the 3rd grade and go to work at a shipbuilders to help his mother feed and support his 6 brothers and sisters. He would barely write his name,and couldn't read at all,and having to ask me to read the newspaper to him or tell him what the news people on tv were talking about must have been humiliating. He was NOT stupid,but he was illiterate,and this make him think he was stupid.

My mother did a little better. She managed to make it through the 5th grade before both her parents died and she had to quit school and go to work.

Still,fair is fair,and it's not like I didn't have any warning. In MY defense,that was the only family I had ever lived with,so what did I know about families?

Neither one of them ever knew or expected anything but hard times their whole lives.


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