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Offline roamer_1

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Re: BREAKING: Trump to Return to Social Media With His Own Platform Soon
« Reply #150 on: March 24, 2021, 01:43:57 am »

You're absolutely right that there's no Principles in conservatism.   It's the Principled Conservatives who make up the corps of rotten traitor RINOs that kept the President from getting the proper bills passed before the Rodents stole the House in 2018.    It's the Principled Conservatives who have no principles.

Anyone claiming to oppose Trump on Principles don't have any principles at all.  They're just spoiled children who don't want to what is needed to make America succeed.   In other words, the Principled Conservatives, those pitiful whiners who don't like his Mean Tweets, his relentless attacks on America's enemies in the media, in the Rodent Party, and among the Principled Conservatives themselves, aren't conservatives.

Which is why I capitalized Principles.   American's don't need Principles.  Their principle is to win and defend the  Constitution and the feelings of the enemy about the matter be damned.

You really don't understand a damn thing you are saying.

Offline Sled Dog

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Re: BREAKING: Trump to Return to Social Media With His Own Platform Soon
« Reply #151 on: March 24, 2021, 01:56:38 am »
You really don't understand a damn thing you are saying.

Just because YOU don't understand what I say does not imply that I do not understand what I say.

It indicates that you lack comprehension.   

My style is not intended to convey surface ideas.   My style is provocative and most certainly annoying to those feeling themselves on the wrong side of the bullseye. 

So I make a distinction between a conservative with principles for America and a Principled Conservative out to screw America.

The GOP is not the party leadership.  The GOP is the party MEMBERSHIP.   The members need to kick the leaders out if they leaders are going the wrong way.  No coddling allowed.

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Re: BREAKING: Trump to Return to Social Media With His Own Platform Soon
« Reply #152 on: March 24, 2021, 02:18:17 am »
Just because YOU don't understand what I say does not imply that I do not understand what I say.

It indicates that you lack comprehension.   

My style is not intended to convey surface ideas.   My style is provocative and most certainly annoying to those feeling themselves on the wrong side of the bullseye. 

So I make a distinction between a conservative with principles for America and a Principled Conservative out to screw America.

I get it. You make shit up.

I comprehend perfectly what Principled Conservatism is.
Name them. Because there is but a handful of Goldwater/Reagan Conservatives

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Re: BREAKING: Trump to Return to Social Media With His Own Platform Soon
« Reply #153 on: March 24, 2021, 02:22:58 am »
   Don't give up on his poor lost soul @roamer_1 at this rate you will have him thoroughly convinced by 2023 as to the error of his ways.  Youth is wasted on the young.   :beer:
No government in the 12,000 years of modern mankind history has led its people into anything but the history books with a simple lesson, don't let this happen to you.

Offline roamer_1

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Re: BREAKING: Trump to Return to Social Media With His Own Platform Soon
« Reply #154 on: March 24, 2021, 02:24:13 am »
   Don't give up on his poor lost soul @roamer_1 at this rate you will have him thoroughly convinced by 2023 as to the error of his ways.  Youth is wasted on the young.   :beer:

turns out, so is wisdom.  :shrug: :whistle:

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Re: BREAKING: Trump to Return to Social Media With His Own Platform Soon
« Reply #155 on: March 24, 2021, 02:55:10 am »
Just because YOU don't understand what I say does not imply that I do not understand what I say.

It indicates that you lack comprehension.   

My style is not intended to convey surface ideas.   My style is provocative and most certainly annoying to those feeling themselves on the wrong side of the bullseye. 

So I make a distinction between a conservative with principles for America and a Principled Conservative out to screw America.

A friend pointed out to me here once that I was being needlessly provocative.  I had to stop and think about it, and I realized he was correct.  I wanted to be thought-provoking, but I wasn't; I was provocative, and needlessly.  I wasn't making people think, I was putting people on the defensive.  I'm sure I still do that, but I try to be more self-aware and more balanced in what I say.

So take this as friendly input @Sled Dog that your style isn't "provocative" in a useful way, it's "provocative" in a way that will prevent you from gaining influence.  I've never had the opportunity to have a drink with my friend @roamer_1, but I suspect he would join me in a shot of bourbon or scotch rather than a glass of chardonnay.  You don't do yourself any favors by suggesting that his insistence on complete Conservatism - political, fiscal, federal, social, moral, and spiritual - is somehow less robust or less reliable or less American than your more focused version of it.

Having said that, I think you've got some excellent rules-of-thumb listed for the *political* dimension of Conservatism in your list slightly upthread; I can't see anything there I disagree with, and I sorely wish the R establishment would read your list and take it to heart.  But your list only goes so far.

I know I'm kind of pedantic about it, but I'd say that "Conservative principles" are ideas, some political and some not, that we consider self-evident - don't spend more than you make; respect the wisdom of the people who came before us even if we don't understand it until we're much older; acknowledge that Man is not the supreme intelligence or moral arbiter in the universe; acknowledge emotion but act on thought; realize that individual convenience and pleasure are not supreme; recognize that a community must have shared moral values, and that they descend from the spiritual, or else it isn't a community; understand that Man is flawed so his authority must be severely limited.  I'm sure there are others but I offer these just as examples.  These principles aren't merely political, and without them the merely political is doomed to fail, and to fail in every way - politically, fiscally, socially, and in terms of security.

There certainly are people who declined to support Trump and cited principle as their reason.  I was one of those people in 2016, I wasn't in 2020.  But in neither year was I an ally of the Ds or someone who wanted less than the best for the people of this country, I just made a different calculation about what was achievable, what was the down-side risk, and what was the significance of my individual vote.  My calculation was different, but my principles weren't, and I'll stand next to roamer_1 every day and twice on Sunday arguing that if we don't have principles we don't have anything.

And at some level I suspect you actually agree.
James 1:20

Offline roamer_1

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Re: BREAKING: Trump to Return to Social Media With His Own Platform Soon
« Reply #156 on: March 24, 2021, 03:17:50 am »
I've never had the opportunity to have a drink with my friend @roamer_1, but I suspect he would join me in a shot of bourbon or scotch rather than a glass of chardonnay.

Ain't one for putting on airs @HoustonSam ... As likker goes, a swig out of a stone jug is good enough for me. A bourbon or a whiskey if you've got the money... Money not well spent on me. A scotch, if it's good scotch, and you make me do it... I have never had a chardonnay in my life (I take it that's a wine), unless I hit on it by mistake home-made  :shrug: . My taste goes more to sweet tea and PBRs.


My calculation was different, but my principles weren't, and I'll stand next to roamer_1 every day and twice on Sunday arguing that if we don't have principles we don't have anything.

And at some level I suspect you actually agree.

As always HoustonSam, a fantastic post that I will agree with. And yeah, I will stand by you every time.  :beer:
« Last Edit: March 24, 2021, 03:19:03 am by roamer_1 »

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Re: BREAKING: Trump to Return to Social Media With His Own Platform Soon
« Reply #157 on: March 24, 2021, 06:13:43 am »
NeverTrumpers know that all that mattered is Trump be defeated, and that making certain that Biden won didn't matter.  They insist that Biden winning the election didn't matter, because they weren't for Biden, only against Trump.  From my era, this is clearly fishing for fools, morons,idiots who will believe the ludicrous.  Defeat him, get the other guy elected, but don't hold me accountable for how it turns out.  Like i said, fishing for fools........etc

« Last Edit: March 24, 2021, 06:21:02 am by christian »
Card carrying member of the national F-Joe Biden movement, and his minions

Offline Sled Dog

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Re: BREAKING: Trump to Return to Social Media With His Own Platform Soon
« Reply #158 on: March 24, 2021, 06:51:03 am »
I get it. You make shit up.

I comprehend perfectly what Principled Conservatism is.
Name them. Because there is but a handful of Goldwater/Reagan Conservatives

Yes.  Now we both know what Principled Conservatism is.

It's PC.

That's no coincidence.  Either form of PC works towards the same goal, the enslavement of the American people by means foul and disgusting, through lies and fake outrage.

And naturally, PC people are opposed to my particular brand of creativity.   They don't have sense of humor and are afraid that metaphor is too revealing of their inner realities.
The GOP is not the party leadership.  The GOP is the party MEMBERSHIP.   The members need to kick the leaders out if they leaders are going the wrong way.  No coddling allowed.

Offline roamer_1

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Re: BREAKING: Trump to Return to Social Media With His Own Platform Soon
« Reply #159 on: March 24, 2021, 06:56:18 am »
NeverTrumpers know that all that mattered is Trump be defeated, and that making certain that Biden won didn't matter.  They insist that Biden winning the election didn't matter, because they weren't for Biden, only against Trump.  From my era, this is clearly fishing for fools, morons,idiots who will believe the ludicrous.  Defeat him, get the other guy elected, but don't hold me accountable for how it turns out.  Like i said, fishing for fools........etc

It DOESN'T MATTER - You were spending us into oblivion ANYWAY.

Don't think it's an accomplishment making the trains run on time. YOUR big government is exactly as repellent to me as Buydems.

A pox on ALL your houses.

Offline roamer_1

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Re: BREAKING: Trump to Return to Social Media With His Own Platform Soon
« Reply #160 on: March 24, 2021, 07:00:48 am »
Yes.  Now we both know what Principled Conservatism is.

It's PC.

That's no coincidence.  Either form of PC works towards the same goal, the enslavement of the American people by means foul and disgusting, through lies and fake outrage.

And naturally, PC people are opposed to my particular brand of creativity.   They don't have sense of humor and are afraid that metaphor is too revealing of their inner realities.

How utterly absurd.

I am easily the single most UN-PC person on this board. I am also very likely among the very most libertarian, and nearly undoubtedly the most free.

And I assure you, my disgust and outrage are by no means fake. And they are pointed at yourn every bit as much much as they are pointed toward the democrats.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2021, 07:03:01 am by roamer_1 »

Offline Sled Dog

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Re: BREAKING: Trump to Return to Social Media With His Own Platform Soon
« Reply #161 on: March 24, 2021, 07:04:34 am »
A friend pointed out to me here once that I was being needlessly provocative.  I had to stop and think about it, and I realized he was correct.  I wanted to be thought-provoking, but I wasn't; I was provocative, and needlessly.  I wasn't making people think, I was putting people on the defensive.  I'm sure I still do that, but I try to be more self-aware and more balanced in what I say.

That's nice.

I learned a long time ago that people cannot be made to think.   Thinking is either something they are capable of, and thus do, or incapable of, and do not.

It's a Yoda thing.

Nor is my style unnecessarily provocative.   It's who I am.    You don't want me to be dishonest, do you?

So take this as friendly input @Sled Dog that your style isn't "provocative" in a useful way, it's "provocative" in a way that will prevent you from gaining influence.  I've never had the opportunity to have a drink with my friend @roamer_1, but I suspect he would join me in a shot of bourbon or scotch rather than a glass of chardonnay.  You don't do yourself any favors by suggesting that his insistence on complete Conservatism - political, fiscal, federal, social, moral, and spiritual - is somehow less robust or less reliable or less American than your more focused version of it.

When I want influence I break out the Danish Butter Cookies and teach my husky new tricks.

I've no desire to teach Rodents anything but the scorn their stupidity has earned them.

Having said that, I think you've got some excellent rules-of-thumb listed for the *political* dimension of Conservatism in your list slightly upthread; I can't see anything there I disagree with, and I sorely wish the R establishment would read your list and take it to heart.  But your list only goes so far.

Possibly because I've spent the last sixty years learning them and don't want to spend the next sixty listing them.

I know I'm kind of pedantic about it, but I'd say that "Conservative principles" are ideas, some political and some not, that we consider self-evident - don't spend more than you make; respect the wisdom of the people who came before us even if we don't understand it until we're much older; acknowledge that Man is not the supreme intelligence or moral arbiter in the universe; acknowledge emotion but act on thought; realize that individual convenience and pleasure are not supreme; recognize that a community must have shared moral values, and that they descend from the spiritual, or else it isn't a community; understand that Man is flawed so his authority must be severely limited.  I'm sure there are others but I offer these just as examples.  These principles aren't merely political, and without them the merely political is doomed to fail, and to fail in every way - politically, fiscally, socially, and in terms of security.

There are conservatives with principles seeking to promote true American culture and Principled Conservatives pretending a mid-life identity crisis because the real American elected a real American as president and the PC crowd hates real America.

There certainly are people who declined to support Trump and cited principle as their reason.

Because they're full of crap.   

I was one of those people in 2016, I wasn't in 2020.  But in neither year was I an ally of the Ds or someone who wanted less than the best for the people of this country, I just made a different calculation about what was achievable, what was the down-side risk, and what was the significance of my individual vote.  My calculation was different, but my principles weren't, and I'll stand next to roamer_1 every day and twice on Sunday arguing that if we don't have principles we don't have anything.

That's you.  It's perfectly obvious that the real PC crowd doesn't like Trump because they ARE allied with the Rodents.

Their posts here confirm this.   

What are the signs of the Devoted Rodent?

Proclaiming to have some bs "principle" and every time the alleged principle is shredded, "circling back" to insist there's actually "no evidence".   Sound like someone you might be familiar with?

I've been on internet boards for a quarter century and recognize the patterns of the Rodent PC troll.

And at some level I suspect you actually agree.

Sure.   Some people were opposed to Trump in the beginning.  I didn't believe he was a serious candidate and I was favorable to Cruz in 2015.   My opinions changed through 2016 and then President Trump gave one of the finest inaugural addresses I ever heard or read.    And he lived up to my expectations as well as any human could.

But after four years of Trump and there are still people pretending to be conservatives and pretending to have "principles" in opposition?   They're merely willfully aiding the betrayal of the United States to enemies both foreign in thought and residing here.
The GOP is not the party leadership.  The GOP is the party MEMBERSHIP.   The members need to kick the leaders out if they leaders are going the wrong way.  No coddling allowed.

Offline Sled Dog

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Re: BREAKING: Trump to Return to Social Media With His Own Platform Soon
« Reply #162 on: March 24, 2021, 07:05:49 am »
How utterly absurd.

I am easily the single most UN-PC person on this board. I am also very likely among the very most libertarian, and nearly undoubtedly the most free.

And I assure you, my disgust and outrage are by no means fake. And they are pointed at yourn every bit as much much as they are pointed toward the democrats.

Oh, don't worry.

PC is PC.

Principled Conservatism is Political Correctness for RINOs.

It's written in the cement in front of Mann's Chinese Theatre, now.  Check it out when you come to LA.
The GOP is not the party leadership.  The GOP is the party MEMBERSHIP.   The members need to kick the leaders out if they leaders are going the wrong way.  No coddling allowed.

Offline roamer_1

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Re: BREAKING: Trump to Return to Social Media With His Own Platform Soon
« Reply #163 on: March 24, 2021, 07:10:14 am »
Oh, don't worry.

PC is PC.

Principled Conservatism is Political Correctness for RINOs.

It's written in the cement in front of Mann's Chinese Theatre, now.  Check it out when you come to LA.

I am not an "R" of ANY sort. Having eschewed that feckless party in 07, and if Tumpy and his movement is the best you can do, then I most assuredly won't be back. Big government Republicans ain't a damn bit different than big government Democrats, ad y'all love spending other people's money.

And there ain't a single chance in hell I will ever be in a sh*thole like LA.

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Re: BREAKING: Trump to Return to Social Media With His Own Platform Soon
« Reply #164 on: March 24, 2021, 07:21:40 am »
"NeverTrumpers brought the horror of Biden upon us,"

Trump brought the horror of Biden upon us.
Uh,no.  Dominion voting machines brought the horror of Biden upon us.

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Re: BREAKING: Trump to Return to Social Media With His Own Platform Soon
« Reply #165 on: March 24, 2021, 07:26:47 am »
Uh,no.  Dominion voting machines brought the horror of Biden upon us.

No, Republicans did, because they let it happen.
Liberalism wins because it has no opposition.

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Re: BREAKING: Trump to Return to Social Media With His Own Platform Soon
« Reply #166 on: March 24, 2021, 07:59:50 am »
No, Republicans did, because they let it happen.
Liberalism wins because it has no opposition.
I agree, though I no longer think of them as "Republicans."  They are NWO globalist traitors and in on the take, aligned with Democratic grifting. 
Shameful that they refused support the President when the rubber met the road.  Rona stuck her head up on Twitter,  under the guise of the stolen election to push for GOP funding.  I asked her where she was during the endless attacks on Trump and the theft of the election while it was ongoing.  ((crickets)) I was far from the only one. 

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Re: BREAKING: Trump to Return to Social Media With His Own Platform Soon
« Reply #167 on: March 24, 2021, 08:03:59 am »
I agree, though I no longer think of them as "Republicans."  They are NWO globalist traitors and in on the take, aligned with Democratic grifting. 
Shameful that they refused support the President when the rubber met the road.  Rona stuck her head up on Twitter,  under the guise of the stolen election to push for GOP funding.  I asked her where she was during the endless attacks on Trump and the theft of the election while it was ongoing.  ((crickets)) I was far from the only one.

Whatever... Seen it all before, and in a couple years y'all will vote em all right back in there. Because Democrats.
And will remain ever feckless because y'all WILL NOT stand upon what you are there to fight for - Conservatism... PRINCIPLED Conservatism at that.

Always an excuse.
And the liberals win... Because they have no opposition.