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Re: BREAKING: Trump to Return to Social Media With His Own Platform Soon
« Reply #125 on: March 22, 2021, 11:56:00 pm »
What the heck does birtherism have to do with the topic at hand? We've had this argument multiple times before here, and it never gets us anywhere. No one is going to budge.
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Re: BREAKING: Trump to Return to Social Media With His Own Platform Soon
« Reply #126 on: March 23, 2021, 12:01:27 am »
What the heck does birtherism have to do with the topic at hand? We've had this argument multiple times before here, and it never gets us anywhere. No one is going to budge.

The constitution SHOULD matter and the fact that it no longer does is why we find ourselves in the mess we currently do!
"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.

"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
- J. R. R. Tolkien

Offline Sled Dog

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Re: BREAKING: Trump to Return to Social Media With His Own Platform Soon
« Reply #127 on: March 23, 2021, 12:37:04 am »
Actually @Sled Dog the laws in effect at the time of Cruz's birth make him a naturalized citizen.  No natural born American requires a law for citizenship because he or she is born of the soil and of the blood.  (Born on US soil of two American citizens).

Ted Cruz was neither born of the soil (born in Canada) or of the blood (his father was not a US citizen at the time of Ted's birth).

Cruz was a US citizen at birth....that's the definition of "natural born citizen".

That Kenyan fascist was not a natural born citizen because he was not conferred citizenship at birth.

This isn't difficult, you know.

Did you know...maybe you did's difficult for some people to understand these things fully... .but Ted Cruz had a MOTHER as well as a father.   And his MOTHER, as a US citizen for more than two years since her 18th birthday, was able to confer US citizenship on her child, Teddy.    Under the same 1952 law that said that Obama's mother, some guy named Stanley, could not, because this weirdly named person was not a citizen for two years since her 18th birthday when she gave birth to the Hussein ...when she was 19...which is why the Marxist from Kenya was not born a US citizen.

Being born a citizen is what the term "natural born citizen" means, of course.

Too bad for your argument that Cruz had both an egg donor as well as a sperm donor in his heritage, isn't it?

The GOP is not the party leadership.  The GOP is the party MEMBERSHIP.   The members need to kick the leaders out if they leaders are going the wrong way.  No coddling allowed.

Offline Sled Dog

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Re: BREAKING: Trump to Return to Social Media With His Own Platform Soon
« Reply #128 on: March 23, 2021, 12:38:56 am »
What the heck does birtherism have to do with the topic at hand? We've had this argument multiple times before here, and it never gets us anywhere. No one is going to budge.

I think they brought the matter up because they can't accept the fact that the thread is about President Trump using his second term to start up his own social media company to end the vile censorship imposed upon him by the Rodents and Principled Conservatives.

I'm not sure why the losers dragged Cruz into it, either.

The GOP is not the party leadership.  The GOP is the party MEMBERSHIP.   The members need to kick the leaders out if they leaders are going the wrong way.  No coddling allowed.

Offline Right_in_Virginia

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Re: BREAKING: Trump to Return to Social Media With His Own Platform Soon
« Reply #129 on: March 23, 2021, 12:49:25 am »
Cruz was a US citizen at birth....that's the definition of "natural born citizen".

No, not for the purposes of holding the office of President of the United States @Sled Dog  NBC for POTUS is a person born on the soil (not Cruz) and born of two folks who were American citizens at the time of his birth (not Cruz).

A law passed by Congress made Cruz a naturalized citizen.  I, as one born in the United States to two citizens at the time of my birth, cannot have my citizenship revoked because I am of both the soil and the blood.  Cruz's citizenship is dependent upon the Congress not repealing the law that granted him naturalized citizenship.
We do not ever want the citizenship of our POTUS dependent upon the good tidings of Congress.

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Re: BREAKING: Trump to Return to Social Media With His Own Platform Soon
« Reply #130 on: March 23, 2021, 06:03:44 am »
The great NeverTrumper lie was;Trump had to be defeated because of his spending, spending that was needed to repair a great deal of the damage Obama had done.  For all the bitching about the spending Trump did, the same bitchers are near silent on the Trillions Obama spent and the Trillions Biden won't quit spending.  The phoniness is clear enough for even a child to see, how many deep Staters are their behind and working as facade Conservatives?  The I.Q. test is not being passed!
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Re: BREAKING: Trump to Return to Social Media With His Own Platform Soon
« Reply #131 on: March 23, 2021, 11:22:14 am »
I feel bad for those Parler guys. They worked their ass off to create a great platform. It was taking off like gang busters after the pre and post-election censorship from Twatter, the Amazon, Apple, and Google screwed them. Now they are back, without the momentum, and Trump, in typical selfish fashion, announces his own platform.

Sends a great message to Rumble and other folks looking to build a parallel, conservative-friendly, economy: don't bother.
I don't.  John Matze Jr. supports the NWO.  It is just a question of time before it goes downhill, rather like Murdoch and Fox News.

Offline jmyrlefuller

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Re: BREAKING: Trump to Return to Social Media With His Own Platform Soon
« Reply #132 on: March 23, 2021, 11:32:38 am »
The great NeverTrumper lie was;Trump had to be defeated because of his spending, spending that was needed to repair a great deal of the damage Obama had done.  For all the bitching about the spending Trump did, the same bitchers are near silent on the Trillions Obama spent and the Trillions Biden won't quit spending.  The phoniness is clear enough for even a child to see, how many deep Staters are their behind and working as facade Conservatives?  The I.Q. test is not being passed!
That's not true and you know it.
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Re: BREAKING: Trump to Return to Social Media With His Own Platform Soon
« Reply #133 on: March 23, 2021, 11:43:24 am »
The Tea Party remnants went to Trump.
Everyone in our TEA group did.  Every TEA group I know of did.   :patriot:

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Re: BREAKING: Trump to Return to Social Media With His Own Platform Soon
« Reply #134 on: March 23, 2021, 12:03:52 pm »
Right... Populism can always take the field. It just can't govern.

You mean like conservatism can?   :laugh:

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Re: BREAKING: Trump to Return to Social Media With His Own Platform Soon
« Reply #135 on: March 23, 2021, 12:16:17 pm »
I feel bad for those Parler guys. They worked their ass off to create a great platform. It was taking off like gang busters after the pre and post-election censorship from Twatter, the Amazon, Apple, and Google screwed them. Now they are back, without the momentum, and Trump, in typical selfish fashion, announces his own platform.

President Trump is taking the time and putting in the effort to create a platform no can touch.  I'm sure his driving force is to make sure his MAGA message and candidates are not thrown off social meeting leading up to the 2022 elections.

You call this "selfish", others call it smart @BassWrangler

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Re: BREAKING: Trump to Return to Social Media With His Own Platform Soon
« Reply #136 on: March 23, 2021, 12:16:50 pm »
Everyone in our TEA group did.  Every TEA group I know of did.   :patriot:


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Re: BREAKING: Trump to Return to Social Media With His Own Platform Soon
« Reply #137 on: March 23, 2021, 02:10:59 pm »
Please try to stay in the same county as the thread topic.


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Re: BREAKING: Trump to Return to Social Media With His Own Platform Soon
« Reply #138 on: March 23, 2021, 02:25:48 pm »
President Trump is taking the time and putting in the effort to create a platform no can touch.  I'm sure his driving force is to make sure his MAGA message and candidates are not thrown off social meeting leading up to the 2022 elections.

Right, because president Trump knows soooooo much about creating web applications. It's his career spent as a real estate developer that gives him this special insight, don't you know  :boring:

Online corbe

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Re: BREAKING: Trump to Return to Social Media With His Own Platform Soon
« Reply #139 on: March 23, 2021, 02:50:16 pm »
No government in the 12,000 years of modern mankind history has led its people into anything but the history books with a simple lesson, don't let this happen to you.

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Re: BREAKING: Trump to Return to Social Media With His Own Platform Soon
« Reply #140 on: March 23, 2021, 03:07:14 pm »
The "Trump Train" was supposed to sweep all before it because of Trump's visionary omnicompetence and because "he's not a politician."  But when he failed to bend Congress to his will first-class ticket holders on the train told us he couldn't be blamed because "he's not a politician."  First it was an argument that he would succeed, then it was an excuse for failure.  All events had to be refracted through the prism of Trump's blamelessness.

The DC establishment definitely had it in for Trump because he threatened their sinecures; actually the Trump movement threatened their sinecures, Trump himself not so much (how much of The Swamp did he simply fire?  Damn little).  One can argue that had Trump been more effective in tearing down the bureaucracy's fortifications it would have counter-attacked more forcefully.  But his administration was sabotaged from the get-go, he was already lied about systematically every night by the MSM, and he was impeached twice on ridiculous false charges; what more could they have done to him that they didn't do?  He had much to gain and little to lose by systematically dismissing Executive Agency functionaries who stood in the way of his agenda *and* by vetoing spending bills that continued the bankruptcy of our children past the third generation.  And I've read it right here that Trump is the one with the steel spine; steel Twitter thumbs seems more like it.  Rather than making decisions and being accountable for them he played to the Social Media gallery.

Had he truly been the bulletproof master of flying, invisible, 9-dimensional stealth jedi chess that we were told about, he could have found the sweet spot of building an alliance larger than his own narcissism and using that alliance to drain the swamp.  But he simply was not that bulletproof master.  That failure doesn't make him a bad person, it just means that his sycophants raised expectations that were impossible to fulfill, just as Obama's sycophants had done eight years earlier.

What distinguishes Reagan from Trump is that Reagan persuaded the entire country to come along with him, to the tune of a 49 state re-election landslide, and he bequeathed a strong enough legacy that his successor could also be elected.  There is no successor to Trump because there is nothing to which anyone can succeed; the "Trump Train" derailed and lies strewn in wreckage because the engineer couldn't keep it on the tracks.  A lot of that wreckage I hope can be salvaged in the future, but right now, it's just wreckage.

I don't blame the engineer for being who he is, and I voted to keep him in place.  I do blame the people who continue telling us the engineer is more than who he is and that we should continue following him.
Yes, excellent summation. Trump didn't understand (still doesn't) the value of optics. He simply looked and sounded bad to many people who ignored the good and focused on the bad.
For every voter he attracted by attacking ankle-biters, he probably lost two who thought it unpresidential for the POTUS to squabble with nitwits.
Plus, he couldn't explain in eloquent terms why what he was doing was good for the country. He was constantly stepping on his member. That plus disastrous public performances like with Biden in the first debate didn't help.


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Re: BREAKING: Trump to Return to Social Media With His Own Platform Soon
« Reply #141 on: March 23, 2021, 03:15:47 pm »
The "Trump Train" was supposed to sweep all before it because of Trump's visionary omnicompetence and because "he's not a politician."  But when he failed to bend Congress to his will first-class ticket holders on the train told us he couldn't be blamed because "he's not a politician."  First it was an argument that he would succeed, then it was an excuse for failure.  All events had to be refracted through the prism of Trump's blamelessness.

The DC establishment definitely had it in for Trump because he threatened their sinecures; actually the Trump movement threatened their sinecures, Trump himself not so much (how much of The Swamp did he simply fire?  Damn little).  One can argue that had Trump been more effective in tearing down the bureaucracy's fortifications it would have counter-attacked more forcefully.  But his administration was sabotaged from the get-go, he was already lied about systematically every night by the MSM, and he was impeached twice on ridiculous false charges; what more could they have done to him that they didn't do?  He had much to gain and little to lose by systematically dismissing Executive Agency functionaries who stood in the way of his agenda *and* by vetoing spending bills that continued the bankruptcy of our children past the third generation.  And I've read it right here that Trump is the one with the steel spine; steel Twitter thumbs seems more like it.  Rather than making decisions and being accountable for them he played to the Social Media gallery.

Had he truly been the bulletproof master of flying, invisible, 9-dimensional stealth jedi chess that we were told about, he could have found the sweet spot of building an alliance larger than his own narcissism and using that alliance to drain the swamp.  But he simply was not that bulletproof master.  That failure doesn't make him a bad person, it just means that his sycophants raised expectations that were impossible to fulfill, just as Obama's sycophants had done eight years earlier.

What distinguishes Reagan from Trump is that Reagan persuaded the entire country to come along with him, to the tune of a 49 state re-election landslide, and he bequeathed a strong enough legacy that his successor could also be elected.  There is no successor to Trump because there is nothing to which anyone can succeed; the "Trump Train" derailed and lies strewn in wreckage because the engineer couldn't keep it on the tracks.  A lot of that wreckage I hope can be salvaged in the future, but right now, it's just wreckage.

I don't blame the engineer for being who he is, and I voted to keep him in place.  I do blame the people who continue telling us the engineer is more than who he is and that we should continue following him.

This is the best summation of the Trump administration that I've ever read. I could not agree more.

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Re: BREAKING: Trump to Return to Social Media With His Own Platform Soon
« Reply #142 on: March 23, 2021, 04:12:29 pm »
You mean like conservatism can?   :laugh:

YES that is exactly what I mean. Conservatism works, every time it's tried.

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Re: BREAKING: Trump to Return to Social Media With His Own Platform Soon
« Reply #143 on: March 23, 2021, 04:13:50 pm »
Right, because president Trump knows soooooo much about creating web applications. It's his career spent as a real estate developer that gives him this special insight, don't you know  :boring:

 :silly: :beer:

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Re: BREAKING: Trump to Return to Social Media With His Own Platform Soon
« Reply #144 on: March 23, 2021, 04:17:54 pm »
Everyone in our TEA group did.  Every TEA group I know of did.   :patriot:

Mine most certainly did NOT, and I am at a regional level. The sense of Taxed Enough Already is to lower the size and scope of government. That is what TEA is FOR. And that most certainly has NOT happened through Tumpy.

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Re: BREAKING: Trump to Return to Social Media With His Own Platform Soon
« Reply #145 on: March 23, 2021, 05:15:20 pm »
The great NeverTrumper lie was;Trump had to be defeated because of his spending, spending that was needed to repair a great deal of the damage Obama had done. 


For all the bitching about the spending Trump did, the same bitchers are near silent on the Trillions Obama spent and the Trillions Biden won't quit spending.  The phoniness is clear enough for even a child to see, how many deep Staters are their behind and working as facade Conservatives?  The I.Q. test is not being passed!

That's the bullshit, right there. I screamed at BOOSH, AND OBummer, AND Tumpy, so don't give me that.
The difference is, there are no Democrats over in here trying to justify their spending as 'the most conservative evah'. OF COURSE BOOSH and Tumpy are gonna get the business. They're on the side that is supposed to be making government smaller and more efficient. They're on the side that is supposed to be business inclined and capable toward balancing the damn books.

What is CLEAR is that I will not pass on big government spending and growing the size and power of government and call that Conservative. Because it ain't.

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Re: BREAKING: Trump to Return to Social Media With His Own Platform Soon
« Reply #146 on: March 23, 2021, 09:42:09 pm »
That's not true and you know it.


The Never Trumpers can't think that clearly, they just betray America because they have feelings or something.
The GOP is not the party leadership.  The GOP is the party MEMBERSHIP.   The members need to kick the leaders out if they leaders are going the wrong way.  No coddling allowed.

Offline Sled Dog

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Re: BREAKING: Trump to Return to Social Media With His Own Platform Soon
« Reply #147 on: March 23, 2021, 09:43:43 pm »
YES that is exactly what I mean. Conservatism works, every time it's tried.

So long as the Americans keep the Principles out of it.
The GOP is not the party leadership.  The GOP is the party MEMBERSHIP.   The members need to kick the leaders out if they leaders are going the wrong way.  No coddling allowed.

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Re: BREAKING: Trump to Return to Social Media With His Own Platform Soon
« Reply #148 on: March 24, 2021, 12:16:52 am »
So long as the Americans keep the Principles out of it.

Then it is not Conservatism. And it will not work at all. As should be self-evident by now.

Offline Sled Dog

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Re: BREAKING: Trump to Return to Social Media With His Own Platform Soon
« Reply #149 on: March 24, 2021, 01:41:57 am »
Then it is not Conservatism. And it will not work at all. As should be self-evident by now.

You're absolutely right that there's no Principles in conservatism.   It's the Principled Conservatives who make up the corps of rotten traitor RINOs that kept the President from getting the proper bills passed before the Rodents stole the House in 2018.    It's the Principled Conservatives who have no principles.

Anyone claiming to oppose Trump on Principles don't have any principles at all.  They're just spoiled children who don't want to what is needed to make America succeed.   In other words, the Principled Conservatives, those pitiful whiners who don't like his Mean Tweets, his relentless attacks on America's enemies in the media, in the Rodent Party, and among the Principled Conservatives themselves, aren't conservatives.

Which is why I capitalized Principles.   American's don't need Principles.  Their principle is to win and defend the  Constitution and the feelings of the enemy about the matter be damned.

Principles of American conservatism:
1) Don't kill babies.
2) Don't kill adults unless they really deserve it, and only then after the proper trial as required by the Constitution.
3) Don't give Rodents a fair shake, just shake them like a husky dog capturing a sleeping cat.   Until the crap flies and the rat dies.
4) Grow up and realize that it takes time to reverse what you Rodents have done to destroy the country since 1860. 
5) If having Principles means letting Zuckerberg and Fakebook censor political speech, then find a higher principle than property rights, like First Amendment rights.   Grow up, in other words.  Again.
6) I know what the words "shall not" and "infringed" mean.  How is the First, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Six, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh and Fourteenth Amendments applied to the states universally, but not the Second and Thirteenth?
7) America IS exceptional, and conservatives put America first before all other nations and peoples of the world.
8) Cells have borders to keep the viruses out.  So do nations.
9) The Founding Fathers started a rebellion over a minor tax.   So the Rodents call them racist to avoid the discussions about what America is really founded on.
10) Boys have XY chromosomes, girls have XX, and that's that.   Nothing complicated here.  Since boys aren't girls, they should be competing against girls in sports.
11) Whatever happened to the slogan RINO Dole sported at his Presidential campaign rallies: "Its Your Money, Not Theirs"?  Principled Conservatives didn't like it.   Our money is supposed to be their money.
12) What's wrong with a President telling people that CNN and MSLSD and the WayPoo and NY Slimes and the rest are lying rags, when they are in fact lying used menstrual rags?

This is conservatism at the grass roots.  I can see how the chardonnay sippers can be offended by our uppitiness.  Too bad.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2021, 01:52:50 am by Sled Dog »
The GOP is not the party leadership.  The GOP is the party MEMBERSHIP.   The members need to kick the leaders out if they leaders are going the wrong way.  No coddling allowed.