Author Topic: Trump urges supporters to get coronavirus vaccine  (Read 1565 times)

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Offline RetBobbyMI

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Re: Trump urges supporters to get coronavirus vaccine
« Reply #25 on: March 18, 2021, 03:40:48 am »
I've gotten the flu vaccine 2x. 1st time I became very ill. 2nd time I did ok.

I am pretty high risk and I still think the risk of getting the vaccine for me, outweigh the benefits.  I don't do well with some meds anyways and I'm allergic to a particular type of antibiotic.
Having allergic reactions to certain meds and vaccines is a critical criterion for not getting one of the mRNA vaccines.
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Offline LegalAmerican

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Re: Trump urges supporters to get coronavirus vaccine
« Reply #26 on: March 18, 2021, 09:02:44 am »
I'm certain there are anecdotal cases of those who similarly suffer adverse affects from any flu vaccine on any given year. Thats why I never get those, either.

Everything regarding this Covid crap is being hyped every which way all out of proportion, IMO.

When I hit a high risk category I'm sure I'll start considering being vaccinated on a regular basis. Its all about costs/benefits.

I agree.  In 2018 POTUS TRUMP..issued an E.O.  NO FORCED VACCINES.   I don't get any flu shots, for about 15 years.  The last one made me so sick, with 103 temperature. Inflamed arm, red swollen. I could not move it. I had to use my other arm to place it somewhere.  I don't plan on getting any vaccines for covid either. I am in the high risk age, but still won't get it. 99.7% recovery rate.  Besides, I believe I already had it twice. All I had was a mysterious low fever, one month apart. No other symptoms. Only low grade fever.  Weird. I used natural products. Zinc, green tea, silver and my homemade elderberry tincture. My choice. All medications have risk involved.  Ever listen to medical TV ADS?  "May cause death, cancer, eyesight loss, etc. "  lol

Offline LegalAmerican

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Re: Trump urges supporters to get coronavirus vaccine
« Reply #27 on: March 18, 2021, 09:06:51 am »
Oh, for cripes sake, Trump didn't "urge" anyone or anything,

Q:  I know you got the vaccine.  Do you recommend others get it?

A:  Yes, .... I know we have our freedoms and I appreciate that .... it's a safe vaccine.  It's saving lives.

Q:  Tell us about Operation Warp Speed .....

Correct. In 2018, POTUS TRUMP issued an E.O.  NO FORCED VACCINES.  He isn't in office and yet people think, they have to listen to him. Make your own choice.  He even says that.

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Re: Trump urges supporters to get coronavirus vaccine
« Reply #28 on: March 18, 2021, 09:17:33 am »
Are people really that dumb?  They can't make their own decisions?  Doctors don't want pregnant woman drinking alcohol or smoking now. I did neither, but did take daily prenatal vitamins. But before that, women did both! I would NOT take any vaccine if I were pregnant. If one gets coronavirus, "cold virus" the recovery is 99.7 %.  I would not subject my unborn child to any vaccine. She is waiting for a doctor to tell her what to do?  MAKE YOUR OWN BIG GIRL DECISION. Doctors don't know either, most of the time, if something will be good or bad. They guess at it. I remember all the thalidomide baby's.

Offline GrouchoTex

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Re: Trump urges supporters to get coronavirus vaccine
« Reply #29 on: March 18, 2021, 06:27:46 pm »
FWIW, I got my first vaccine shot yesterday, Pfizer, due to get the next one 4/7/21.
No side effect so far.

Wasn't a fan, never got the flu shot.
I did it mainly because I've got 2 40ish year old family members basically begging me to.
I do have COPD, so that was a consideration.

Back when this first started, I worked from home for 6 weeks.
When I went back to work at my job site, 2 of them freaked out.
(I should clarify 1 daughter-in law did. My own daughter did a little, DIL has been more worried about it all than the daughter has).
They are good, hard-working kids, but misguided by the MSM.

My wife send a text out to our family members to let them know I got the 1st round of the vaccine, and those 2 responded with "hooray!", etc.

Now, when they open it up to that age group, and if they don't get one, they'll catch hell from dear old Dad.

Offline Fishrrman

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Re: Trump urges supporters to get coronavirus vaccine
« Reply #30 on: March 19, 2021, 12:23:37 am »
I'm not an anti-vaxxer.

I've gotten the flu shots each year for a while now.
Got the first shingles vaccine shot some years' back, and then got the 2-dose Shingrex vaccine as well (had slight reactions to that each dose, some chills the following night, but cleared by morning).
Got the pneumonia vaccine, will get it again.

All that's available around here right now seems to be the Moderna vaccine, and the opportunities to make an appointment are very difficult to find.

I'd prefer the Pfizer or perhaps even the Johnson & Johnson one-shot (although I'm hearing that won't be made available to those over 55 here).

I'll hang on for 2-3 more weeks.
If the chances for the Pfizer or J&J improve, I'll get one or the other.
If they don't, I might have to settle for the Moderna.