Author Topic: Do Biden's Border Policies Now Have a 'Body Count'?  (Read 198 times)

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Do Biden's Border Policies Now Have a 'Body Count'?
« on: March 13, 2021, 02:36:55 pm »
Do Biden's Border Policies Now Have a 'Body Count'?
CBP saves 3,999 migrants; of Lady MacBeth's hands and the Beto O'Rourke standard
By Andrew R. Arthur on March 12, 2021

In a March 11 post, I reported on the spike in Border Patrol apprehensions in February, when they reached a 14-year high for that month. Further down in CBP's statistics was a sad but surprising one: CBP search-and-rescue efforts have reached 3,999 through the first five months of FY 2021. Lost in the stories about the border challenge/crisis/emergency is a question: Do Biden's border policies now have a body count? At least under a standard announced by Beto O'Rourke in June 2019, they do.

Search-and-rescue generally is required in three situations at the border: Migrants get lost in the desert and are able to signal for help; migrants get injured on their trek across the border and authorities are notified; or migrants attempt to cross a body of water (usually the Rio Grande, but not always) and start to drown, drawing attention.

There are other aliens in distress, stuck down wells or locked inside trucks. Those are the big three, though.

All other things being equal, those 3,999 search-and-rescue efforts (carried out primarily if not exclusively by the Border Patrol) would project to 9,598 by year's end. Of course, not all things are equal, because we really have just begun the illegal migration season, which generally peaks from May into June before dropping in August.