Author Topic: Sen. Angus King Asserts Far-Fetched Sea-Level Scare  (Read 132 times)

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Sen. Angus King Asserts Far-Fetched Sea-Level Scare
« on: March 11, 2021, 02:13:19 pm »
 Written by James Taylor on Mar 10, 2021. Posted in Latest news
Sen. Angus King Asserts Far-Fetched Sea-Level Scare

U.S. Sen. Angus King (I-ME) whipped up far-fetched climate change fears at a conference last week, claiming a “pulse” of sea-level rise may begin within 20 years that would raise sea level by as much as one foot per decade and at least 200 feet total.

In reality, sea level is rising by merely one foot per century and there is no plausible scenario in which sea level soon accelerates by a factor of 10.

Speaking at the Camden (Maine) Conference last week, King said a pulse of sea-level rise 15,000 years ago raised sea level one foot per decade and 390 feet total.

“f we’re getting into a situation where the ocean rises a foot a decade, or even a foot every two decades. It’s going to be enormously expensive. It’s going to have huge impacts around the world. And it’s going to have huge national security implications,” said King, according to the Camden, Maine, Free Press.

That’s a big “if.” And a far-fetched “if,” at that.