Author Topic: Boston Globe Is Right: Climate Change Not Causing More Extreme Weather  (Read 287 times)

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 Written by H. Sterling Burnett on Mar 9, 2021. Posted in Latest news
Boston Globe Is Right: Climate Change Not Causing More Extreme Weather

extreme severe weather disastersA Google News search for the term “climate change” today finds a fact-based article in the Boston Globe, showing there is no evidence the past century’s modest warming has caused an increase in extreme weather events.

The article by Stephen Moore, a senior fellow at the Heritage Foundation, titled, “Climate change alarmism takes another big hit,” points out long-term data indicates climate change is not causing an increase in extreme weather.

“Is there more “oomph” from severe weather events now than in the past? Generally, no,” writes Moore. “The historical evidence shows 1) there are no more severe events than there were 50 years ago or 100 years ago (the period for which we have reliable data) and 2) the percentage of people in the world who die from extreme weather events, such as monsoons, forest fires, high temperatures, frigid winters, hurricanes, and tornadoes, has been consistently falling for at least a century and is lower today than any time in human history.”