Author Topic: The 'Slaver Waiver' in Biden's Amnesty Bill  (Read 275 times)

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The 'Slaver Waiver' in Biden's Amnesty Bill
« on: March 04, 2021, 02:59:22 pm »
The 'Slaver Waiver' in Biden's Amnesty Bill
Punishing those who engage in slavery or human trafficking is an 'American value'
By Andrew R. Arthur on March 4, 2021

In a March 1 post, I noted that there is a "Criminal Alien Amnesty Hiding in Biden Amnesty Bill", one that would provide a waiver benefiting drug traffickers, pimps, and rapists (among others). Among the aliens who could get to remain in the United States if this bill passes are those who have been convicted of engaging in slavery and human trafficking. I have been vexed ever since trying to figure out why that bill provides what, in essence, is a "slaver's waiver".

Before we get to the "why", though, I have to explain the "how" (that waiver would apply), and the "what" (the current slavery and human trafficking grounds of removal cover).

How. I explained how the waiver would work in my March 1 post, but I will briefly outline the parameters.

Technically, section 1204 of the "U.S. Citizenship Act" contains two waivers, one of the grounds of inadmissibility in section 212 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) (for aliens who entered illegally or are seeking admission), and one of the grounds of deportation in section 237 of the INA (for aliens who have been admitted). Either can be granted for one of three reasons: "humanitarian purposes"; "to ensure family unity"; or where "a waiver is otherwise in the public interest".