General Category > Politics/Government

White House Schedule

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I suspect there was something very incriminating listed in one of his or Psaki's speeches in the last 30 days that required scrubbing.  Wish I had been more vigilant.  My apologies for not keeping this current.


--- Quote from: mountaineer on September 01, 2021, 06:19:04 pm ---Fixed it.

--- End quote ---

Well done.

The man is a Machine!  I doubt any of us could keep that schedule.*

*we would die of boredom.

I'm seeing conflicting info about today's schedule. He's either meeting with the Ukrainian president (will Hunter be there, too?) or he's heading for Delaware. Maybe tomorrow he'll start his weekend, I don't know.

Looking back on last 30 days, I see now that they have removed transcripts.  For example, transcripts of Biden's 2:45 remarks and Psaki's 3:30 briefing have been sent down the Memory Hole,  while remarks from the Covid briefing are still accessible.  Straight out of Orwell.

He who controls the present controls the past.  He who controls the past controls the future.


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