State Chapters > Arizona

Arizona Lawmakers to Cops: You Should Convict People Before You Take Their Stuff


PeteS in CA:
Arizona Lawmakers to Cops: You Should Convict People Before You Take Their Stuff

--- Quote ---Arizona is poised to require police to actually convict somebody of a crime before seizing the defendant's property.

On Wednesday, Arizona's House of Representatives passed H.B. 2810 by a vote of 57–2. The bill mostly eliminates civil asset forfeiture, mandating that police and prosecutors convict defendants before asking a court to take their money or other property.

Civil asset forfeiture has been sold to the public as a way of separating wealthy criminals from their ill-gotten gains and using that money to help fight crime. But the reality is very different. The "civil" component of asset forfeiture allows law enforcement to force people to surrender their assets to them, often without ever having to prove they committed a crime. Sometimes they have been able to take somebody's property without even charging them. In many states the property goes directly to law enforcement agencies, creating a twisted incentive for police to pad their budgets by forcing forfeitures whenever possible, even with little or no evidence of wrongdoing.
"The median cash forfeiture in Arizona was $1,000," says Paul Avelar, managing attorney for the Institute for Justice's Arizona office. "When half of your cash forfeitures are less than $1,000, it is not a tool that is 'targeting' cartels. And this is such a low figure that most people will, rightly, realize the costs of fighting back are prohibitive. But lots of small forfeitures can mean big money: Agencies took in $24 million in fiscal year 2019 alone."
--- End quote ---

What I highlighted is indeed how asset forfeiture was sold back in the 1970s.

Cyber Liberty:
Good news, but long overdue.  Now that we have a few decades of experience with it, people realize it turned cops into highwaymen.  Even Rats.


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