Author Topic: Bill Gates on Climate Change: All the Coral and Trees will Die  (Read 195 times)

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Bill Gates on Climate Change: All the Coral and Trees will Die
« on: February 28, 2021, 01:08:53 pm »

Bill Gates on Climate Change: All the Coral and Trees will Die
2 days ago
Eric Worrall

h/t Dr. Willie Soon; According to Bill Gates, if we don’t mend our evil ways the equator will be uninhabitable, except when temperate regions will freeze, and forests and coral reefs will die.

    Losing time against climate disaster

     Juan Siliezar
    Harvard Staff Writer
    DATE February 24, 2021


    “There are points at which when the corals die off, they never come back,” Gates said. “This is acidifying the ocean, and all the aqua ecosystems die off as that acid level goes up. As forests dry out, they are subject to both fires and infestations that kill all the trees, so you get a lot less trees. As the sea level goes up, the beaches go away.”


    Without changes in global practices, “It’s going to be essentially unlivable at the Equator by the end of the century… [leading to] the instability of hundreds of millions of people trying to get out of those regions where a lot of the world’s population is, and particularly the poorest in the world,” he said.

    Read more:

Poor Bill. For what its worth I think he really does care, but it seems like he is suffering in a hellish prison composed of his own ignorance.

Why do we know Bill is wrong about the corals dying and trees all burning away, and the equator