Author Topic: Border Patrol Expects 13,000 Illegal Alien Minors to Arrive at the Border in May ALONE  (Read 182 times)

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Border Patrol Expects 13,000 Illegal Alien Minors to Arrive at the Border in May ALONE

A consequence of Biden’s open borders policy.

Published 9 seconds ago on Feb 26, 2021
By Richard Moorhead

Customs and Border Patrol is expecting more than 13,000 unaccompanied minor illegal aliens to arrive at the US-Mexico border in the month of May alone, bracing for unprecedented ‘caravan’ style migration to the United States as President Joe Biden dismantles ICE and opens the immigration system to dubious asylum seekers.

A CBP official provided the projection to the Biden administration on Thursday. The already increasing arrival of child migrants during Biden’s presidency have revealed the “kids in cages” talking point of the Left and the media to be little more than a political prop, with CBP and DHS detaining the minors in the exact same detention facilities.