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Russia and the assassination of President John F. Kennedy


February 26, 2021
Russia and the assassination of President John F. Kennedy
By Michael Curtis

The latest view of the assassination of President Kennedy is presented in a new book Operation Dragon: Inside the Kremlin’s Secret War on America, written by R. James Woolsey, former CIA director, 1993-95, and Ion Mihai Pacepa, former two-star general in the secret police force in Communist Romania and national security adviser to President Nicolae Ceausecu.  Papeca who defected to the U.S. in1978 died on February 14, 2021, was the highest intelligence officer who defected and got asylum in the U.S.

This new book amplifies the argument already made by Papeca in his previous book Programmed to Kill: Oswald, the KGB, and the Kennedy Assassination, published in 2007, which argued that Oswald was a KGB agent. The authors say they based their argument on the Warren Report, state that much of it was “codified” and that it has not been properly understood until their version. The essential thrust in Operation Dragon is that the assassination was carried out by Oswald who had been ordered by Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev acting through the KBG, now the FSB.  Khrushchev, who thought JFK was inexperienced and could be manipulated, had differed with, perhaps humiliated by, Kennedy during the Cuban missile crisis, but reached an agreement on October 28, 1962 according to which the Soviet Union would remove its missiles from Cuba if the U.S. removed its missles from Turkey.


Don't believe this nonsense at all.  And anyone trusting anything by someone from the CIA would be a fool.


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