Author Topic: Frozen Hell comes to Texas  (Read 237 times)

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Frozen Hell comes to Texas
« on: February 24, 2021, 03:16:27 pm »

Frozen Hell comes to Texas
By Joe Bastardi |February 24th, 2021|Climate

‘You all may go to hell, I’m going to Texas’ -Davy Crockett

I don’t know where Davy Crockett would go today since hell has come to Texas, and let me show evidence of that by actions of 4 horse people of the atmsospheric apocalypse they are pushing. ( I need to use that since one of the examples is not a man). Texas has become a pawn, a tool in the weaponization of weather in the climate war ( good title for a book eh) and an agenda that seeks to use any weather event as a means to an end that would limit the very ideals that got this nation to where it was the envy of the world.

Amazing, Texas, the place people went to get away from entrapments of where they were, now ensnared in it. And the weather brought it front and center

So lets look at this from Breitbart our first example, none other than AOC. I have to request you read the blog otherwise this would grow to long