Author Topic: There are no adults in the room  (Read 128 times)

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There are no adults in the room
« on: February 21, 2021, 02:11:51 pm »
There are no adults in the room

Yukon Jack

There are no adults in the room, we are governed by immature children having a climate temper tantrum based on faulty reasoning that CO2 warms the planet.

Why were these huge windmills built in the first place? Because the globalist media narrative said CO2 was a threat. It is not a threat, it is a life gas. So right off the bat, windmills were built based on a false premise.

So where are the adults, the solid level headed thinkers who direct capital based on need and efficiency? Gone with the wind, we are basing our infrastructure capital investing based on lies of a political class that couldn’t care less about truth or efficiency.