Author Topic: Fauci Walks it Back, Shows How Much of a Dog Faced Pony Soldier He is  (Read 77 times)

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Fauci Walks it Back, Shows How Much of a Dog Faced Pony Soldier He is
Matthew Holloway -
February 18, 2021
Dr. Anthony Fauci has demonstrated that his “scientifically proven” and “trusted guidance” of the American people is…. flexible. Really flexible actually, so much so that he can walk back his own statements to retroactively true-up Kamala Harris’ proven, debunked lies. A “Lying Dog Faced Pony Soldier” indeed, pushing the “starting from scratch” lie that has been circulating, despite the fact that he debunked that particular lie.. himself.
First, Kamala Steps In It

Kamala started all of this off in an Axios interview stating “There was no stockpile, of vaccines. There was no national strategy or plan for vaccinations. We were leaving it to the states and local leaders to try and figure it out. So in many ways we’re starting from scratch”

Then to add further insult to injury, Joe Biden regurgitated a similar line during his dissembling CNN Townhall.,%20Shows%20How%20Much%20of%20a%20Dog%20Faced%20Pony%20Soldier%20He%20is