Author Topic: FACT CHECK? Kamala Lies to Axios with 'Start from Scratch' Vaccine Claim that Fauci Debunked  (Read 322 times)

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Offline PeteS in CA

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FACT CHECK? Kamala Lies to Axios with 'Start from Scratch' Vaccine Claim that Fauci Debunked

Isn't it fascinating that the liberal media lecture us about all the dangers of misinformation about the coronavirus, but now the Biden-Harris team just keeps repeating nonsense about how they had to start "from scratch" on the vaccine? That there was "no plan"?

Even after CNN fell on its face running this claim from an anonymous source, only to be corrected by media darling Anthony Fauci, Vice President Kamala Harris said it out loud to Axios reporter and co-founder Mike Allen for the website's HBO show. Allen just accepted this garbage.

HARRIS: There was no stockpile! Right? It's, in many ways --

ALLEN: No stockpile of?

HARRIS: Of vaccines! Right? So we're looking at, there was no national strategy or plan for vaccinations. We were leaving it to the states and local leaders to try and figure it out. And so in many ways, we are starting from scratch on something that's been raging for almost an entire year.

So the vaccines were developed, Fast-Tracked, and tested by magic. States were advised in early September (or earlier) by garden gnomes that vaccines would be approved and ready for distribution, possibly as early as November? Those millions of doses delivered to states in December and January were pooped by unicorns?

Joe & Kammy are still lying, and MSM folk still aren't calling them on it even though it's grossly obvious that they're lying.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2021, 09:03:37 pm by PeteS in CA »
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

Offline PeteS in CA

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An example of a Biden MalAdministration twerp lying:

Trump vaccine plan left logistics to states, but it did exist

On Meet the Press, Chuck Todd asked Klain about conflicting comments by Biden officials about whether the new administration had to create a vaccination distribution plan from scratch.

Klain said Biden was building on progress from the initial wave of vaccinations, "no question about it."

"But the process to distribute the vaccine, particularly outside of nursing homes and hospitals out into the community as a whole did not really exist when we came into the White House," Klain said.

Really? We found that’s taking things too far.

Many experts said that the Trump administration’s plan had some key holes, including a failure to communicate with the states and cities about the rollout and inadequate funding for vaccine distribution. But it did have a plan: rely on the states.

"The federal plan, much like the rest of the federal response to the coronavirus pandemic, was very hands off when it comes to details of implementing public health interventions," said Josh Michaud, associate director of global health policy at the Kaiser Family Foundation. "The last mile of vaccine delivery was not a big part of the federal plan by design."
At the same time, it’s clear there was some level of coordination. The U.S. would not have been able to give shots to millions of people, enroll tens of thousands of private providers, and set up a data collection system tying in all 50 states if the federal and state governments had done no planning.

This statement is false, "... including a failure to communicate with the states and cities about the rollout ...". The Feds informed the states at least as early as September 4th that one or more vaccines could be approved as early as November.

OWS relied on states and counties to use their knowledge of state and local resources to do their local-level planning. Which some states have done, very effectively. What Politifact left out was context. In the context of 202, especially September, October, and into November, some major states' governors were all but at war with the Trump Administration. Those governors were working to defeat Trump. What was good for their states' citizens was secondary. Some of those governors were also telling their citizens and the nation that the coming vaccines could not be trusted, because Trump. In that context, any Federal vaccination plan that extended Federal control into what the states would do would have resulted in lawsuits and an impeachment effort. Because Trump.

Many/most of the states whose governors devoted more energy to fighting Trump than to organizing vaccine distribution are now lagging in that distribution. Unsurprisingly. The Feds gave the states ample notice. Some states used the following months to prepare, and their efforts have gone well. Other states governments chose not to prepare, and their performance reflects that choice.

The, "Without dollars to make them happen ..." excuse is a red herring. Why should the Feds fund states vaccination distribution? How did some states do so well before receiving Federal funding? Why are so many states still doing poorly now that they have Federal funding?
« Last Edit: February 16, 2021, 11:15:34 pm by PeteS in CA »
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

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WATCH: Larry Kudlow Caught On Hot-Mic ROASTING Kamala Harris
Dinesh D'Souza
Published February 16, 2021
The video is only 18 seconds. Larry mutters, "bull sh!t" when KommieLa makes her ridiculous assertion.
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