State Chapters > Arizona

if You Get Sick - Pay Attention To Yourself - Just Lost A Good Friend To COVID

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The following lists symptoms of different conditions.

If you think you have a "situation", please, please don't ignore it.

That sounds like the case.  For pneumonia, heavy congestion is typically the sign to look for.  A stethoscope and a trained ear would be handy for that.  For Covid, an O2 monitor would be the tool to use.

My condolences for your loss.  Yes, at some point we all need to bite the bullet and visit a medical professional when sick.  I lost a very close friend to a stroke just over a year ago who was like a sister to me.  I still think about her often.

PeteS in CA:
Sorry to hear of your loss, @HikerGuy83.

--- Quote from: Hoodat on January 31, 2021, 09:55:05 pm ---I'm confused.  Did he die of Covid, or did he die of pneumonia?  Both are treatable, but treatment is not the same for both.

--- End quote ---

Covid causes the pneumonia. So "Did he die of Covid, or did he die of pneumonia?" is a distinction without a difference. The pneumonia Covid causes is particularly nasty and tough to fight.

Beware the bureaucrats Covid screening questions. Reality can be more complex and less obvious. For example, the fever can be cyclical instead of constant, and the "dry cough" may actually be "productive" (mine was). It's an uber-simple 3 day process to get tested at Walgreens, and I think we taxpayers pay for it.


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