Author Topic: John Kerry falsely claims: It’s ‘cheaper to deal with the crisis of climate than it is to ignore it’  (Read 187 times)

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John Kerry falsely claims: It’s ‘cheaper to deal with the crisis of climate than it is to ignore it’ – Reality check: There is no ‘crisis’ & ‘solutions’ would have no impact

Morano: "Would anyone purchase fire insurance on their home that had a huge upfront premium for virtually no payout if your home burned down? If you answered YES to such an 'insurance' policy, then Congress, the EPA, and the UN have a deal for you with their 'climate' regulations. The sponsors of the Green New Deal ought to be able to show that its benefits outweigh its costs—or at least that it has benefits! How much does the proposed new deal allegedly reduce temperature and storminess? Zero!

If we actually did face a man-made climate crisis and we had to rely on the U.S. Congress or the United Nations to save us, we would all be DOOMED."

By: Marc Morano - Climate DepotJanuary 30, 2021 8:42 AM with 0 comments

Climate Depot Analysis

    I've said this before, but if you think the costs of doing something about climate change are high, wait till you see how much it costs us to do nothing!

    — Ezra Klein (@ezraklein) January 27, 2021