Author Topic: Can’t Be CO2! Scientists Surprised, Discover Mississippi Basin Was Almost 4°F WARMER 700 Years Ago  (Read 153 times)

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Can’t Be CO2! Scientists Surprised, Discover Mississippi Basin Was Almost 4°F WARMER 700 Years Ago

By P Gosselin on 26. January 2021

Another paleo-climatological study reveals that the Mississippi river basin was 2°C warmer than today 700 years ago, another indication that the Medieval Warm Period (MWP) was warmer globally than today.

This is bad news for the zealot backers of the man-made global warming hypothesis.

Today as atmospheric CO2 concentrations climb beyond 400 ppm, climate alarmists insist that the globe is hotter today than at any time in the past 1000 years, possibly even since civilization started 8000 years ago.

Yet, new studies increasingly show the claim to be false, and thus CO2’s impact on global warming has been hugely overstated.

2*C warmer 700 years ago