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The Right's being backed into a corner

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--- Quote from: Absalom on February 08, 2021, 06:37:45 pm ---------------------------------
Predictably, your comment is on the mark.
Arguably our morass has been self-inflicted by politics, left and right.
Commencing w/the Assembly of Greece, onto the Senate of Rome
then to the pre-Parliamentary bodies of Medieval Europe up thru the
Renaissance; Monarchy was the governing norm, worldwide.
Yet wise men always had their say while prudent rulers listened & understood.
Over those 2,000 years Principle was paramount while 'our politics' was non-existent.
Yet what is now asserted by our relentless yappers???
Why the solution to our morass is "better politics/politicians"; the very creatures
who led us into this abyss ????????????????
When we rid our selves of our sanctimonious pretensions of greatness, we will
have a chance to redeem the values and virtues that birthed our nation.
Other wise we wont, joining that sad list of history's failed cultures/societies!!!

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Sadly, a fait accompli, or nearly so. With the Right unable or unwilling to stand upon the principles they purport to defend, There is nothing to stand in the breach. And the flood WILL come.


--- Quote from: Cyber Liberty on February 08, 2021, 11:27:16 pm ---The Hispanic population is very, very large there.

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@Cyber Liberty

Yes,I know. That usually means less prejudice  in my experience,though. With more people of Mexican extraction living in a area,more people who been exposed to them though everyday life that they lose a lot of their prejudices.

I guess this might be different for others,though. I am part Indian myself and have black eyes,so the ones I have met might have thought I was one of them.

The reason for this problem is that good people just try to live their lives, working and raising their families. They are not looking to gain power and enslave the rest of the people. On the other side, we have the socialist leaders, mostly composed of psychopathic individuals acting in cooperative mode, seeking to live out their naturally exacerbated aggressiveness and enslave the good people.

There is a difference in the brain functioning of socialist leaders (psychopaths) compared to the brains of ordinary people. So while normal people work and raise their families, the pack of sociopaths hunt down individuals and now, the whole society.  As they did in Cuba, China, Venezuela...

I made a text explaining this difference in historical and scientific terms, based on the work of the Polish physician Andrew Lobaczweski. His findings are revealing and explain exactly what we are facing now.

It is not necessary for people to suffer in order to wake up, if they can be made aware of what they are fighting against. Please read the text and share it. We need everyone to understand the evil that lurks in front of us.  The more people understand this, the easier it will be for people to act locally to save America.

Link -->  http://www.gopbriefingroom.com/index.php/topic,424671.0.html  <-- "Analysis - Psychopaths Seeking Power. The World today - 2021"

No one in Washington DC is watching out for the unwashed masses.  They've sold us out to the Globalists and the Chamber of Commerce.

Many of the Republicans representing us in Washington, DC, are unprincipled, spineless, selfish, opportunists reminiscent of John Kerry.  They stand for nothing but oppose everything.  They would have surrendered the Alamo to Santa Ana to save their own rumps.


--- Quote from: DefiantMassRINO on March 04, 2021, 08:50:18 pm ---No one in Washington DC is watching out for the unwashed masses.  They've sold us out to the Globalists and the Chamber of Commerce.

Many of the Republicans representing us in Washington, DC, are unprincipled, spineless, selfish, opportunists reminiscent of John Kerry.  They stand for nothing but oppose everything.  They would have surrendered the Alamo to Santa Ana to save their own rumps.

--- End quote ---

You're absolutely right. But here's the problem with that: Republicans keep on electing them.


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