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The Right's being backed into a corner

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I don't think that "liberalism" is what these people represent.A liberal used to be someone who is open-minded and who respects people's rights. You think Schumer, AOC and Kamala Harris are liberals? They're Stalinist hard-left ideologues with steroided Napoleonic complexes, not liberals.


--- Quote from: roamer_1 on February 05, 2021, 01:22:48 am ---The Right is not represented at all...

And it hasn't been for most of my life.

Liberalism is not winning on its merit - It has no merit.
Liberalism is winning because it has no opposition.

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 :amen:  :patriot:

The left lunatics cry that a rebellion took place in January.  Heck, if there had been a rebellion, a number of them would not be here to complain.

There is no doubt a great wrong has taken place with the last election.  The Dems stole the election, and I consider it treason worthy of a rope for all involved. 

Right now, Republicans control 28 state legislatures.  In every one of those states, electronic voting should be snuffed out and replaced with manual voting only.  Anyone with a systems background knows how easy it is to monkey around with any system.  Secure elections my *ss!!!!


--- Quote from: truth_seeker on January 28, 2021, 10:30:53 pm ---I have been married to an olive complected Italian beauty, for over 50 years.


More than once, she has been  mistaken for an Hispanic.

It is not a bad thing.

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   WHO here ever said,or even implied that being mistaken for a His or Her Panic is a bad thing?

If anyone did,I sure missed it,and you had better believe that I would have spoken out because in MY opinion,Americans of Mexican extraction are some of the best damn people on the planet.

I just wish they would drop that ridiculous "His or Her-Panic" thing. There is nothing shameful about having native American blood.

Cyber Liberty:

--- Quote from: sneakypete on February 08, 2021, 03:14:58 pm ---@truth_seeker

   WHO here ever said,or even implied that being mistaken for a His or Her Panic is a bad thing?

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It's SoCal....


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