Author Topic: Biden Stops Border Wall Construction, Rolling Out the Red Carpet For More Illegal Migration  (Read 213 times)

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Biden Stops Border Wall Construction, Rolling Out the Red Carpet For More Illegal Migration
avatar By Pawel Styrna   January 26, 2021 No Comments

One of Joe Biden’s actions on his very first day in office as the 46th President of the United States was to issue a proclamation ending the previous administration’s national emergency declaration and halting all border wall construction on our border with Mexico (the construction officially comes to an end on the night of Tuesday, January 26). Thus, with a few strokes of a pen, President Biden has sent a signal to prospective illegal aliens that an America under his watch is no longer serious about border security. And, in conjunction with his flurry of other executive actions on immigration, the new president has – whether he realizes it or not – essentially unfurled a red carpet on the southwestern border and paved the way for another migrant crisis.

Admittedly, it is understandable that politicians may wish to undo the policies of their opponents/predecessors. As many Democrats would point out, Donald Trump undoubtedly reversed – or attempted to roll back – Barack Obama’s “legacy.” It is also true that candidate Biden indeed vowed to halt all border wall construction, so his first-day move may simply be explained as a politician fulfilling his promises and keeping his base happy. Even so, a prudent leader must avoid taking actions that are reckless and irresponsible – which is exactly what the presidential proclamation in question is.