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Offline Sled Dog

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Re: Stop the Third Party Insanity
« Reply #50 on: January 29, 2021, 11:27:05 pm »
John C. Breckinridge and John Bell were the others @Sled Dog.

Thank you.  It was late and I didn't want to look it up.   
The GOP is not the party leadership.  The GOP is the party MEMBERSHIP.   The members need to kick the leaders out if they leaders are going the wrong way.  No coddling allowed.

Offline skeeter

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Re: Stop the Third Party Insanity
« Reply #51 on: January 29, 2021, 11:29:36 pm »

That's all very nice.

if we'd held any Rodent president of the last 100 years to the same standard, they'd have been impeached on a weekly basis.

He tweets mean.   Boo hoo hoo.   Meanwhile, we got hundreds of miles of border fence built, deported criminals, EXECUTED criminals, got people out of prison who shouldn't have been there, didn't get any new wars...funny how you tried to equate Twitter feuds with MEN DYING ON BATTLE FIELDS...yeah, that ain't flying. 

As I've said, he didn't have the experience to make the right approach.   Sessions should have been fired within two weeks, simply because there was no indictment of Hillary being processed.  Same for the next AG, same for the one after that, until Hillary was indicted for more than a hundred individual violations of the Espionage Act.

Paris Climage Garbage should have been shoved into the Senate for ratification with the recommendation to reject it.   Same with the bogus Iran "deal".   Those should have been tossed to McConnell the first Monday after Trump's inauguration. 

He lacked EXPERIENCE and he foolishly trusted the professionals around him to assist him.

As compared to ANY RINO candidate from 1988 on, and EVERY Rodent in the country, all of whom resemble a puppet skunk my kids had named "Mushroom", which had a big hole in it's crotch for anyone to put a hand in and make it do and say anything.

Maybe we don't want "nice" tweets.  "We" being the real Americans. 

Maybe we want tweets that hammer the enemy; the enemy being the Rodents, their complicit tools in the media, the RINOs and the Wall Street war-profiteers.

Offline Sled Dog

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Re: Stop the Third Party Insanity
« Reply #52 on: January 29, 2021, 11:37:28 pm »
Well, @Sled Dog I labored within the belly of the Republican Party for more than forty years. Right up to the middle of the 2016 national convention before I left  (Changing the rules in the middle of the fight was too much for me.) and I'm not one bit sorry for doing that either.

Forty years of empty promises and outright lies being told directly to my face took a toll on me and I'm done with that forever. 

I was as never Trump as they came in 2016 and never voted for him until this year but I will tell you that he turned out to be the best president we have had at least since Ronald Reagan. IMHO we owe Donald John Trump a debt that we can never repay for ripping the mask off official Washington. 

The Republic is now dead and we won't get it back without the spilling of much blood so there isn't much point in discussing HOW that happened now.

Aye, know what you mean.   I gave up on the CA GOP because all the higher-ups in the party structure I talked to in 1996 were pushing the idea that the goverrnor of Taxechusetts was going to be the up-and-coming savior of the GOP.   I'd heard some things about the guy, and remembered just a couple years before that he couldn't even give a straight answer to a Pony-Tail guy at a town-hall debate show...all he had to do was tell the clown "ask not what your country can do for you, pal.  What can you do for your country?" and he would have embarassed ol' Drunken Teddy off the stage.   

So the CA GOP died because of an overdose of RINO blood, and lost me as well.

Trump is why I registered as GOP a few years back...I was a Libertarian Party member, but the stench of them playing "third party help the Rodents" was overpowering.  Nobody should vote LP, not ever.  That party needs to die, it's a tool of the DNC.

BTW, the official death of the Republic was logged when the 17th Amendment was ratified, but that's not for here.   And blood is not yet the only answer.   Taking back as many state legislatures as we can will prevent that, I believe.  That, and then forcing an Article V Convention of the States to repair about 170 years of damage to the Constitution.
The GOP is not the party leadership.  The GOP is the party MEMBERSHIP.   The members need to kick the leaders out if they leaders are going the wrong way.  No coddling allowed.

Offline Jazzhead

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Re: Stop the Third Party Insanity
« Reply #53 on: January 29, 2021, 11:37:34 pm »
Well, you opened up this topic. So please enlighten me as to what is good and right about our Republic. She is quickly sinking into an abyss. I'm not talking about the past, I am talking about since Biden has taken office.  Yes, I realize he's only been in for a very short period of time, but the destruction has already started.

You're absolutely right that we're in a tough spot right now.   The Trump administration ended just as badly as it possibly could,  and so much of it was self-inflicted.    Too many voters viewed the choice as a lesser of two evils.    I knew damn well that Trump's policies would have been better for the country,  better for me and my family.  But the man was unstable;  I feared it,  but I had no idea four months ago that he would take down his reputation and disgrace himself by fomenting (my carefully chosen and I believe accurate word) a physical assault by a thousand-strong mob on the building where an active, full Congress was in session to conduct Constitutionally-required business.

Yes, it was the most incredible Presidential screw-up in the history of this nation.   

And the Dems are revved up to exploit it,  and wave the Trump bloody shirt long and proudly.   They are certainly keen to distract attention from their progressive, prosperity-killing green and woke agenda,   and the weapon is tying Trump's supporters to Trump with a scarlet T. 

They are suckering you all in.    If you care about saving the agenda,  them defuse the issue of Trump the Insurrectionist once and for all.   Admit he phucked up,  and censure the man.   Yes,  the Republicans need to acknowledge what the rest of us saw and heard -  Trump transgressed all norms in his post-election obsession.   

Here's Rich Lowery and Ramesh Ponnuru, in the 12/31 NR:

It had long been obvious that if Trump lost the election, his exit would be graceless.

. . .

Yet Trump hasn't even managed to clear the bar of realistic expectations for his post-election conduct. Even before the counting had ended, he declared himself the winner by a landslide.  He spread rank disinformation on his Twitter account every day and pursued lawsuits that sought, based on the thinnest of justifications, to throw out millions of votes and invalidate state elections.  He lobbied Reuublican officials to refuse to certify results and to award him the electors in states he lost, and failed only because the Republicans knew such acts would be a gross violation of the public trust at best and illegal at worst.

All in all, it's the worst thing he's done in his presidency and the worst exit of a defeated president in U.S. history, an effort that is not less infamous for being incompetent and risible. 

That's how millions , I'll bet, of conservatives just like me think of Donald Trump right now.    I don't hate the man,  but I sure do hate letting him skate.   Because the price of letting his skate - and by that I mean the opprobrium of his party - is to give the Dems the weapon they need to give Trump supporters the full cancel culture treatment,  and ram through their progressive agenda.

Sometimes you have to do the tough thing if it is the right thing.   

It's crackers to slip a rozzer the dropsy in snide.

Trumpism can only survive with new branding. 


« Last Edit: January 29, 2021, 11:39:14 pm by Jazzhead »
It's crackers to slip a rozzer the dropsy in snide

Offline Mesaclone

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Re: Stop the Third Party Insanity
« Reply #54 on: January 30, 2021, 12:06:26 am »
You're absolutely right that we're in a tough spot right now.   The Trump administration ended just as badly as it possibly could,  and so much of it was self-inflicted.    Too many voters viewed the choice as a lesser of two evils.    I knew damn well that Trump's policies would have been better for the country,  better for me and my family.  But the man was unstable;  I feared it,  but I had no idea four months ago that he would take down his reputation and disgrace himself by fomenting (my carefully chosen and I believe accurate word) a physical assault by a thousand-strong mob on the building where an active, full Congress was in session to conduct Constitutionally-required business.

Yes, it was the most incredible Presidential screw-up in the history of this nation.   

And the Dems are revved up to exploit it,  and wave the Trump bloody shirt long and proudly.   They are certainly keen to distract attention from their progressive, prosperity-killing green and woke agenda,   and the weapon is tying Trump's supporters to Trump with a scarlet T. 

They are suckering you all in.    If you care about saving the agenda,  them defuse the issue of Trump the Insurrectionist once and for all.   Admit he phucked up,  and censure the man.   Yes,  the Republicans need to acknowledge what the rest of us saw and heard -  Trump transgressed all norms in his post-election obsession.   

Here's Rich Lowery and Ramesh Ponnuru, in the 12/31 NR:

That's how millions , I'll bet, of conservatives just like me think of Donald Trump right now.    I don't hate the man,  but I sure do hate letting him skate.   Because the price of letting his skate - and by that I mean the opprobrium of his party - is to give the Dems the weapon they need to give Trump supporters the full cancel culture treatment,  and ram through their progressive agenda.

Sometimes you have to do the tough thing if it is the right thing.   

It's crackers to slip a rozzer the dropsy in snide.

Trumpism can only survive with new branding. 



Given the highlighted portions, I now understand your self delusion regarding President Trump and the Dems agenda and tactics. You see, the Dems demonize EVERY strong conservative/Republican movement and doesn't matter if its Trump...or Limbaugh...or Reagan...or Brett Kavanaugh. They will use the media to tar and feather that person...or group in cases like the Tea hopes that conservatives and folks like yourself will then determine that such a group/person is now "radioactive". This is how they seek to kill any conservative movement that is not milque-toast and/or elitist in nature. The more their faux reality is at risk in the face of unapologetic conservatism...which IS Trump's branding...the more they freak out and use the media to make that person "canceled". In running away from President are buying into the "cancel"...your reaction is EXACTLY what these people want and work for, and you are giving them just what they want. Useful idiot is the term, I believe.

The President did NOTHING improper and NOTHING that should be censured...or even disapproved of. He fought to expose fraud in the election and NEVER, EVER, NEVER called for anything but legal and reasonable action to address it. He called for peaceful protest, constitutional remedies and legal actions to redress this massive and unprecedented theft of an election...and that is all he did. A very small number of people rioted and overreacted...but not because of anything the President said or did...they responded out of outrage at the theft of an election. And the President himself condemned that overreaction.

That is the genuine are simply echoing a deliberately false, planned, and media supported narrative put forward by Dems and NeverTrumper establishment types. Clearly, we need a "woke" moment on the Right in which folks like you who are blindly swallowing the MSM's version of events (which is quite literally nothing more than Dem propaganda), open their eyes and look at reality.

And let me add, unlike yourself, most Republicans and conservatives see through this baloney...we've seen this play before, and its not fooling anyone...well, almost anyone. The silver lining of all this garbage is that most on the Right now see who fights for them...and who is complicit with the Left's misinformation, lies and tyrannical tendencies. Most will no longer support the Cheney's, Portman's, Ducey's and other Quislings who ALWAYS sell out to the Left.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2021, 12:14:04 am by Mesaclone »
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Offline libertybele

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Re: Stop the Third Party Insanity
« Reply #55 on: January 30, 2021, 12:15:46 am »
Aye, know what you mean.   I gave up on the CA GOP because all the higher-ups in the party structure I talked to in 1996 were pushing the idea that the goverrnor of Taxechusetts was going to be the up-and-coming savior of the GOP.   I'd heard some things about the guy, and remembered just a couple years before that he couldn't even give a straight answer to a Pony-Tail guy at a town-hall debate show...all he had to do was tell the clown "ask not what your country can do for you, pal.  What can you do for your country?" and he would have embarassed ol' Drunken Teddy off the stage.   

So the CA GOP died because of an overdose of RINO blood, and lost me as well.

Trump is why I registered as GOP a few years back...I was a Libertarian Party member, but the stench of them playing "third party help the Rodents" was overpowering.  Nobody should vote LP, not ever.  That party needs to die, it's a tool of the DNC.

BTW, the official death of the Republic was logged when the 17th Amendment was ratified, but that's not for here.   And blood is not yet the only answer.   Taking back as many state legislatures as we can will prevent that, I believe.  That, and then forcing an Article V Convention of the States to repair about 170 years of damage to the Constitution.

At one point in time I would have agreed with you about calling a Convention of States when the predominate state legislatures were conservative and were the majority. 

I don't see any chance of states maintaining their conservative legislatures nor more states becoming conservative because of the DEMS ability to manipulate and steal elections; they tried in 2018 and were successful in 2020 (obviously).

So, to call a Convention of States right now would be extremely detrimental and hopefully it will never happen.

I am not familiar enough with the Libertarian party to comment.  The GOP deserves to die as well.

A new party/gov't needs to be inserted.  Leadership is needed and is paramount in figuring out where we go from here.
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Offline skeeter

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Re: Stop the Third Party Insanity
« Reply #56 on: January 30, 2021, 12:24:55 am »
You're absolutely right that we're in a tough spot right now.   The Trump administration ended just as badly as it possibly could,  and so much of it was self-inflicted.    Too many voters viewed the choice as a lesser of two evils.    I knew damn well that Trump's policies would have been better for the country,  better for me and my family.  But the man was unstable;  I feared it,  but I had no idea four months ago that he would take down his reputation and disgrace himself by fomenting (my carefully chosen and I believe accurate word) a physical assault by a thousand-strong mob on the building where an active, full Congress was in session to conduct Constitutionally-required business.

Yes, it was the most incredible Presidential screw-up in the history of this nation.   

And the Dems are revved up to exploit it,  and wave the Trump bloody shirt long and proudly.   They are certainly keen to distract attention from their progressive, prosperity-killing green and woke agenda,   and the weapon is tying Trump's supporters to Trump with a scarlet T. 

They are suckering you all in.    If you care about saving the agenda,  them defuse the issue of Trump the Insurrectionist once and for all.   Admit he phucked up,  and censure the man.   Yes,  the Republicans need to acknowledge what the rest of us saw and heard -  Trump transgressed all norms in his post-election obsession.   

Here's Rich Lowery and Ramesh Ponnuru, in the 12/31 NR:

That's how millions , I'll bet, of conservatives just like me think of Donald Trump right now.    I don't hate the man,  but I sure do hate letting him skate.   Because the price of letting his skate - and by that I mean the opprobrium of his party - is to give the Dems the weapon they need to give Trump supporters the full cancel culture treatment,  and ram through their progressive agenda.

Sometimes you have to do the tough thing if it is the right thing.   

It's crackers to slip a rozzer the dropsy in snide.

Trumpism can only survive with new branding. 

Meanwhile McCarthy is down in Mar a Lago kissing the ring. Lol

Offline roamer_1

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Re: Stop the Third Party Insanity
« Reply #57 on: January 30, 2021, 12:25:27 am »
Maybe we don't want "nice" tweets.  "We" being the real Americans. 

Maybe we want tweets that hammer the enemy; the enemy being the Rodents, their complicit tools in the media, the RINOs and the Wall Street war-profiteers.


So worried about bitchslapping and cat-fighting, when you should be worried about taking their power.
4 friggin years, and you've got nothing. Nothing but a big-ass bill.

I wish folks wouldn't get so distracted by the 'neener-neener' crap and demand some results for a change. Not only is the 12yr old mentality an embarrassment, but it is counter productive as well.

Who gives a sh*t if he can insult people. Insults are cheap.


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Re: Stop the Third Party Insanity
« Reply #58 on: January 30, 2021, 12:31:16 am »

So worried about bitchslapping and cat-fighting, when you should be worried about taking their power.
4 friggin years, and you've got nothing. Nothing but a big-ass bill.

I wish folks wouldn't get so distracted by the 'neener-neener' crap and demand some results for a change. Not only is the 12yr old mentality an embarrassment, but it is counter productive as well.

Who gives a sh*t if he can insult people. Insults are cheap.


Gotta get the masses to go along with the program, if the program is what you want, and throwing out ridicule sure beats constantly absorbing it.

Its worked for the left - see Alinsky.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2021, 12:32:56 am by skeeter »

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Re: Stop the Third Party Insanity
« Reply #59 on: January 30, 2021, 12:39:18 am »
Gotta get the masses to go along with the program, if the program is what you want, and throwing out ridicule sure beats constantly absorbing it.

Its worked for the left - see Alinsky.

You don't win just because you win. The win happens when you get results.
You got nothing. Or nearly nothing. Except the bill. And the waste of four more years.

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Re: Stop the Third Party Insanity
« Reply #60 on: January 30, 2021, 12:46:23 am »
You don't win just because you win. The win happens when you get results.
You got nothing. Or nearly nothing. Except the bill. And the waste of four more years.
We got nothing because the holders of power wanted us to get nothing. We have to win to get results.

One office ain't enough, not even the WH.

Pretty basic stuff.

Offline Jazzhead

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Re: Stop the Third Party Insanity
« Reply #61 on: January 30, 2021, 12:49:26 am »
Given the highlighted portions, I now understand your self delusion regarding President Trump and the Dems agenda and tactics. You see, the Dems demonize EVERY strong conservative/Republican movement and doesn't matter if its Trump...or Limbaugh...or Reagan...or Brett Kavanaugh. They will use the media to tar and feather that person...or group in cases like the Tea hopes that conservatives and folks like yourself will then determine that such a group/person is now "radioactive". This is how they seek to kill any conservative movement that is not milque-toast and/or elitist in nature. The more their faux reality is at risk in the face of unapologetic conservatism...which IS Trump's branding...the more they freak out and use the media to make that person "canceled". In running away from President are buying into the "cancel"...your reaction is EXACTLY what these people want and work for, and you are giving them just what they want. Useful idiot is the term, I believe.

No,  I can see clearly without blinders on.   I don't endorse the Dems'  exploitation of Trump to cancel his supporters,  but I certainly recognize it,  and can see how it tears friends and family apart.    That's how,  unfortunately,  these scumbags roll.  They fear honest debate.

But it doesn't take a partisan to see that what Trump did post-election - really, post-certification, as far as I'm concerned - was beyond the pale,  and the test for taking responsibility is to own up to events that, based on one's actions, were entirely foreseeable.   

The President did NOTHING improper and NOTHING that should be censured...or even disapproved of. He fought to expose fraud in the election and NEVER, EVER, NEVER called for anything but legal and reasonable action to address it. He called for peaceful protest, constitutional remedies and legal actions to redress this massive and unprecedented theft of an election...and that is all he did. A very small number of people rioted and overreacted...but not because of anything the President said or did...they responded out of outrage at the theft of an election. And the President himself condemned that overreaction.

His rhetoric was harsh, reckless and demonizing.   The expression "you reap what you sow" springs immediately to mind.

That is the genuine are simply echoing a deliberately false, planned, and media supported narrative put forward by Dems and NeverTrumper establishment types. Clearly, we need a "woke" moment on the Right in which folks like you who are blindly swallowing the MSM's version of events (which is quite literally nothing more than Dem propaganda), open their eyes and look at reality.

I'm not "blindly swallowing" anything.   I am recognizing what I see - Dems determined to exploit Trump to cancel his supporters and distract from their agenda.   

And let me add, unlike yourself, most Republicans and conservatives see through this baloney...we've seen this play before, and its not fooling anyone...well, almost anyone. The silver lining of all this garbage is that most on the Right now see who fights for them...and who is complicit with the Left's misinformation, lies and tyrannical tendencies. Most will no longer support the Cheney's, Portman's, Ducey's and other Quislings who ALWAYS sell out to the Left.

Trump didn't fight for you.   He fought for himself and fell victim to his own obsessions.   He accomplished great things as President.  Just about all of them are bound to be undone,  unless Republicans can fight for ideas and policies without the taint of disgrace.   An honest censure is not an exile to Elba.   It is a recognition that,  to keep the movement credible,  the extraordinary acts leading up to January 6 need to be called for what they are,  so they can be put behind us.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2021, 12:53:01 am by Jazzhead »
It's crackers to slip a rozzer the dropsy in snide

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Re: Stop the Third Party Insanity
« Reply #62 on: January 30, 2021, 12:51:55 am »
We got nothing because the holders of power wanted us to get nothing. We have to win to get results.

One office ain't enough, not even the WH.

Pretty basic stuff.

Right. Said that all along. FINALLY had everything set for a TEA party principled win, and everybody goes running off to the loudmouth oaf bleating expletives instead. TEA Party became the bagholders on the way in, and Conservatives the bagholders on the way out... and the American people miked for tens of trillions...

good times, fer sher.  *****rollingeyes*****

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Re: Stop the Third Party Insanity
« Reply #63 on: January 30, 2021, 12:55:23 am »
Right. Said that all along. FINALLY had everything set for a TEA party principled win, and everybody goes running off to the loudmouth oaf bleating expletives instead. TEA Party became the bagholders on the way in, and Conservatives the bagholders on the way out... and the American people miked for tens of trillions...

good times, fer sher.  *****rollingeyes*****
Gotta win hearts & minds to finally get real results, whether you like it or not. No one is gonna follow anyone who constantly berates them.

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Re: Stop the Third Party Insanity
« Reply #64 on: January 30, 2021, 01:09:33 am »
We got nothing because the holders of power wanted us to get nothing. We have to win to get results.

One office ain't enough, not even the WH.

Pretty basic stuff.

We got nothing because the GOPe bowed once again to liberalism, corruption and fraud. Even the SCOTUS looked the other way.  There is no winning with a party who FAILS to adhere to their principles, FAILS to fight for the Constitution and FAILS to realize that WE are the government and THEY work for us! The ONLY thing that they fought for was to get rid of Trump and to give 75 million Americans the middle finger. They needed to get rid of Trump because he was our voice and they needed to silence us. Is that the party that you want to rebuild on?  They haven't done anything but curtsy and bow to the left time and time again.  The only result that we have truly seen is them allowing the leftists to take us closer toward socialism.

That is not the party I want to belong to, nor IMHO a party that can be rebuilt. People keep repeating that we need to vote out the RINO's.  That hasn't happened and won't happen and would take many election cycles and even IF all the current RINO's were to be voted out, who would they be replaced with?  More liberals, more progressives, more socialists and marxists.

How does anyone even remotely fathom that there will be another election devoid of fraud or not manipulated by China??

The GOP is completely fractured and has no foundation left; and quite simply you cannot build something sturdy on a poor foundation.
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Re: Stop the Third Party Insanity
« Reply #65 on: January 30, 2021, 01:17:58 am »

I look forward to that wonderful day when you can express yourself without bashing Trump and the people who support him.  I have no idea if that day will ever arrive, because you seem to thrive on being everything you claim Trump is:  Thoroughly disagreeable, on just about every topic you care to pontificate upon.
For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death — if you’re unvaccinated — for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm. Sloe Joe Biteme 12/16
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Re: Stop the Third Party Insanity
« Reply #66 on: January 30, 2021, 01:20:19 am »

I look forward to that wonderful day when you can express yourself without bashing Trump and the people who support him.  I have no idea if that day will ever arrive, because you seem to thrive on being everything you claim Trump is:  Thoroughly disagreeable, on just about every topic you care to pontificate upon.

@Cyber Liberty don't hold your breath -- WE need you around.  :beer:
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Re: Stop the Third Party Insanity
« Reply #67 on: January 30, 2021, 02:21:06 am »
Gotta win hearts & minds to finally get real results, whether you like it or not. No one is gonna follow anyone who constantly berates them.

Carry on then... SOSDD. And the dog will inevitably return to it's vomit. Normalcy bias will kick in, nothing will change. And the next 'real conservative' will do the same as always, throwing fiscal conservatives and libertarian conservatives under the bus... To great cheering as the crown gathers round to get the candy thrown by the clown at the front of the parade. All for nothing but another eventual belly ache.


« Last Edit: January 30, 2021, 02:22:09 am by roamer_1 »

Offline Jazzhead

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Re: Stop the Third Party Insanity
« Reply #68 on: January 30, 2021, 02:42:54 am »

I look forward to that wonderful day when you can express yourself without bashing Trump and the people who support him.  I have no idea if that day will ever arrive, because you seem to thrive on being everything you claim Trump is:  Thoroughly disagreeable, on just about every topic you care to pontificate upon.

I am sorry you find me disagreeable.  I am trying express how I feel about where we are right now.    I think we have to stop playing the role the Dems want us to play. 
It's crackers to slip a rozzer the dropsy in snide

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Re: Stop the Third Party Insanity
« Reply #69 on: February 01, 2021, 04:49:44 am »
You're absolutely right that we're in a tough spot right now.   The Trump administration ended just as badly as it possibly could,  and so much of it was self-inflicted.    Too many voters viewed the choice as a lesser of two evils.    I knew damn well that Trump's policies would have been better for the country,  better for me and my family.  But the man was unstable;  I feared it,  but I had no idea four months ago that he would take down his reputation and disgrace himself by fomenting (my carefully chosen and I believe accurate word) a physical assault by a thousand-strong mob on the building where an active, full Congress was in session to conduct Constitutionally-required business.

Yes, it was the most incredible Presidential screw-up in the history of this nation.   

And the Dems are revved up to exploit it,  and wave the Trump bloody shirt long and proudly.   They are certainly keen to distract attention from their progressive, prosperity-killing green and woke agenda,   and the weapon is tying Trump's supporters to Trump with a scarlet T. 

They are suckering you all in.    If you care about saving the agenda,  them defuse the issue of Trump the Insurrectionist once and for all.   Admit he phucked up,  and censure the man.   Yes,  the Republicans need to acknowledge what the rest of us saw and heard -  Trump transgressed all norms in his post-election obsession.   

Here's Rich Lowery and Ramesh Ponnuru, in the 12/31 NR:

That's how millions , I'll bet, of conservatives just like me think of Donald Trump right now.    I don't hate the man,  but I sure do hate letting him skate.   Because the price of letting his skate - and by that I mean the opprobrium of his party - is to give the Dems the weapon they need to give Trump supporters the full cancel culture treatment,  and ram through their progressive agenda.

Sometimes you have to do the tough thing if it is the right thing.   

It's crackers to slip a rozzer the dropsy in snide.

Trumpism can only survive with new branding. 




...there are no real conservatives who are upset with The Last President.   Many are disappointed that he didn't hit hard enough, but we realize that Trump was a true outsider and was not expecting the completeness of the corruption that is the nation's capitol.

But there are the Real Conservative (TM) wusses of the George Will / Mittens Romney yellow stripe that have some faux outrage.   Those losers aren't Americans and their opinions have no influence on real conservatives.
The GOP is not the party leadership.  The GOP is the party MEMBERSHIP.   The members need to kick the leaders out if they leaders are going the wrong way.  No coddling allowed.

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Re: Stop the Third Party Insanity
« Reply #70 on: February 01, 2021, 06:11:40 am »
The more the never Trumpers and the Trump intolerant demand no 3rd party, the better a 3rd party sounds.  Like democrats, they speak in opposites when giving advice, just like democrats do.
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Re: Stop the Third Party Insanity
« Reply #71 on: February 01, 2021, 06:24:57 am »
The more the never Trumpers and the Trump intolerant demand no 3rd party, the better a 3rd party sounds.  Like democrats, they speak in opposites when giving advice, just like democrats do.

I don't see that. 

75M Americans chose Pres. Trump.  Not all of them were registered Republicans.

But even if 65 Million were GOP registered, that's a higher number than he got in 2016 vs. Hillary.'s Donald's Trump's GOP to take over.  It's HIS Party if he wants it.  And my guess is...he does.

Right now, he's setting up the infrastructure on getting his message/voice to the People.  It's why Twitter banned him already.
"It aint what you don't know that kills you.  It's what you know that aint so!" ...Theodore Sturgeon

"Journalism is about covering the news.  With a pillow.  Until it stops moving."    - David Burge (Iowahawk)

"It was only a sunny smile, and little it cost in the giving, but like morning light it scattered the night and made the day worth living" F. Scott Fitzgerald

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Re: Stop the Third Party Insanity
« Reply #72 on: February 01, 2021, 06:42:10 am »

What is this guy talking about?  We no longer have a republic.  NO GOP.  With all the voter fraud, we are now a communist country.  STOP WRITING KURT.   Third party would be us with pitchforks, but biden has the military to protect him, the fraud.

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Re: Stop the Third Party Insanity
« Reply #73 on: February 01, 2021, 06:50:53 am »
You're absolutely right that we're in a tough spot right now.   The Trump administration ended just as badly as it possibly could,  and so much of it was self-inflicted.    Too many voters viewed the choice as a lesser of two evils.    I knew damn well that Trump's policies would have been better for the country,  better for me and my family.  But the man was unstable;  I feared it,  but I had no idea four months ago that he would take down his reputation and disgrace himself by fomenting (my carefully chosen and I believe accurate word) a physical assault by a thousand-strong mob on the building where an active, full Congress was in session to conduct Constitutionally-required business.

Yes, it was the most incredible Presidential screw-up in the history of this nation.   

And the Dems are revved up to exploit it,  and wave the Trump bloody shirt long and proudly.   They are certainly keen to distract attention from their progressive, prosperity-killing green and woke agenda,   and the weapon is tying Trump's supporters to Trump with a scarlet T. 

They are suckering you all in.    If you care about saving the agenda,  them defuse the issue of Trump the Insurrectionist once and for all.   Admit he phucked up,  and censure the man.   Yes,  the Republicans need to acknowledge what the rest of us saw and heard -  Trump transgressed all norms in his post-election obsession.   

Here's Rich Lowery and Ramesh Ponnuru, in the 12/31 NR:

That's how millions , I'll bet, of conservatives just like me think of Donald Trump right now.    I don't hate the man,  but I sure do hate letting him skate.   Because the price of letting his skate - and by that I mean the opprobrium of his party - is to give the Dems the weapon they need to give Trump supporters the full cancel culture treatment,  and ram through their progressive agenda.

Sometimes you have to do the tough thing if it is the right thing.   

It's crackers to slip a rozzer the dropsy in snide.

Trumpism can only survive with new branding. 


Your first line...IS AS WRONG AS IT CAN BE.  Stop pretending there was no,  MAJOR VOTER FRAUD.  90 million people voted for POTUS TRUMP...maybe more.  WE ARE NOW A COMMUNIST COUNTRY. No more republic.  Can you all stop pretending?  WE ARE A COMMUNIST COUNTRY.  Didn't read anymore more by you, as ALL IS IRRELEVANT.  Things will not be 'better' for you either with biden & hoe in charge.  PATRIOT PARTY...with much blood shed.

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Re: Stop the Third Party Insanity
« Reply #74 on: February 01, 2021, 06:54:32 am »
Maybe this can help Jazzhead.  I have a lot of respect for WILL. 

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