Author Topic: Liberal Rag Just Admitted: LOCKDOWNS DO NOTHING!  (Read 112 times)

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Liberal Rag Just Admitted: LOCKDOWNS DO NOTHING!
« on: January 22, 2021, 02:35:50 pm »

Liberal Rag Just Admitted: LOCKDOWNS DO NOTHING!
January 20, 2021danLeave a Comment on Liberal Rag Just Admitted: LOCKDOWNS DO NOTHING!
Even people that are complete and total liars end up telling the truth once in a while.

Sure it might be something as simple as what their own names are, but at the end of the day, everyone is right now and then.

Like the issues with the lockdowns. Everyone and their brother knows that these lockdowns are minimal if anything to stopping the spread of COVID. However, the people in charge are using it as a way to test what they can get us to do as long as they tell us the government said we have to do it.

For almost one year, dictatorial Democrat governors and hypocritical Democrat lawmakers have been demanding that Americans get under their beds and stay there until the Chinese virus pandemic passes. It could take months, or maybe even years until the virus with a 99% survival rate is no longer infecting citizens, but don’t worry, they told us—the government will take care of you.

Many Americans believe the drastic COVID lockdowns put in place by Democrat governors that led to financial ruin for many American business owners, is a clear step in the direction of Socialism and even Communism.