Author Topic: Trump Administration Designates China’s Treatment of Uighurs as Genocide  (Read 214 times)

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Lawrence Person's BattleSwarm Blog 1/21/2021

On the way out the door, the Trump Administration made one more stab at moral clarity by declaring China’s treatment of their Uighur minority was genocide:

    The world has watched with shock over the past three years as the Chinese Communist Party constructed a vast, racist system of concentration camps, forced labor, and high-tech surveillance in the far-Western region of Xinjiang. Now, the U.S. government has decided to call these multifaceted horrors what they are: Crimes against humanity and genocide.

    “Since the Allied forces exposed the horrors of Nazi concentration camps, the refrain ‘Never again’ has become the civilized world’s rallying cry against these horrors,” said Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in a statement announcing the decision. “Just because an atrocity is perpetrated in a manner that is different than what we have observed in the past, does not make it any less an atrocity.”

    The barbaric conduct that Pompeo has now deemed crimes against humanity and genocide stems from the Communist Party’s desire to annihilate the Uyghurs and other Turkic Muslims it has sought to supplant with Han Chinese settlers. As senior administration officials put it this afternoon, China’s actions aren’t at first blush the same as the mass killings at Srebrenica and in Rwanda. They are instead “a very patient evil,” designed to erase the Uyghurs over time through methods both tried-and-true and experimental.

    Since “there’s no evidence of systematic mass murder,” says Adrian Zenz, the researcher who has unearthed many of the revelations that led to today’s announcement, the Party’s forced-sterilization campaign “is the strongest piece of evidence, by far” of China’s genocidal campaign. It also seems to have had a huge influence on Pompeo, who, in a Wall Street Journal op-ed today, called it “key in my determination that the atrocities in Xinjiang rise to the level of genocide.”

As I mentioned previously, China’s forced sterilization campaign violates Article II of the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide:


Online GtHawk

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  • I don't believe in Trump anymore, he's an illusion
Look for Biden to say something in response like 'That's just a bunch of malarkey, everybosdy knows Trump is nuts, the Chinese are are just doing with the Uighurs what any benevolent parent would do with a child that needs tough love for their own good. I'm putting an end to this crazy insult to my good friends the Chiese immediately.'

And Chucky will add this in to the reasons why Orange Man bad and must be impeached while McTurtle and Mittens smile and nod their heads.