Author Topic: Rush: Incoming Biden Regime Tells Honduran Caravan It’s Not a Good Time to Invade America  (Read 1914 times)

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Incoming Biden Regime Tells Honduran Caravan It’s Not a Good Time to Invade America

Jan 18, 2021

RUSH: There’s a new caravan on the way — have you heard about this? — new caravan on the way up from Guatemala. And this is a funny story. “Biden transition official tells migrant caravans: ‘Now is not the time’ to come to U.S.” You could have fooled me. I am stunned that Plugs didn’t invite them to the inauguration. What kind of a statement would that be? One thousand members of the migrant caravan told to come on in. If you can get here, you are invited to the inauguration of Joe Biden as the next president of the United States.

I mean, the Democrats are rolling out the red carpet for these people. They’re just, “Now’s not the right time. Don’t come now.” When is the right time, then? “A migrant caravan moving from Honduras toward the U.S. border called on the incoming Biden administration to honor their ‘commitments'”, they think. The caravan people think that Biden has made a commitment to them, to allow them in the country. Well, they cite the incoming regime’s vow to ease Trump’s restrictions on asylum, and that’s exactly what the Biden team has done.

There’s gonna be a massive number of executive orders. We’re gonna go back to the Paris accords. We’re gonna do all kinds of things. Keystone pipeline, they’re gonna try to close that back down. And they’re gonna say, “welcome,” to these migrants in the caravan. Yesterday “an unnamed Biden transition official said that migrants hoping to claim asylum in the U.S. during the first few weeks of the new administration ‘need to understand they’re not going to be able to come into the United States immediately.'”

This is an NBC report.

So here we have the starving, thirsty, homeless, war-torn, miserable caravan members, 1,000 of ’em, and the regime, the incoming Biden regime, “No, no, no, now is not the time. You guys need to understand we’re on your team, we’re on your side, but you need to understand we’re not gonna be able to let you in immediately.”

Well, they’ve been misled because they were certainly assured by the Biden administration, the incoming regime (an “unnamed spokesman”) that they were gonna be welcomed in. “More than 1,000 Honduran migrants moved into Guatemala on Friday without registering [as] part of a larger caravan that left a Honduran city earlier in the day.

“The [AP] reported that they are hoping for a warmer reception when they reach the U.S. border, and a statement issued by migrant rights group Pueblo Sin Fronteras, on behalf of the caravan, said it expects the Biden administration to take action.” Now, I’m gonna tell you something. The Biden administration is going to be far more sympathetic to this group than they will to be to any conservative statement, complaint, you name it, about anything.

They’re gonna be really worried about not offending the caravan, the people in the caravan — and, of course, the domestic supporters of the caravan who have dub nothing but listen, and they’ve heard the Biden administration promise open borders, reversing the Trump policies on immigration. You can’t blame ’em for coming. You can’t blame ’em for trying to get in.

You can’t blame ’em for thinking you’re gonna be greeted with open arms. And now here comes an unnamed Biden regime spokesman. “You can’t come now! What do you think…? You can’t embarrass us. You can’t come now. You gotta wait.” Well, it’s too late. They’ve already started. They’re already en masse, on the way.

A Biden spokesman said, “The situation at the border isn’t going to be transformed overnight.” I don’t know what these people are thinking.
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