Author Topic: What Do We Do Now?  (Read 87 times)

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What Do We Do Now?
« on: January 17, 2021, 01:34:21 pm »
The Post & Email by Don Fredrick, The Complete Obama Timeline 1/16/2021


To state the obvious, either something astounding, magnificent, and earth-shattering will happen over the next few days and Donald J. Trump will remain in office (while hundreds of reprehensible political criminals in both parties are arrested for sedition, treason, conspiracy, election fraud, and perhaps child abduction and molestation), or Joseph R. Biden, an addle-brained old man with a fondness for fondling little girls, and his far-left, ineligible-to-serve sidekick, anchor baby Kamala “Kama Sutra” Harris, will take control of the Executive Branch of the United States government. The former possibility, however much tens of millions of Americans might wish for it to happen, is as unlikely as humility from Chris Cuomo, integrity from a Senate Republican, or Brian Stelter’s perspiration being the result of exercise.

The deep state readily got away with the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy—with the eager assistance of then-unknown Dan Rather, who traded support for Arlen Specter’s absurd “single-bullet theory” for a CIA-assisted boost up the CBS career ladder. Having gotten away with that despicable act, the deep state moved on to other innovative projects: fomenting a war in Vietnam, killing Martin Luther King, Jr. and Robert F. Kennedy (and perhaps John F. Kennedy, Jr. as well, so that Hillary Rodham Clinton would not have to face him in a Senate primary race in New York), running drugs by foot across our southern border and by air into Mena, Arkansas (see: Clinton, William Jefferson), inciting wars around the world to boost defense contractor profits, rigging overseas elections, controlling the media, and working to ensure that Americans are so busy hating and fighting each other that they never find the time to hate and fight the politicians who are running the economy into the ground and shoving borderless, global socialism down their throats—all for the benefit of a handful of corporate behemoths and morality-free billionaires pursuing power and wealth as much as Chuck Schumer seeks television cameras and Nancy Pelosi seeks Smirnoff.

Vote fraud, whether by the deep state or small groups of corrupt thugs, is nothing new. It gave Lyndon B. Johnson a Senate seat in 1948 and John F. Kennedy the presidency in 1960. (Of course, being forced to take Johnson as his running mate turned out to be a less-than-wise choice for JFK—if he even had a choice.) Ronald Reagan upset the establishment apple cart in 1980, and he was forced to accept deep-stater and former CIA chief George H. W. Bush as his vice president. Bush’s real bosses then almost succeeded in elevating him to the number one position on March 30, 1981. (A weak-minded person can apparently be persuaded to pull a trigger, but hypnosis does not guarantee good aim.)
